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Forum posts

Enhancing the Incognito Mode Experience in Firefox

Dear Firefox Team,As you may have noticed, other browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Bing, etc. have implemented a visually distinct transition when switching to Incognito Mode. Instead of relying solely on a symbol or icon on the tab bu...

Teknevra by Making moves
  • 5 replies
  • 3 kudos

Mobile downloads hard to do in bulk

Hey, downloading stuff in bulk on the mobile version of Firefox is hard to do because of the "Download" button that shows up every time you try to do so. I had to download 15 or so files a few days back and the second you miss the download button it'...

Prepare for a real browser on iOS in 2024

In 2024 apple will open up for alternative stores, this might open up for alternative browser engines. This I think would be a great incentive for Mozilla Firefox to prepare for launch of a real and good browser for iOS. Been waiting for this for way...

VeganFox by Making moves
  • 3 replies
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Mobile downloads hard to do in bulk

Hey, downloading stuff in bulk on the mobile version of Firefox is hard to do because of the "Download" button that shows up every time you try to do so. I had to download 15 or so files a few days back and the second you miss the download button it'...

Firefox's hidden potential: Important features disabled

There's a lot of features (privacy, security, performance) that aren't enabled by default, which is unfortunate. The features exist, despite many users forget to enable them or are unaware of their existence, which is why they end up not taking advan...

Krazy by Making moves
  • 4 replies
  • 1 kudos

Firefox Components (Customizlable browser!)

Hello everyone!I following this forum and I saw really good ideas since 2 days.So I just thinking if all our ideas added to this browser what happened?More features means more source, right?Some users needs lightweight browser and they wanting to dis...

schipht by Making moves
  • 7 replies
  • 17 kudos

Better caching iOS firefox

Mobile Firefox reloads page instead of showing from cache.It makes the experience unpleasant. Please consider improving caching in mobile Firefox for faster work.

_NN_ by Making moves
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos