Making moves
since ‎09-16-2023

User Statistics

  • 26 Posts
  • 15 Ideas Submitted
  • 96 Kudos given
  • 116 Kudos received

User Activity

I think it would be a good deal Mozilla to sponsor esports tournaments and also esports teams around the world giving to the Firefox brand lots of visibility and an good place to not only show their products (mainly Firefox) but also connect with the...
Convenience meaning:"a quality or situation that makes something easy or useful for someone by reducing the amount of work or time required to do something."Lack of convenience leads users to switch from one browser to another. I think this would be ...
This feature allow users (gamers) to surfing the web in an easy way while in the game instead of switching from window to window to access the game and the web browser app. All of this without interfere with your gaming experience.Examples:World of T...
A suggestion that I believe would greatly benefit Firefox would be the adoption of the technologies of the moment: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Deep Learning. Widely used by AMD and NVIDIA in their high-end GPUs for better graphics/performance ...
Bring back the < Back and Forward > buttons style from Firefox 3.6, but slightly modernized. This could restore some of Firefox's visual identity, as well as being a bit nostalgic.Example:Firefox 3.6 (running on Windows 7)The current appearance of Fi...