Making moves
since ‎04-28-2022

User Statistics

  • 15 Posts
  • 4 Ideas Submitted
  • 3 Kudos given
  • 65 Kudos received

User Activity

So apparently FireFox is no longer a privacy based browser. I'm on "esr" because Mozilla refuses to provide up-to-date updates for certain OSs. So if I'm not going to get all of Mozilla's features and support, does that also mean I'm exempt from this...
Ok, over the last couple of years I've been noticing it's more and more difficult to engage with this website. My comments have been taking longer and longer to get approved (like weeks/months) and just a few days ago all my comments are getting imme...
So apparently Firefox has a feature called "Sync". I have no idea what this feature does and I've been told by the head honcho himself after he had a hissy fit that it doesn't do what it sounds like it does (and i don't think it does any thing at ...
I feel like this is a very obvious and simple to implement idea so . . . .
A "Restart Browser" Button in the file dropdown menu right above the "Exit" button that would save and close every tab and window and restore then on restart.I don't know if this idea has already been suggested or not and I'm way too tired to check. ...