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Working with Tabs

Making moves

Firefox already has lots of good capabilities, but somehow doesn't yet seem to 'put it all together':

  • I can select multiple tabs in the windows themselves, or in Library, but not in Firefox View
  • I can drag multiple tabs from one window to another in windows themselves, but not in Firefox View
  • Firefox obviously knows which tabs are currently open, and which are closed (history), but there is no way to discern this by looking in the Library
  • Firefox also knows which tabs are in each window, and has a name (number) for each window, but the only way to access this information is through Firefox View. There is no such information in the Library, and the Window menu lists windows by the currently open tab, which is difficult to mentally track.

Being that as it may, I wonder if it would be possible to:

  • Move the Firefox View features into the Library - It would appear in the tree with fly outs, just like History, Bookmarks, etc. as [Window > [Window 1, Window 2, ... ,Window n > [Tab x, Tab y, ...]]]
  • Extend Bookmarks, or at least Bookmark-style functionality to enable bookmarking / renaming Windows, not just tabs. The custom window names would then appear in both the Library, and the Windows menu
  • Where the 'Move Tab' context occurs, include an option to [Move Tab > [Move to Window > [Window bookmark-aaa, Window bookmark-bbb, ... ,Window bookmark-xyz]]]

Firefox can walk. Firefox can talk. Firefox can chew gum. If we could just get Firefox to walk AND talk AND chew gum, all at the same time, that would be awesome!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks @Scriprip, this is great feedback! We moved your post to the Discussions board since it contains multiple suggestions (see Ideas Guidelines here), some of which have already been posted here to Connect:

User-Defined Name for Each Firefox Window on my Desktop 

Multiple selection in Firefox View 

Feel free to check them out, give a kudos, and add your insights.

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