Showing ideas with label Thunderbird.
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This was originally posted as a Discussion, but is an Idea. This is a suggestion from a Mastodon user: "Can a way be put in to get back to folders, maybe with escape?" Thunderbird staff are planning to add a quick way to get from a mail folder to the message list for that folder. Right now people can use F6 (or Fn + F6). Work is planned in bug 1859568 to also use the Enter key as a quick shortcut. In response to that planned work, a Thunderbird user suggested a keyboard shortcut to also get back to the folder from the message list. Has something already like this existed in past versions of Thunderbird? Is there support for this change?
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As a person with some vision problems, find it difficult to "see" gray or light text. Color coding the selections (similar to the tag color choices) would be of great help. If not, can deal with it using a piece of tape.
Making them black would also help out. Thanks
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If global-messages-db.sqlite is not accessible for whatever reason Thunderbird will just get stuck on a blank pane screen that doesn't allow you to access Account Settings or any other relevant option. (see example: )
Checking error console only gives you several "Uncaught TypeError: gFolderDisplay is null" .
My suggestion is that when this happens a specific error message be presented in the error console or popup dialog pointing out that the database file is not accessible or corrupt. It would have saved me a great deal of days I had to spend troubleshooting the problem 😄
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When a new message appears in the inbox, and you drag it to a subfolder (or any other account folder), ask the user to automatically create a filter for this message to this specific folder. Basically trigger the existing Creat Filter From Message option. Example text: "Always move incoming messages from xx@xx.xx to FolderX?" answer options: "Yes/Not now/No, dont ask again"
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New idea
Submitted on
01:20 AM
Submitted by
01:20 AM
It would appear that having the online offline status in the status bar is no longer appropriate, so I suggest that some other visual indicator of the current online status be provided.
Extra points if the indicator actually raises some sort of issue that the user can see if Thunderbird can not connect to its own servers' indicating either offline or software blocking.
Thunderbird needs to become proactive in informing the user of apparent issues. Instead of quietly deleting the entire folder structure of an IMAP account and every email in it because of a firewall issue.
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Hi to All.
I have 4 domains and in each domain I created one email per person. it means that I have 4 emails of each person. Now I am unable to organize them by name to bring them to by name order.
So my request is to add this option or allow the drag and drop option for custom order.
I hope that you will consider my request and add this option ASAP.
Waiting for your positive response.
Warm regards,
Ali Khan
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Currently using Thunderbird v102.4.2 (Ubuntu 22.04 & Windows 10) Thank you all for all you do to create and support such a great app. It enables me to do so much with tons of flexibility that I just don't get from other products. Another user and I desire to print out our calendars from Thunderbird using the "Multiweek" view as opposed to the monthly view. It is useful to ignore previous weeks, and to start the printed calendar with the current week as displayed in the Multiweek view mode. Currently, users can only print using "List", "Month", and "Weekly Planner", but there is no option to print Multiweek view. We would be very grateful if this option could be included as well. Thank you all for considering my request!
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Il serait bien que l'on puisse gérer des préférences d'affichage à l'ouverture de Thunderbird.
Par exemple que l'ouverture puisse avoir lieu par défaut sur tel ou tel compte ou adresse email gérés,
et sur le courrier entrant choisi par l'utilisateur.
Car actuellement Thunderbird s'ouvre sur la dernière page consultée... pas forcément judicieux !
Good morning. It would be nice if we could manage display preferences when opening Thunderbird. For example, the opening can take place by default on this or that managed account or email address, and on incoming mail chosen by the user. Because currently Thunderbird opens on the last page consulted... not necessarily wise! THANKS.
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New idea
Submitted on
12:15 PM
Submitted by
12:15 PM
Mon besoin (si évident 😩) est de pouvoir conserver les étiquettes attribuées dans "Courrier entrant", lorsque je déplace les mails dans un autre dossier de l'arborescence de la boîte mail.
My need (so obvious 😩) is to be able to keep the labels assigned in "Incoming Mail", when I move the emails to another folder in the mailbox tree. THANKS.
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There is no indication that a new message has arrived in a folder unless you click onto the folder.
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Thunderbird has the provision for local mailing lists, i.e., groups of emails in the local address books. When these are entered as recipients in a email one composes, they can be expanded to the individual emails by right-mouse clicking. However, I often want to check the participants of such mailing lists as well as the used email addresses of individuals. The latter is related to the fact that I communicate with many participants using different emails depending on project or topic, thus depending on the email I am writing I want to use a specific address from their Contact card. Thus, it would be great if such local mailing lists could be displayed expanded, e.g., via a configuration setting. In an optimal world, every mailing list in the recipient lists would then be shown expanded in the compose window and marked, for instance, by a joint background color of all contained addresses. One could then edit the individual addresses as necessary and eventually the email is send to the updated list as, uhm, a list. Also, a keyboard shortcut for expanding/collapsing the mailing lists could be very nice.
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Provide a facility to expand short text snippets using keyboard shortcuts while writing emails. In emails on regularly types the same text, starting from Greetings phrases such as "Best, <name>" or "With my very best regards\n <full name>" to repeated references elsewhere... It would be extremely useful if these could be stored in a little database and autoexpanded upon use. Either directly by a space after a predefined text or, somewhat more cumbersome, by a specific /text expansion/ code like CTRL-e or such. For instance, macOS has "Text replacements" that are automatically expanded when followed by a space. It would be great if these could be directly used also in TB on macOS, but a separate DB would also be okay. (maybe with the option to copy from macOS into the local DB...) There is an add-on (Text Insert: ...) for old versions of Thunderbird that promises something along these lines, but it does not work with 115. In any case, it would be great if TB would provide such a facility for composing emails more efficiently. Looking forward to see this implemented:-)
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When screen real estate is so precious,
Why is the icon to edit 'Columns to Display', take up and wasted a whole column?
When a Right Click on the column header opens the same editing window.
Also, can I please have the option to display the Date without the Time, and have the Date sit nicely inside a column?
Thanks for all the great work.
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Would really love a Trash Cleanup Tool. I want to keep maybe 5-10% of my old messages but my trash can file is growing huge. A simple tool would really help. The tool would sort and assess messages in a folder (like Trash) and provide message counts in descending order of qty by (selectable) sender, by sender domain, by message size, by subject, etc. For instance, make it easy to clean out of my folder all old promotion emails from Amazon, but not the order confirmation emails. Or all of the newsletter emails from Expedia or Travelocity. While I can and have done manual searches and bulk deletes, I have to try to figure out which senders or subjects to search for. The key here is an intuitive display that of who the bulk of messages in Trash are from.
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Hello, In Thunderbird, the view sizes of Menu, Icon and E-Mail folders should be adjustable in themselves. As a big screen user (34" 3440x1440) it is very difficult to read the text and see the icons in the latest version.
Sincerely regards.
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It would be nice to be able to duplicate contacts in the Thunderbird address book, without exporting/importing the data. I can SAVE or DELETE, but I've never seen a way to duplicate a contact.
Sorry if this has been suggested already, or if I am just unaware of a way to do it.
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It would a nice addition to automatically mark as spam every email that ends up in any spam folder on an email account, mainly because of security concerns of possible scams an other kind of attacks.
I know that Thunderbird disable some content of senders that aren't manually allowed to show remote content, but it doesn't strip all HTML content of those messages.
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The extension toggle button is set to BLACK/WHITE when on/off is set. This is an anti-intuitive color scheme! Don't know if this is conditioned by Thunderbird Theme choice but... REGARDLESS of the Themes, this button should turn RED/GREEN when toggled.
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I have two main folders: rrvt (a copy of the gmail list of folders) and Local Folders. The only rrvt folder I need on a regular basis is Inbox. I would like to move all my mail to Local Folders/Inbox. When i tried that most of the mail was sorted with the 72 Message Filters into the appropriate Local Folders and the remaining eMails were sent to the Local Folders/Inbox. Unfortunately not all the eMails were sent to the proper place even though the last filter in the list was designed to move the remaining eMails to Local Folders/Inbox.
So I thought that I might be able to move the Message Filters to the Local Folders/Inbox. I could not find a way to do that and there are 72 such filters. It would be nice to be able to move those filters from one group to another...
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With AOL if i try to delete 8000 message it crashes the smtp to the mail server so thunderbird should have a setting to say do 500 delete at a time. That way it would do 16 request with a gap of a min or 2 between them to prevent this error.
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