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Strollin' around
Status: Delivered

As the title says. I like the fact that I can completely hide the sidebar, but that also means that I don't really click on the tabs anymore, I use keyboard shortcuts to create new tabs, navigate between tabs, and close tabs.

However, in the event that I want to actually see my tabs in the sidebar, I am forced to move my cursor to the sidebar button on the top left, which like breaks my flow.

Thus, in my opinion, having a shortcut for showing/hiding the vertical tabs when the "Show and hide sidebar" option is selected could be really useful here.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Strollin' around

Yes please!!!! Why this have so little votes???

New member

There absolutely needs to be a shortcut for this (and have it be configurable)!

New member

I agree - please add this. I've been going crazy trying to hack my own FF to get this to work.


New member

I've been writing my own extension to get this to work because it's been driving me nuts. Please let's add this!

New member
Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

๐Ÿ™Œ High fives all around - this was delivered in 135 ๐Ÿ™Œ

Thanks again for sharing your feedback and ideas here.

New member

Could you make it clearer how to do this? I've downloaded the lastest Nightly and tried every keyboard shortcut I can think of, searching in settings and flags... What? 

New member

@ConorMcKeownI think the shortcut is Alt+Ctrl+Z.

Strollin' around

@ConorMcKeownI think if you follow @smonff 's link, you should be able to enable it.

Open a new tab, search for


& press enter
search for


Now, just make it true. Now you should have the left sidebar visible.

To toggle it, you can try Ctrl + Z