The container grows, and I saw a realtor having more than 40 containers because each client have their account.
I don't have that much but the longer I work/study/family bother me with technical help. I had the need to create more Containers.
I suggest, to be able to create folders to Organize containers and assign different color to each folder (not a limited set of colors)
Also to add Separators like how you can in Firefox's bookmark pages. it is a nice feature.
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New idea
Submitted on
09:22 AM
Submitted by
09:22 AM
Used to be an option in older versions.
You used to be able to select multiple folders at once to move or delete them.
Our workflow (and I imagine others' as well) centers around moving folders for customer jobs through various stages so you can see at which stage a job is just by looking at the master folder it's located in.
For some reason this functionality was removed in the Supernova edition of Thunderbird. We sorely miss that.
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My main tool on the Web is an "RSS" reader. RSS subscriptions are available in Thunderbird, but .... Issue 1: A few cases of no feeds that were available for subscription so far as version 91.x and are no longer obtainable starting with 102.x. Issue 2: Starting with 102.x, the folder tree structure (subfolders) is broken and subfolders cannot be created, and moved. Issue 3: It is no longer possible to "import into Thunderbird a list of feed URLs exported in OPML format from another feed reader, etc.". I would like to see it improved, and furthermore, to achieve the same functionality as the desktop application "RSS Guard".
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New idea
Submitted on
06:11 PM
Submitted by
06:11 PM
On desktop, you can set a default homepage, but on mobile we are forced to use the cluttered "launch" page or disable everything to get a blank page. We need a way to have our own homepage when app is launched or a new tab is opened.
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As email-traffic increases and obviously more and more people oversee important information or todos in a longer email, it would be wonderful if one could highlight text-passages for reminding or just clarifying by using a colored text-marker.
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Firefox needs to improve its graphics performance by using the technique called "pass-through decoder", which bypasses unnecessary steps in the decoding process and reduces GPU memory usage by a good percentage. This allow smoother video playback and faster page rendering.
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New idea
Submitted on
04:09 AM
Submitted by
04:09 AM
Thunderbird should stop saving by default the IMAP messages under "%AppData%\Thunderbird\Profiles\<profile_string>\ImapMail" and start saving at "%LocalAppData%\Thunderbird\Profiles\<profile_string>\ImapMail". This way, Windows can have lighter roaming profiles and also the backup software is easier to configure (just save everything under "%AppData%\Thunderbird\Profiles" without clogging the backup data if you don't need to backup your e-mail provider, and save everything under "%LocalAppData%\Thunderbird\Profiles" if there is a need to backup the e-mail provider).
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I would like to be able to have a second customizable toolbar where I could have things such as the back and forward arrows, a share button, and the refresh button easily to hand within one press. Something like the way Edge on Android has implemented it, with the main bar with the URL at the top, and the second bar at the bottom, would be great.
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It would be great if you could embed a PDF into the body of an email using Thunderbird similar to how you can in Outlook by inserting it as an object.
You could have the ability to embed either all the pages of the pdf, or just a range/single page into the email.
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Hi, I absolutely love the Picture-in-Picture feature, and use it all the time since it became available. One feature I am missing from it is the easier positioning and resizing by snapping to screen edges. I often move around the PIP window, and it's really hard to position near the edge (or corner) of the screen so that it doesn't stick out to the other monitor, nor has a gap to the screen edge. When I use a two-monitor setup, I often want the picture to be displayed in fullscreen on the second one. I know I can double-click on it, but that feature doesn't always work well. Some time after going fullscreen it breaks and starts showing only partially on the screen, and partially off the screen, and it's then very hard to resize back to normal. Perhaps it has something to do with my laptop having two graphics cards, and switching between them on the fly. As a result I don't use the fullscreen feature, but I manually resize the picture to fill the whole screen (and set the wallpaper to solid black). This works best and never breaks, but is tedious to do every time the picture aspect ratio changes, or the PIP resets after I disconnect the second monitor. If the position and size of the PIP was snapping to the monitor edges, it would make this a lot easier. If the PIP had profiles - sets of size/position, that could be stored, renamed, and quickly applied (a right-click menu), it would be even better, even without the snapping. Thank you for all the work!
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New idea
Submitted on
02:38 PM
Submitted by
02:38 PM
A "Restart Browser" Button in the file dropdown menu right above the "Exit" button that would save and close every tab and window and restore then on restart. I don't know if this idea has already been suggested or not and I'm way too tired to check. Either this idea will get implemented or it will get ignored. Or a whole bunch of trolls will come out of the woodwork to condemn me for daring to suggest something that's already been suggested and turned down, i don't care. Implement it or don't.
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Hello, I use the option to sync my bookmarks to my Mozilla account and I use the same bookmarks on the Desktop and Android version of Firefox. What bothers me that when I want to open a bookmark on the Android version of Firefox I have to go through multiple folders to access my Desktop bookmarks (tap "Bookmarks" -> Desktop bookmarks -> Bookmarks Toolbar -> bookmark I'm looking for) every single time I want to open a bookmark. I think it would be great for Firefox to "remember/save" the folder you opened the last bookmark from and the next time you tap "Bookmarks" in the menu, the folder you last were in opens. Of course, when you close Firefox and you open it again and tap "Bookmarks" you would be brought back to the menu it usually opens when you do that. What I want to say is that Firefox "remembers/saves" the folder you last opened a bookmark per session and resets upon closing the app. I know that this is a minor and petty feature, but I would love for it to be implemented in some kind of way.
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Hi... What about adding folders to the bookmarks menu? over time we all get lots of bookmarks.. It would be great if those bookmarks could be organized in folders. Firefox only shows a number of recent bookmarks but if you need an old one you have to open the "Manage bookmarks" and search there... if you are not careful you can change the name of the main folder so being able to create folders to keep bookmarks organized makes a lot of sense.
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The current FFox.SYNC for Passwords, would greatly benefit from a completely user defined field, to be displayed when logging into a particular site. At present, differing sited either force their own ideas of what a login ID should be. Thus if you, the end user, were able to say something like "_FirstNames_ gmail login" or anything else, it would greatly help the end user, in determining exactly which login ID, to choose. This also becomes and issue when one has multiple login ID's for the SAME site, -or the case where one, by accident or choice, pre-created a pw, but then is forced by the login site use a differerent login ID. TimeStamping the userdefined field, and displaying it, would really help manage pw management.
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Opening shortcut on already set containers will be really helpful especially during work. Or maybe opening a group of tabs in a container would be even better. Might be too much to ask but will definitly increase my productivity.
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The title doesn't quite give justice to what I propose, but I couldn't find a better way of putting it...
There are two related problems which can happen when manipulating objects, such as photos, models or other objects within a room:
Grabbing and object and flinging it
Sometimes when selecting and object and making it fall on the ground, or "giving it gravity", it will pass through the floor
In each case, that object will go flying off into infinity. And they don't slow down, so if it was something needed, the only solution is to delete it and upload a new version. Perhaps we moved a little too quickly that object and it got sent up and away. Or we wanted to give an object gravity but the navigation mesh didn't catch it.
To make sure this isn't just a simple bug report 🙂, I've come up with the following idea: adding an option for the object, when selecting it from the Objects pane, to be "recalled" and returned to its previous coordinates. This would allow us to bring back an object accidentally sent where no avatar has gone before. It would also guarantee that an object will always be literally at hand and easily manageable. Furthermore it might even be used otherwise as a "back" option when moving objects voluntarily and changing our mind!
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New idea
Submitted on
09:41 AM
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09:41 AM
I often times accidentally close tabs maybe you can add this option to Ask confirmation to close the Tabs lot of browsers are missing this option on android.
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Search domain/subdomain and multiple select or select all to delete saved logins. We have many saved logins which we dont use any more, for example saved logins from demo websites, or test websites, or manually created usernames/pw from our own websites that we had saved it on firefox and need to clean up saved login. looking forward to seeing this in the next update.
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Hello, It is impossible to use with firefox. Could you add this feature ? It is impossible to select default camera (I have 2). Could you add this feature ?
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New idea
Submitted on
07:34 AM
Submitted by
07:34 AM
I'm a Mac user and sometimes my firefox browser keeps the pinned tabs when closed but others don't, so my suggest is to create a space in the account where you can just reach that option and select "open pinned tabs" or something like that.
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