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Forum posts

Non-Maximized Window shrinks amount of tabs shown too much

On 132.0.1, Windows 10, and 1920 x 1080.I prefer how the tabs looked before when the browser is not fully maximized - I want to see all most of my tabs at once. I don't want to use the arrow keys to scroll between tabs in the window. I find myself ne...

alleysan by Making moves
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Fix the loss of tabs

I run a lot of tabs, now 1171. The main reason I stopped using Chrome was that they would not open all tabs and windows when opening the browser.Now I'm having the issue that some times when opening Firefox the session doesn't get saved at all. So th...

Sidebery as blueprint for native Vertical Tabs design

Hi, I think the design and workflow of Sidebery (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sidebery/) add-on could be the reference for Firefox native Vertical Tabs implementation. Maybe even adopt the code and development, if that's easier. It...

rv by Making moves
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Enhancing the Incognito Mode Experience in Firefox

Dear Firefox Team,As you may have noticed, other browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Bing, etc. have implemented a visually distinct transition when switching to Incognito Mode. Instead of relying solely on a symbol or icon on the tab bu...

Teknevra by Making moves
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[Newtabpage] customization,refinments and common sense.

1. Please stop sending DNS requests/Prefetching to websites pinned in my top website section (shortcuts) every time I start my browser.2. Thumbnails of my shortcuts should be stored locally so that they are not deleted along with the entire browser h...

Igy by Making moves
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Working with Tabs

Firefox already has lots of good capabilities, but somehow doesn't yet seem to 'put it all together':I can select multiple tabs in the windows themselves, or in Library, but not in Firefox ViewI can drag multiple tabs from one window to another in wi...

Scriprip by Making moves
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Chromium Linux is "De-Googled": It is time to Mozilla-ify it!

Chromium for Linux has been stripped of Google sync and other such silly things. It's time to Mozilla-ify it with: Mozilla VPN for Chromium plug-in. This would be in-browser VPN for $4.99/month #MozillaSync plugin for Chromium to sync between Firefox...

Eirikr by Making moves
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A big thanks!

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but I just want to say a big thanks to Firefox for improving the functionality of the URL bar. I'm not sure when it happened but I've been using it for a few months now and it super easy and quick to f...