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Forum posts

Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly

Hi folks,  In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built in...

asafko by Employee
  • 20 replies
  • 5 kudos

Mozilla Connect Weekly Recap: Top-Voted Ideas (6/14-6/21)

Hey all, Happy Friday and welcome to another Weekly Recap here in the Mozilla Connect community! This post will highlight the top 10 most-voted ideas for the previous week (6/14-6/21). While some are ‘new ideas’ and others are already ‘in review’ (...

Jon by Community Manager
  • 0 replies
  • 1 kudos

Hotkeys? Yes, please!

Hello Connect Community!This is Nicole from the Fx Essentials Product Management Team. I am in the process of exploring some potential changes around hotkeys/keyboard shortcuts, as this is something that is being asked for quite a bit in the Connect ...

Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox

At Mozilla, we work hard to make Firefox the best browser for you. That’s why we're always focused on building a browser that empowers you to choose your own path, that gives you the freedom to explore without worry or compromises. We’re excited to s...

fx_website_meta-image_tips-tricks_alt-04 (1).jpg
Jon by Community Manager
  • 88 replies
  • 141 kudos

Improvements to the Firefox sidebar are on the way…

In the latest Nightly Blog post, our product team has announced some exciting work aimed at improving the sidebar experience in Firefox. To quickly summarize… We have been exploring (including listening to all your feedback and ideas here on Connect)...

Jon by Community Manager
  • 61 replies
  • 36 kudos

Share your thoughts on how you shop online!

Hello Firefox Community! I’m Joy, a member of the Firefox Product team. I’m excited to engage with you on Mozilla Connect and learn more about your experiences shopping online on Firefox. Our team is working on ways to support and enhance your online...

Upgrading your computer and moving your Firefox data

Hello, Connect community!Our team at Mozilla is trying to understand how we can make the transition from one computer to another easier for Firefox users who upgrade their devices. We would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. What worked for yo...

asafko by Employee
  • 65 replies
  • 18 kudos

I give up!

Mozilla Firefox has become so slow and fails so much that I have switched to Google Chrome.

My disapoinment. Bring Yandex back.

Very liked Firefox before latest update where you eliminated Yandex search. You have set a precedent for political engagement. I trust you less now. Keep Firefox users free to use what they want or you will become another evil-browser like Google.

display of pdf documents forced instead of download

With a recent update apparently the display of pdf documents is made default and overrules any corresponding firefox setting such as 'Always ask where to save file'. This is extremely annoying, since it forces the user to do another click ('download'...

Wux2000 by Making moves
  • 2 replies
  • 1 kudos

Верните Яндекс

США нападала и убивали жителей Югославии, Японии, Сирии, Ливии, Украины, Казахстана, Беларуси и т.д, устраивала розовые революции во многих странах мира, в том числе и Южной америки, России, Украине и т.д.. Вы поддерживаете нацистов? Гитлер, капут! Г...

RUSMARUS by Making moves
  • 1 replies
  • 11 kudos

Resolved! Why change my search (Yandex)????

Dear developers! What is the reason for removing Yandex search from the browser? If it's because of the situation in Ukraine, then why didn't you delete Google search during the US invasion of Libya\Syria? You should be ashamed of such discrimination...

aai by Making moves
  • 3 replies
  • 21 kudos

"Independent" Firefox, finally showed up.

Used FF for more than 15 years, and was actually fool enough to believe Mozilla was really about "Individuals’ security and privacy on the internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional.".  Well, finally you showed the truth behind thes...

eiru by Making moves
  • 1 replies
  • 7 kudos


Добрый день! Если руководство Мозила решило вмешаться в выбор пользователей при выборе поисковой системы, то не удивляйтесь падению спроса на ваш браузер.теперь он уже не интересен. можете закрываться и уходить с рынка в небытие

Bring Yandex back.

I almost never used yandex as a search engine but I'm strongly against the decision to remove it from Firefox.You just violated your own manifesto published at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/manifesto/You say that you are "committed to an intern...

sintech by Making moves
  • 7 replies
  • 24 kudos

censorship (yandex)

You exist because we are against censorship.Right now you don't know what to do for the pro-Americanism.This is not the mozilla I support!  People can choose what they want.

kebikec by Making moves
  • 3 replies
  • 17 kudos
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