# Reader View の行の高さをローカライズしてほしい。
Unlike Latin and other alphabets, Japanese character strings consist almost entirely of characters of the same height.
Another way of describing this is that there are no 'x-height' letters and all the letters are lined up with 'H-height'.
Japanese, where all characters fill the h-height, appears relatively overcrowded between lines.
Some people say that they prefer the space between lines to be tight. However, the current line spacing is so narrow that, at least for me personally, I would be happy to set the line-height to 3.
人によっては「行と行の間がみっちりしている方が好みだ」という人もいます。しかし、少なくとも個人的には line-height を3に設定しても良いと思うくらい、今の行間は狭いです。
I think Material Design said "For Arabic Nastalig and CJK, the line-height should be set to 2".
Material Designでは「アラビア文字のナスターリーグ体とCJKは、line-heightを2に設定しましょう」としていたような気がします。
I do not read or write English, so I will change my words to the concluding ones, clearly stating that I am using a machine translation.
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