Showing ideas with label Design.
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since 111.0 the new unified extensions button as a fixed place in the toolbar. I don't like it there and would want to remove it/move it to the overflow menu. Please make that possible again.
Also the menu needs to be easier/quicker to understand. Currently in german it is this way (used on yt as example) and you need to read way to much to understand what is going on:
At a glance all that looks fairly similar and doesn't provide the user with any benefits. I would suggest to change the current display system to something more practical. Add Categories with the applicalable permissions and just list the extensions below that with their icon and name.
Can always read and edit this website:
Needs permission to ...:
Has no permissions on this website:
That way you would always know at a glance which extensions have/want/don't have permission and wouldn't need to read every text on an unsorted list.
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FirefoxAndroid should get MATERIAL YOU colour theme based on wallpaper or website for Android 12,13.. plus it needs "material You" icon.
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It is my understanding that the reason for no Add-Ons on Firefox for iphone is in part because of restrictions placed by Apple upon iphone apps. This can be seen in how Firefox is a fork of Safari. It is my belief that if we cannot have support for Firefox Add-Ons on IOS then compatibility with Safari Extensions would be welcome as well.
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Before updating to newer version bookmark folders were yellow as they should,but in current version they are white and there is no way to change that.This should be added to options so we could chose the color we want.
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Short Version In TB Calendar's Event Description field, I'd love it if the former plain-text editor could be resurrected via a new toggle/checkbox option in Settings (or in Config Editor), so we're not forced to use the new rich-text editor. Long Version I use Calendar Events a lot, especially the free-form Description box where I enter lots of notes and to-do's. In TB 78.x, the big Description area/box/field was a plain-text editor. It worked *flawlessly*. (I'm on MacOS 11.7.x, btw.) But when I upgraded to TB 91.x (and now 102.x) , it became a rich-text editor. I don't mind that in itself, but the rich-text editor has a handful of bugs that make it difficult to copy-paste and edit the data in that Description box reliably. Very frustrating. I talk more about these bugs in this Mozilla Connect thread here. It would be great if the former plain-text editor could still be an option, via a new toggle/checkbox control in Settings (or an entry in Config Editor). Since all the old plain-text-editor code must still exist (currently deactivated), presumably reactivating it as a user option shouldn't be a large development chore (I hope!), and would hopefully continue providing bug-free UI/editing for those of us on MacOS who don't need rich-text features. Thank you for considering my humble feature request.
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I sometimes miss push notifications, so I would like to see a history of what and when I have received notifications in the sidebar, like the action bar in Windows.
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New idea
Submitted on
11:43 PM
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11:43 PM has the same look for a few years, and needs to be upgraded to a more modern layout. - Dark Mode - More information should be available without the need to visit the add-on page. - Recommended add-ons should open a list of add-ons, not go to a Mozilla blog post. - I remember when we could preview a theme on add-ons store by pointing the mouse to it. I can see why it was deactivated (it caused some problems) but it was nice, maybe, it can be back... - Modernize the website in general.
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Hello Mozillians, Since several years now, Firefox choose to make "Add Bookmark" window (Ctrl-D) a fixed size. I really like the workflow for the user of clicking on the url bar's star then choose a location in my bookmarks folder to save it. That's the point where the user experience become cumbersome and, after a while, really infuriating especially on desktop. The problem: In most situations I need to click one more time to expand the "location" window. Sometime I doesn't need to, but if it were already expanded it wouldn't bother the user either. One less click in many situations, not a click more in any other situation. Win-win. "location" window is way too small. On desktop I have a large screen but I am forced to, again, click and drag the side bar to painfully look for my bookmark folder. A 7 lines tall window for something like 30 lines tall bookmark folder (without sub-folders expanded). To fix those issues, in "Add Bookmark" menu (Ctrl-D): "Location" drop down menu should be expanded by default. Even if it is not always needed, it doesn't add supplementary click ever. Last used location in "Location" should be remembered. Remove the most used locations shortcuts we have now (or make it optional) in "Location" drop down menu. For me, those are rarely needed. I often need to go in a sub-folder anyway. Make the "Add Bookmark" and more specifically the "location" drop down window resizable and/or larger. This is the most important modification. On a side note, I did research how to resize this window. I found old posts and issues spanning several years and many subpar solutions about extensions (most doesn't exist anymore) or userChrome.css file to bypass this UI problem. I hope it doesn't come to harshly on the Devs of Firefox. It's an amazing piece of software that I love.
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After an update the homepage shortcuts are mixed with the recent visited history.
An option to hide the recent visited history from the shortcuts homepage or the possibility to show only the fixed shortcuts would be interesting.
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Submitted on
10:21 PM
Submitted by
10:21 PM
Show Firefox push notifications from websites in windows native notification bar instead of a disappearing rectangle and can't be ever recovered! All Windows apps do this, I don't know why Firefox doesn't.
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New idea
Submitted on
10:15 AM
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10:15 AM
I feel like this is a very obvious and simple to implement idea so . . . .
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New idea
Submitted on
10:32 PM
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10:32 PM
When Firefox is maximized, tabs start stacking up in the top-left-most corner of the window. When Firefox is open in a smaller window, though, Firefox leaves a blank area to the left of the first tab. I would like the option to remove this blank space.
I've heard the justification that it gives you a place to grab the window, but there is already a blank space to the right of the "all tabs" arrow, so even if the top bar is full of tabs you will always have somewhere to grab. Even in the rare situation that someone is trying to click and drag a background window and can only see its very left margin, there are still other trivial options for moving the window. For example, on Linux you can just hold ALT and you can drag the window no matter where you click on the top bar. You can also just ALT + TAB or click any exposed part of the window to maximize the window you're trying to resize.
The downside of leaving the blank space in the top left corner is that it gives your tabs less space in which to tile, which means there's less readable text on each tab and you have to resort to opening the carousel / "all tabs" list earlier. Given that this occurs in windowed mode, where you already likely have less horizontal space to work with, this is especially problematic.When this was first introduced I honestly thought it was a bug and I haven't warmed on it at all since then. I think it makes the interface look disorganized.
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Idea: add a simple game that could be played if the user has no internet connection. Reasoning: Google Chrome has the T-Rex Game, Microsoft Edge has Surf, Vivaldi has Vivaldia. An offline game can make the wait for an internet connection more bearable by providing a little entertainment.
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Up until now I kept quiet, but removing the DOWNLOAD PROMPT was the last drop. So here's my idea: DO. NOT. DROP. "OBSOLETE". FUNCTIONS. Instead, here's what you do: Keep a "legacy settings" in preference, which should allow users to revert to the functions they are used to, and before every major update RUN A FREAKING POLL before CONSIDERING taking out an old function.
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Spark mail already has this feature for years and it looks beautiful. Please add this to Thunderbird to show logo's in the inbox on the left of each email. It would absolutely make the app stunning and organized. One glance and you can find the email you want or need based on the logo or picture. edit: added picture
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New idea
Submitted on
10:39 AM
Submitted by
10:39 AM
Firefox browser should by default have all telemetry as an opt in option or have zero telemetry within the browser on first start. I understand this could hinder the Firefox development team from making decisions about new features, etc, but some changes in regards to telemetry usage could help promote Firefox's reputation as privacy-friendly. Or Firefox should have less dependence on their telemetry measurements and focus more on general community feedback (ie: this Mozilla Connect page, support pages, social media posts, or even emailed poll questions asking users what they want to see in browser, etc, etc.) I think a lesser importance on the telemetry data and more community feedback and public discussions would help better Firefox's features and redesigns but also help Firefox/Mozilla's privacy mission.
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In development
Submitted on
11:02 PM
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11:02 PM
In 2023 it became absolete to show "https://" to every single page user visits, because the majority of websites has long shifted to using https protocol by default. Moreover, recent versions of Firefox force any website to use https protocol by default anyway. However, Firefox is probably the only one left amongst all the major modern browsers showing "https://" prefix for every single page — which not only makes no practical sense nowadays, but also takes users attention away from the actual domain name, potentially making them easier victims for scammers. There exists browser.urlbar.trimURLs config flag, enabled by default, but due to the old bug it hides only obsolete "http://" protocol prefix — which, considering modern security standards, should be always visible and emphasized instead.
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Submitted on
09:48 AM
Submitted by
09:48 AM
We should change Firefox icon accordingly Apple Human Interface Guidelines. There is already icons on internet.
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While largely forgotten by mainstream internet users, RSS feeds and RSS subscriptions are still supported to this day, and on Firefox there exist extensions like FeedBro and Livemarks to support RSS subscribing years after Firefox dumped native support. The only problem with these extensions is that they offer no means to sync feeds across multiple devices through Firefox Sync. In the case of Livemarks (itself based on Firefox's old native implementation), the reason ultimately comes down to the way Bookmarks are tagged, as Livemarks saves RSS feeds as Bookmarks, but can only update those feeds when the original device is active (IE: the device the initial feeds subscription was made on).
I propose two solutions to this: 1. Update either Bookmarking tags or Extension Bookmark permissions to enable Livemark syncing across multiple devices
2. Implement a new native RSS Reader solution that could sync feeds across multiple devices (that is, one made with Firefox Sync in mind).
It is worth noting that nearly every modern web browser has some kind of "news feed" feature that allows for updated news articles on the new tab page. On Firefox currently, the equivalent is "Pocket" integration, wherein popular Pocket articles are shared on the new tab page. This could be incorporated into a native RSS reader, wherin Pocket is the default source but users are encouraged to subscribe to additional sources as they browse. Alternatively, Pocket itself could be reworked as both a "Read-It-Later" service and a RSS Reader, and could be a source of revenue for Firefox. Update: With the news that Thunderbird will adopt K-9 Mail as it's Mobile Client with the potential to sync more than just emails between devices, Thunderbird's native RSS Reader could also be an opprotunity to sync RSS Feeds with a Mozilla Account.
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Currently, threads only show the paper clip icon indicating attachments if the first email in the thread contains an attachment.
I propose that the paper clip icon (or some other indicator) should appear if any email in the thread contains an attachment.
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