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Forum posts

Sidebery as blueprint for native Vertical Tabs design

Hi, I think the design and workflow of Sidebery (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sidebery/) add-on could be the reference for Firefox native Vertical Tabs implementation. Maybe even adopt the code and development, if that's easier. It...

rv by Making moves
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Recommendations for password managers

I'm not quite sure about the encryption method used by Firefox's password manager. Bitwarden uses end-to-end AES-256 bit encryption, salted hashing, and PBKDF2 SHA-256 authentication process to protect sensitive data, does Firefox's password manager ...

Here's my list of recommendations for the Firefo'x browser

1. Add vertical tab function and tab grouping function. Someone made this proposal in 2022 and got support from hundreds of people, but you haven't developed it yet.2. Modify the default settings of Firefox to improve privacy and security. Specific m...

Firefox's hidden potential: Important features disabled

There's a lot of features (privacy, security, performance) that aren't enabled by default, which is unfortunate. The features exist, despite many users forget to enable them or are unaware of their existence, which is why they end up not taking advan...

Krazy by Making moves
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Firefox Components (Customizlable browser!)

Hello everyone!I following this forum and I saw really good ideas since 2 days.So I just thinking if all our ideas added to this browser what happened?More features means more source, right?Some users needs lightweight browser and they wanting to dis...

schipht by Making moves
  • 7 replies
  • 17 kudos

firefox focus beta and nightly

 Make firefox focus beta and nightly worth it like firefox beta and nightly. Firefox focus stable, beta and nightly haves no difference between features. 

Jeppie by Making moves
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