Making moves
since ‎03-01-2022

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  • 40 Posts
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It would be cool to have a transparent new tab-page to give Firefox on Mac more of a Mac feeling. Examples can be found in Safari as well as custom theme Glassfox.    
I would like a similar option to what Cookie AutoDelete provides where cookies to relevant websites get deleted when closing a tab (after x seconds). And have a white list of pages to keep cookies, and a grey list for cookies for a single session.
I would love that if I open a new tab and surf to an url I have pinned already, that Firefox closes the new tab and navigate to the pinned tab of that url. I often have a few news sites open, but have a habit of command+T'ing and type the site's url....
In 2024 apple will open up for alternative stores, this might open up for alternative browser engines. This I think would be a great incentive for Mozilla Firefox to prepare for launch of a real and good browser for iOS. Been waiting for this for way...
Start campaigning against the browser monopoly of Safari on iOS.