I open a lot of tabs and i often reach greater than 100. Firefox Android displays the infinity symbol instead. Please extend this to 3 digits instead so I know how many tabs I have opened.
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Hi Mozilla team, I recently switched to Mozilla from a Chromium-based browser and have been enjoying the experience so far. However, I find myself really missing an eraser tool for the PDF viewer, especially when I'm using my notebook with a pen. While the delete function for annotations is helpful, having an eraser would make things much easier for users like me who frequently make freehand annotations. For instance, when I'm taking notes or marking up documents, it's much more convenient to quickly erase mistakes with a pen rather than navigating to the delete button to delete them. This feature would be really beneficial for mobile and tablet users. Implementing an eraser tool and possibly adding pen eraser detection would be great for pen-enabled devices. Thank you for considering this enhancement!
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Pretty much requesting functionally as seen on Chrome-based browsers for android. It's much more ergonomic to just swipe down and open tabs than to click on a very little icon on the screen and risk losing time + increasing the likelyhood of droping the phone.
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Chrome has a new extension that disables Google AI search results by default. Given the well documented extremely buggy nature of Google AI search, and its unauthorized [unpaid] use of other sites material, I'd like to be able to set Search in Firefox to automatically disable or not display such 'results'. thank you for considering how to do this.
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New idea
Submitted on
02:22 PM
Submitted by
02:22 PM
The internet now accounts for a significant portion of global CO2 emissions, currently more than the entire global airline industry. It will soon be responsible for more emissions than the automobile, if it's not already. The rapid rise in the amount of data storage and transmission is a key driver of this increased environmental impact. There are 2 experimental web standards that have at least partial support from Chrome, Edge, and Opera browers. These are: 1. The CSS media query prefers-reduced-data 2. The HTML header less-data Both of these allow users to let websites know that they would like a lighter version of a page. It would be great if Firefox introduced support for these as a way to encourage adoption and use. Options like these not only have the potential benefit of reducing carbon emissions related to data storage and transmission, but they could also keep older, slower devices out of the e-waste stream. This reduces the emissions associated with device manufacturing, as well as the many environmental impacts from mining of the raw materials that go into those devices.
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It will be a good idea to have the option to deactivate an add-on directly in the toolbar with a right click instead of clicking on manage the Extension and then deactivating it.
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HTML support needs to be added to composition in K-9 mail/Thunderbird android, to allow text formatting, changing fonts, text colours, strike-through, bold and everything else that would be possible from added html support in the compose window. Also, allowing HTML in the signature would be useful. I'm surprised this hasn't already been added
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New idea
Submitted on
06:12 AM
Submitted by
06:12 AM
Currently we have two options: > Copy Link > Copy Link Without Site Tracking However if Firefox is to focus on privacy and protection of the user, it should promote that copying links should go without the tracking, since they're likely to be copied to be *shared*. Thus I suggest that Firefox changes the menus so that Copy LInk, the default behaviour, copies without site tracking, thus the options become: > Copy Link > Copy Link With Site Trackers *Open* links would likely not be subject to this change, since the intent is to use the same user agent anyway.
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New idea
Submitted on
10:14 AM
Submitted by
10:14 AM
I don't know if you've heard of Huawei's Harmony Next, which is a new system, a new system that doesn't run Android software. I hope you guys can develop a Harmony Next version of Firefox. If you are the only one who develops the Harmony Next version of the browser, then you will have exclusive access to Huawei users, which is also very beneficial to the growth of your user base, which has at least hundreds of millions of users.
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I have 4 languages (dictionaries) for the grammar check in Firefox. In theory, it should help me. In practical, anything i write it is underlined in red.
Why? Because I use all four languages, but Firefox is not clever enough to understand which language i am using. So when I write, there is 75% of possibilities that the text is underlined in red.
For example:
1. I write in italian, it is underlined in red. So after few lines i change and it's not underlined.
2. I open a new site and start writing in polish. Everything is underlined in red. After few lines i manually choose the right language it and it's not underlined.
3. So i open a new site and start writing in english. Everything is underlined in red. After few lines i manually choose the right language it and it's not underlined.
4. So i open a new site and start writing in esperanto. Everything is underlined in red...
5. So i open a new site and start writing in italian. Everything is underlined in red...
This is what I do for the WHOLE DAY. All the time changing language for spell check.
For example the current text is all underlined in red; but i am to tired to change it. SOLUTION: make possible the use of many dictionaries at the same time OR make Firefox more clever so it can understand the current language before underlining.
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New idea
Submitted on
02:43 AM
Submitted by
02:43 AM
Hello, Idea: Add Pocket search to address bar. (like bookmark search) This feature active only when you log in to Pocket. Only “My List”. Example: Clicking the little Pocket icon will display the last 10 content in My List.
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Multi-Account-Containers has the ability to "Always Open This Site In..." and lets you select a container. However, I use the default "no container" for almost everything and only use containers for certain tasks. I would love for certain sites to always open in the "no container", but there is currently no way. Other container features allow selecting the "no container" container.
At best if I am in a container, I can open a new tab, go to the site, and then "Open in New Container Tab: no container" ... but at this point I've already opened the tab in the old container. The only other solution is to switch back to the default non-container and swap tabs a few times to make sure the "current container" sticks when opening a new tab.
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When we send a tab from firefox mobile in private browsing mode, opening the same in private browsing mode on another device would be more appropriate. That way user can prevent certain links from polluting the history, or for a more precise control, provide an option for it under the sync settings.
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maybe a trivial one, but closing the entire browser is via the X in the top right corner, and pressing x on one last tab should not close the entire browser without any prompt. Many times I accidentally closed the entire browser when I wanted to add a new tab and accidentally moved quickly the mouse a bit next to "+". This is especially troublesome when the history is set to clear when closing firefox. Maybe when closing one last tab, a prompt like: "U're closing the last tab" or: "do you want to close the browser" would be useful?
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New idea
Submitted on
11:29 AM
Submitted by
11:29 AM
Currently, Firefox for iOS selects the search bar on launch, bringing up the keyboard with no user interaction. This does make things faster, but only if the user only ever starts a search after opening Firefox. To perform any other action, the keyboard must be dismissed which is distracting. This should be optional, as this is not the default behavior on any other major browser.
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Hi When I do research I open a lot of tabs (currently have 81 tabs open) and every time I open the tab list it shows the tabs at the top of the list, no matter what tab I currently have open.
It would be great if Firefox Mobile showed/scrolled to the current tab in the tab list, so I can continue from where I'm at.
As it works right now, I have to scroll all the way down and find the new page I just opened in a tab or scroll down and find the currently open tab, so see adjacent pages.
This would be a great UX upgrade.
Thank you for a great browser!
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When I send multiple tabs to my Android device (e.g. from my desktop), I have to select each one of those tabs individually from the notification area to open them in Firefox Android. This is tedious and frustrating.
Can the behavior be changed, or an option be included, to open all received tabs simultaneously?
Here is an example of the use case: during the day I might come across 10 web pages I want to read, but I can't read them at the time because I'm working. I send them to my Android device at the end of the day to read them in bed. I have to select each web page individually, that's 10 times, to open them on my Android device. I want to tap on the notification 1 time and have all 10 web pages open in Firefox Android.
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