New idea
Submitted on
01:01 AM
Submitted by
01:01 AM
A suggested improvement for Firefox View could also include an indicator for the most recently starred web pages.
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This came through as a question on reddit with 87 net votes, showing a screenshot of Chrome's "Search Tabs" feature (in the tab strip).
People pointed out that you can search tab titles via the address bar using the % restriction token. However, this is a bit of a multi-step process, unlike the same feature in Chrome, which allows people to do a Ctrl-shift-a and begin typing for the tab vs. the Firefox feature, which requires people to do Ctrl-l then type % space and begin typing the tab title.
Ideally, there would be a keyboard shortcut that would focus the address bar with the restriction token already populated.
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A niche but growing phenomenon is cloud gaming. Cloud gaming has giant data centers running a game you want to play and then streams that game to your device. With this it can allow you to use older hardware cloud gaming, Mobile-Android, Desktop, Mobile-iOSthat might not be able to run the game otherwise. This also allows you to save on storage space on your computer. With all of this I keep having to go back to Chrome because no cloud streaming service supports playing through the Firefox browser. I hope Firefox can speak to these companies and make it to so their browser can be supported. For context i will link some of the more popular streaming services to show they do not allow using a Firefox browser
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This is more device specific for i.e. Samsung Tabs with the use of Samsung Dex. I noticed in most cases the browser defaults to desktop view first after entering a search. This is personally too small of a viewport when in both landscape and portrait mode.
Even though Dex is technically a desktop variant, it makes more sense to default to mobile view as it fits more to the viewport for UX. Most sites seem to default already to mobile view, it's mainly when searching something that it defaults to desktop view.
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If you use a add-on it will work for normal mode. If you want to use it in private mode you have the option to let that work. But i would like to have a option to turn it off for normal mode but on for private mode because i know i will only use that add-on for private mode. I know it's sounds as a weird feature but i think this is a good thing to add.
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Option to move the header to different positions on the display screen. For example to the bottom of the screen. This would allow for shorter mouse movements and the selected site to appear alone on top. Or if moved to either side would allow the site to be displayed from top to screen bottom.
A Foxfire Icon to return to control header could also be displayed as an overlay on the site selected to pop the Firefox Header back.
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I like the threaded messages feature but would like a way to have the lastest threaded message on top instead at the bottom. That is the order all of my other email messages are; most recent on top. I see others have suggested this feature.
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Hi. I don't think the idea is new, but here's a problem I ran into. 1) Closed the browser to refresh. After closing it, it did not refresh, nor did it start (control panel and taskbar). 2) There were about three dozen tasks from Mozilla in the Dispatcher. I understand these were open tabs from the last session, and if I closed them all, I would have lost them. 3) Eventually, the browser started from the icon on the desktop. And, far from the first time, it was as if it had been frozen for a few minutes. The idea is to have the browser, if the user closes it, independently terminate the processes displayed in the dispatcher. Without losing the history of open tabs (as in chrome). If I closed Mozilla processes in the manager (I usually closed them myself before), I lost all open history (I rarely have less than fifty tabs open at once).
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New idea
Submitted on
09:58 PM
Submitted by
09:58 PM
The average user saves web pages to look at later or to send to someone else... or if they don't currently, they want to save web pages to do these things.
Firefox only has one native method of saving a web page complete with all images and content: "Web Page, complete". This is an absolutely terrible solution:
It doesn't save as a single file.
It saves dozens or even hundreds of files for a single page. One sample page that I saved was quite simple, but had 160 separate files and a folder for that one saved page!
Moving the saved web page can be difficult for typical users, since the necessary folder may not get moved.
Sending the saved page to others can be difficult and confusing for non-technical users.
Files are not compressed, which saves space.
Firefox used to have built-in support for the MAFF format, which was very useful...but it was removed several years ago for reasons which are unclear.
Most of the major modern browsers have native support for the MHTML/MHT format. Of leading Windows-based browsers, only Firefox lacks this major and important feature.
Firefox should provide the ability to save web pages with native support, in more than one format.
All other major modern browsers provide this support. Those browsers provide that support because it is demanded by users! Why is Firefox so far behind???
Users want to be able to save web pages which are important to them for many and various reasons. It's important to save things like filled forms, confirmations, pages with information of special interest, information of personal importance, etc. The list of reasons are endless!
Web pages saved on other browsers cannot be opened with Firefox, which means maintaining a second browser to open those saved pages. These pages can come from friends or work colleagues and can be very important in daily life. If we cannot open them, it puts us behind other browsers.
Typical users do not know how to move or to send "complete" web pages. They send just the HTML file and everything else gets lost, or they move it to another directory or folder and it doesn't contain the images or other function it had. For the average user, the "Web Page, complete" function is complex and useless.
Typical users do not want to go through the complexity of finding and installing an extension to do a simple and common task. The first problem is that they may not even know what they are looking for, so they either spend hours searching through extensions or they give up...and switch to another browser which can accomplish the task.
Firefox should be more compatible with file formats, not less. The primary value of Firefox among a field of other browsers is its feature set. Web Archive File format capability is an important feature which Firefox lacks and other browsers have. Firefox is incompatible with common standards in this regard--meaning that it is well behind the competition.
Due to the complexity of the "Web Page, complete" save method, users may lose valuable data, which they have saved for a particular reason. It is extremely inconvenient to move hundreds of files and folders to relocate a few web pages. Important files can be easily lost if a user fails to move the folder as well. It would be much better to provide a native single-file solution for saving web pages than the current Firefox solution, reducing the complexity of this common task for the average person.
It is difficult for the typical user to differentiate between single-page HTML and HTML pages saved as separate files. If they want to send an HTML file to a friend, they must either bundle up a bunch of files (which is beyond the technical expertise of many people) or point them to a website...or just give up. Most users don't know how to find an extension to save single-file web pages. If they do find one, it does not support the industry standard, so they cannot open similar files sent from others who do not use a Firefox browser.
What is the solution?
Add native Web Archive File save and read support to Firefox for the following formats:
MHTML/MHT -- This is the most common format, supported by all major browsers, except Firefox. Adding this function would make Firefox more competitive and more compatible, not to mention more useful.
MAFF -- This format was actually created by Mozilla and used in Firefox, but was abandoned years ago for no good reason. The advantage of this format is that it uses the ZIP standard to compress a web page, creating not only a single file backup of the page, but saving space as well.
Webarchive -- This format is used by the Safari browser on Mac computers. A lot of misguided and misinformed people use Macs. They may want to exchange web pages with their friends, family, or work colleagues, so including this format will allow that.
Later, support could be added for:
WARC -- This is the Internet Archive's "Web ARChive" format, which can be used for saving entire sites. It could be used to save an entire set of tabs, complete with contents.
HTMLD -- This is the "HTML Directory" format, which can also be used for sites and for web servers. It could be used to save tab sets as well.
These two formats would put Firefox far ahead of the competition and add a feature that would add tremendous value.
The minimum support for a native Web Archive Format should be MHTML/MHT because it is the most common format in use. I would also argue for the MAFF format, which would offer support for orphaned files created by Firefox in the past...and should be easy to implement if the other can be implemented... After all, Firefox already has the code on hand.
If security is a concern, then have this feature turned off by default, available to activate within Settings. No browser should ever be so secure that it is useless. Security should always be coupled with ability for software to have value.
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On Firefox for Android, there is a function to select among your open tab s and apply them to a "collection," which then does nothing to the appearance of all your currently open tabs. To be current with standards for 2025, these collections should also group the tabs together. Alternatively, roll out a tab group feature. There is a dire need for visual cleanliness, but currently, Firefox for Android leaves all your open tabs completely separate and spread out all over the place. Please allow a feature to put them in clumps or groups just like Google Chrome for Android.
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Thunderbird already can support Calendars and Contacts from Nextcloud through Caldav and Carddav. In my dreams Thunderbird should be natively able to: - pick attachments from Nextcloud Files and produce a link to the resource or a real attachment from there - save .eml and/or attachments to Nextcloud Files directly - embed a Nextcloud Talk client in instant messaging tab - share Contacts/Calendars directly from Nextcloud and auto-refresh calendar list when new ones are shared to me. Doing this, Thunderbird + Nextcloud + Dovecot/Postfix could replace Outlook/Exchange or M$365 in office environment.
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Want to be able to load firefox x2 on iphone/ipad, so I can run side by side split screen of two websites at the same time..
Also, bug fix need.. when clearing cache, need status and completion indicator of it finishing clearing the cache
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Like in Bluemail, it could be usefull to define quiet period and days by account. For example, in my mobile i have a work account with quiet days for the weekend and quiet period (19h to 8h) for work days. In my personnal accounts i have only quiet period.
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It would be grate if support preview Attaches by press SPACE key. Now we can only double clik the to check.
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New idea
Submitted on
05:26 PM
Submitted by
05:26 PM
I hope this is a good place for my idea. It would be great if Mozilla Team could add two-level tab stacks like in vivaldi. This is a great feature especially for Firefox users who have hundreds of tabs and would like to group them (work, music, projects). I've been using Firefox for years and I like how it's easy to have a lot of tabs and they don't shrink like in e.g. google chrome (terrible!).
I really miss this feature and I hope Mozilla Team will consider this idea and add it to the new version of Firefox.
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Hello, I really like the Firefox translator, but I use it quite rarely, while I mostly use copying addresses. Could this be made easier?
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As you can see we can't remove history by searching a specific word which is very annoying, please add this feature as soon as possible!
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Thunderbird/K-9 Mail can suggest email recipients in a dropdown menu based on your email history and your most commonly emailed individuals.
The feature already exists in Thunderbird for the desktop as well as in Outlook, and it's pretty convenient for finding the recipient without having to add him to your contacts, and without having to type their full address.
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in thunderbird
the actions
compact folders
empty trash
are reachable through file menu
compact folders
is reachable through right click
"empty trash" often is the step to do before "compact folders" -> the workflow needs different menues -> not intuitive and slower than needed
-> suggestions:
have "empty trash" reachable via right click
have a combined "empty trash and compact folders" reachable via right click (and in the file menu usable for all marked accounts)
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New idea
Submitted on
04:22 AM
Submitted by
04:22 AM
I think it would be really useful to have a button to open all the tabs of another device in a window with one click, it could be inserted at the end of the open tabs on "account" when it shows all the tabs of the various connected devices, and it would also be nice if the side bar remained open when you click an open tab on another device with the mouse wheel
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