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New member
Status: Delivered

We should change Firefox icon accordingly Apple Human Interface Guidelines. There is already icons on internet.

Firefox Icon.png


New member

I'd like for the Mozilla icon on Mac to be a square with rounded corners like the others so that the apps in the dock look more uniform.

Thank you!

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

New member

I've just checked, and 22 out of 29 Dock icons on my Mojave system are not the standard rounded-square. My opinion is that different shapes, like differing colours, can be an aid to quickly identifying the icons.

Making moves

This has already been posted to the Bugzilla group, Square icon for macOS Big Sur but the thread has since been closed as there was no value added and it seems it's not a huge priority for them based on my contribution and following of the thread.

Not applicable

I propose the hexagonal icon ... kind of round, but also kind of square ... the perfect compromise ๐Ÿ™‚

Strollin' around

There's a bugzilla bug for this tracked here:

New member

That's odd. I just looked and had three custom icons. I removed two (old) ones and left Firefox. I never notice these icons as different when looking for something and wouldn't be able to have told you who or how many I had, other than obviously one was Firefox. Put me down as the silent majority(?) that don't care.

New member

This is a must, it's really annoying that Firefox is so behind other apps.

New member

Please do this! All other web browsers are doing this and all native apps on Mac starting with Big Sur are doing this.

Making moves

@edumorlom, It's just an icon and I'm sure they have other priorities.

Check out and search for Firefox, click the icon you want to download and then go to Firefox in your Applications folder, right click on it and select Get Info. Then drag the icns file you just downloaded to the current icon in the get info window. Problem solved.

I hope this helps.

Strollin' around

I think that FireFox should update it's icon to follow up Human Interface Guidelines.

New member

getting kinda cringy now..

Its the only app on my mac with the old design directives.. (not squared)...

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @mustafayurdakul,

It's great to hear your thought on updating the Firefox icon(s).

Our team is currently working on it, and all the Firefox browsers will soon have a square-round icon for macOS. This will meet the Apple icon guideline.

Thank you for providing your idea and feel free to ask any questions meanwhile.


Cc: @Jon 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks @jhwkim for the good news!

This means we have upgraded the status to "In development" and will continue to provide you all with updates here.

Please feel free to keep the conversation going, ask any questions, and stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜

Strollin' around

I should mention that there is a "standard" scaling for circular macOS icons within Apple's design guidelines, which both Safari and Chrome already follow. I hope Firefox's macOS icon will be scaled the same โ€” as it will fit in with other icons on the platform. Here is an image demonstrating the alignment:

firefox icon aligment.png

Standard sizes for circular icons in macOS 11+ are as follows:

actual resolution@1x@2xcircle width / height
1024x1024 pxN/A512x512@2x710x710 px
512x512 px512x512@1x256x256@2x356x356 px
256x256 px256x256@1x128x128@2x178x178 px
128x128 px128x128@1xN/A88x88 px
64x64 pxN/A32x32@2x44x44 px
32x32 px32x32@1x16x16@2x20x20 px
16x16 px16x16@1xN/A10x10 px

Also, after testing various background colors for the icon on different wallpapers and within the context of other macOS icons, this gradient (composed of three colors from Firefox's brand palette โ€” #9059FF, #7543E3, & #582ACB) feels by far the most natural imo:

