User Activity
The extension toggle button is set to BLACK/WHITE when on/off is set. This is an anti-intuitive color scheme! Don't know if this is conditioned by Thunderbird Theme choice but... REGARDLESS of the Themes, this button should turn RED/GREEN when toggle...
Hi,I LOOONG wanted to export a single bookmark folder to a file to be able to import it on another browser or same browser/another pc. Can you make it happen ? Please ? οBest regards,iBenny
Hi,In the "personal bar" (Ctrl-Shift-B), when we have folders with many links and we want to open several links therein, we have first to click the folder item, that then opens the dropdown content list, then we click the first link we want to open i...
In Tool|Parameters|General|Firefox Updates > "Show Updates History", the history windows is GREAT BUT... can you add also this info : the mode of update :
please ? So we can see if WE did the update or Firefox did it. You might say th...
Hi everybody,
The title says it all ! PLEASE add automatically a line to separate a reply from an email body. If one have a signature, like I do, then the line should go directly under the signature. If you argue that the line feature that exist is a...