Showing ideas with label Thunderbird Android.
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I Would very much want än Android version of Thunderbird. So i can have the same adress boom in my mobile phone. Best begärda Sven Palmgren
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Currently I have an HTML signature for my work account on Thunderbird desktop that contains some simple text formatting and a logo image, but pasting the same HTML into the signature setting in K-9 Mail just inserts the HTML as text into the email.
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It would be great if Thunderbird mobile supports calendars like the desktop applications supports calendars.
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The "send later" function is in a LOT of Android email programs. It is a part of basic functionality. Thunderbird for Android needs it too.
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Please add the option to display subfolders in a collapsable tree structure like on the desktop:
inbox subfolder1 subfolder2 ...
instead of displaying all folder paths in a list like it is currently done:
inbox inbox/subfolder1 inbox/subfolder2 ...
This would add greatly to the ease of use and simplicity of the ui.
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Hi, In the side menu when you click on "Show accounts" you see circles on the left with the two-letter abbreviation of the domain for the accounts. I think, using the first two letters of the domain can cause a lot of confusion for some users if the user has more than one email account for that domain even if their background color is different. For example, I'm seeing OU(Outlook) for 5 different accounts or GM(Gmail) for 3 different accounts.
I think either allowing the user to customize these two letters or adding a toggle button to use the first two letters of the account name* instead of the domain can also solve the problem. This way, the user can use a color for the domain and use the letters to differentiate which email account is in that domain.
For example, the user can use blue color for Outlook, and red color for Gmail and use two letters to differentiate which account it is in that domain.
[*] the account name refers to the setting in Settings > Accounts > {} > General Settings > Account Name. Since it is exactly the same as the user's email address by default anyone who wants to use the first two letters of the first half of the email address can use it by enabling the option I mentioned above, If anyone wants to use a custom two letter can do this by changing the account name.
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I love my PC Thunderbird. Filtering saves me so much time and when a new vendor reaches me, I just create a new rule. It is so simple and effective. But I have not seen the Thunderbird for Android. I have tried K-9 mail and a couple others, but no filtering option exists and spam does not allow you to unenroll, they just give your address to 10 more people and your life gets worse. So filtering allows you to redirect it out of your face. So email on my Android is still not useable because all the spam fills up my phone and chokes it.
When will we be getting the Android version? Or is one out and I just don't know what it is called?
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In development
Submitted on
07:54 AM
Submitted by
07:54 AM
If you have several email accounts they are shown in a coloured "icon" with 2 letters which seem to be taken from the mail server name.
For example if the server name is the icon is shown as "GM". If you have 2 Gmail accounts they are both shown as "GM". The only customisation that you can do is to change the colour of the "icon".
It would be nice to either select the two letters displayed or use an account image.
Note that the 3 accounts "GM" are all accounts but the only display difference I can set is the colour.
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I'm using K-9 since years and don't plan on switching because it's the best mail client available for Android - thank you for developing this awesome client btw!
I would love to see support for S/MIME as it's growing importance, especially in business communication. For example the company I work for requires using S/MIME for every mail containing personal data, which means that technically I have to use S/MIME already when I just mention anyones name in an email, which makes K-9 unusable for a lot of business communication right now.
Kind regards
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I am once again asking for a new feature. I just discovered that there is no way to save messages from K-9 (soon-to-be Thunderbird for Android) as PDF that can be then attached to another e-mail. I can export it using system share feature (which by the way has terrible name in K-9 – in Polish it's just "Forward (alternative)"), but it only shares it as txt, which doesn't look great or fully preserve formatting, for example text color (not to mention, I then have to export is as txt again to save it on my phone and add as another mail attachment). While most people probably won't find this feature very useful, it will bring mobile Thunderbird a step closer to feature parity with desktop version and add another benefit for people considering switching from Gmail, Outlook and other mobile email clients.
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We use Microsoft Exchange for our email, and we probably always will. We host Exchange on our own server and have webmail. This was the reason I was tied to Evolution for so long; Evolution was the only Linux client which supported Exchange Web Services directly in the client. Thankfully, Davmail takes care of the conversion for any email client, and I was able to switch to Thunderbird. Unfortunately, no such software exists for phone operating systems like Android. I don't think any free software app on Android supports Exchange Web Services, so I use webmail in the browser (I really don't like Outlook). This is a feature which would set Thunderbird on mobile (K-9 Mail) apart from other email clients. I'd love to use K-9 Mail!
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Currently, when you delete an email, a dialogue pops up to confirm your action, which seems less efficient to me. Instead, I'd suggest an undo button at the bottom for a few seconds. I'd also include an undo function when sending an email.
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Thunderbird Android has no method to create a new IMAP folder. Please add the ability to create folders.
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I would very much like to see a Print option in K-9 Mail/Thunderbird for Android, much like you get in the Outlook for mobile app. When clicked on, it will use the print dialog built into your phone so that you can send it to the printer or save the message as A PDF document. The Spark client has a Print and Save to PDF option.
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New idea
Submitted on
03:27 AM
Submitted by
03:27 AM
Would it be possible that Thunderbird for Android checks for new mail every time the App is opened? I know this behavior from other Email Apps, but with Thunderbird, I have to swipe down to check for new mails, instead of Thunderbird doing it automatically.
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New idea
Submitted on
08:29 AM
Submitted by
08:29 AM
When using Gmail accounts with Thunderbird (Mobile) the default Gmail folders come with a "[Gmail]/" prefix. This ruins the aesthetics. See screenshot.
I am not sure how Thunderbird manages syncing internally, but that would mean that the folder Name in the system stays the same and a display name attribute is added.
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In Thunderbird Mobile email attachments, if any, are displayed at the bottom. Now, if an email conversation goes on forever, it can take ages to scroll down to find the attachment, and therefore you run the risk of missing it. Thank you for all the great work!
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I would love to see push notifications on the Android app.
In other words I would get a notification when an email comes in rather then waiting for it to sync. This may be the thing that stops me from moving over.
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HTML support needs to be added to composition in K-9 mail/Thunderbird android, to allow text formatting, changing fonts, text colours, strike-through, bold and everything else that would be possible from added html support in the compose window. Also, allowing HTML in the signature would be useful. I'm surprised this hasn't already been added
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New idea
Submitted on
11:50 AM
Submitted by
11:50 AM
Add the ability to snooze emails in Thunderbird Android. Examples can be seen in GMail and Outlook Android. You use a gesture to snooze an email, and a dialog comes up with options like this evening, tomorrow, this weekend, custom date. In most cases I've seen they just move the email to another folder, and bring it back on the specified date/time. I saw this other idea, but it's only for desktop version
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