Showing ideas with label Thunderbird.
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this flag resets every time thunderbird updates. It would be a good idea to leave it set as per the user to avoid having to remember to reset it after each update. If I make a mistake in setting it, I kindly ask you to know how to set it permanently without it being reset at every update
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I found it to be surprising that this is still not possible after coming to Thunderbird after many years have passed. Currently, there is no option or way to view ALL of ones RSS Feeds in a single Feed. The only choice one has is to individually open each (category) feed and go through it, but its not possible to have all the feeds mixed into a single feed. I may sound redundant but I want to make sure its clear what I am saying. So far, I feel like the RSS Feed feature in Thunderbird is not useful until seeing feeds All-in-one is possible, and the same goes for making Folders / Categories for feeds. I don't see a point in being able to make different categories or folders, if one does not have the option to see all of its subcategories' feeds in one single feed, or all the things in a folder in one feed. I believe making categories or folders makes many times more sense if one is able to separate or mix different feeds as one sees fit. In conclusion and to be more clear, allow mixing feeds via category/folders. For eg. Clicking on a Folder that contains 3 feeds should show a mixed feed of everything in those 3 feeds. Clicking the individual sub-item under a folder should show only the feed for that individual sub-item. The same should be done in general for RSS Feeds. Thank you for your time reading this I hope this will be considered
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Hi, I'd like to suggest adding the option to Attach (General) Files in Thunderbird in the To-Do, Calendar, and Contacts. Since this is simply accessing Local Files on the PC and does not require uploading anywhere, there should not be too much of a limit. The idea is mostly for being able to attach images to a To Do or in an Event in the Calendar. Images can be very useful tools so I am sure the use-cases are plentiful. Also being able to attach files in general (such as txt, pdf, etc) to Calendar/To Do/Contacts can be very useful for many people. This would turn Thunderbird into more than just a mail client, but the ultimate Go-To Organizer. I really want Thunderbird to be my Go-To Organizer but the fact that uploading (or at least linking local files) is not possible puts a bit of a limit. There is one more thing I should probably mention in another idea submission that is keeping Thunderbird from being my ultimate Go-To organizer which is RSS Feed being limited but I will go in depth with this in another posting. I thank you all for your hard work and contribution and for taking the time to read this. Please consider my idea! Thanks
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Can be this added same as signature Im waisting to write it in every e-mail, this could save a lot of even to others.
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I love the look & feel of Supernova and hope there's enough momentum to improve the UX further and make it the one-stop free Outlook alternative out there. Hopefully I can contribute with this idea. The Nieslen Norman Group makes suggestions about the UX of context menus, which in my eyes also apply to the (right-click) context menu of Thunderbird's email list: Limit the number of items within a contextual menu. (...) Keep the list length manageable by including fewer than 10–12 items, to avoid choice overload and ensure that all of the contextual options are visible, without having to scroll. Right now, the email context menu of Thunderbird (v115 "Supernova") has 23 items (first level only, see screenshot). On my laptop screen, the list isn't even visible entirely. As a user I find that overwhelming. Therefore, I suggest to simplify and shorten the context menu by categorizing the items into 3 types of actions: Strongly content related actions. If you perform these actions as a user you are aware of the content of the email (for example reply, forward, print, save, etc). So you want to open the email in any case. Now you should find (and access) these actions on the reading area of the email (where they already are). This means, we don't need them in the context menu, and they should be dropped from there. Weakly content related actions. For those actions, in many cases you don't need to open the email. Examples are marking as junk / unread, deleting, moving, etc. Therefore, they should be in the context menu. But I would differentiate further into: More frequently used actions: Those should go on the top level, because they should be reachable with 1 more click. I assume this are things like marking as junk / unread, but maybe you have usage data on this. Less frequently used actions. My guess would be "Open email in new window" etc, but again maybe there's data. Those should be grouped into submenus where possible, such as "Open email in...", because that would save space, while 2 clicks would be acceptable for less frequently used actions. And what about power users that want many actions easily accessible? That's a fair point, and I would argue that those would use the existing hotkeys anyway (like Ctrl+R to reply, or Enter to open in new tab, or K to ignore a thread) and do not depend on the (somewhat redundant) hotkeys from the context menu, so items could be removed. Of course, it's always a trade-off. But if Thunderbird is supposed to gain more widespread popularity and appeal to average users, I'd opt for the suggested simplification. If there's interest, I'd also be happy to make a concrete suggestion on how to restructure it (without having usage data, though). Thanks for considering and greetings from Munich, Germany.
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Thunderbird just indicates junk for likely dodgy emails which we are getting numerous numbers every day. I would suggest that thuderbird has a specific "spam" button which iscolates and destroys any nominated spam emails as this would give me more confidence that the spammers were not able to gain access to our account/ computer
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Windows 10 TB 115.2.0
In the new TB 115 top search field, the left/right arrow keys don’t work any more. I think it would be helpful if this option from earlier versions could be added again to move through an e-mail-address or a text with the keyboard and correct typos or delete words.
Thanks! Christian Wolkersdorfer
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I liked the startup behavior of the older versions of Thunderbird, before it had tabs. Now if you close Thunderbird with email(s) open, they will all open AGAIN when you start up Thunderbird at a later time. I don't like this behavior. I think it'd be nice to have the option to NOT have these email(s) open back up when starting Thunderbird, and have just the main Thunderbird screen open, showing the folders and such. This is my #1 gripe against the newer versions of Thunderbird.
Also, I don't like the new address book interface, and neither does a friend of mine. I think this may have been modeled after Windows Live Mail. If feasible, it might be nice to have the option of having the old or new address book interface.
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New idea
Submitted on
03:54 PM
Submitted by
03:54 PM
I like that we can now share with you fake email scams. But, please remove the picture thing. It has no purpose at all. You already know who is sending this fake scams to you in the first place.
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When in "Layout > Vertical View" mode, and switching the Thunderbird window from one (small) screen to another (big) screen, the ratio between the "Inbox pane" and the "Message pane" is not preserved. The current behavior seems to be that the width (in pixels) of the "Message pane" is preserved. Which means making the "Inbox pane" increase dramatically when moving from a smaller screen to a bigger screen, effectively leaving a big unused space. I think the behavior in Thunderbird < 115 was to keep the ratio between both panes. Another behavior that could fit is to preserve the width in pixel of the "Inbox pane" rather than the width of the "Message pane". It would be more relevant because user choose the "Inbox pane" width so it fits all needed columns on screen.
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When "Show all headers" is turned on, I sometimes want to change the height of the header to everything is visible.
For example, take a screenshot of mail to save it as evidence.
Thunderbird ver is 102.15.0 and 118.0b1.
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With version 117 of Thunderbird, revert the grey background for 'Unread Messages' to plain text please as before.
The grey background stands out far too much and is kinda depressing. Plain text is far better IMO.
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I think that when you forward an email to a group or to a lot of contacts to "To" or "Bcc" the original sender automatically to be removed.
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Weiterleitung in thunderbird: es sollte möglich sein, mehrere emails weiterzuleiten, ohne das einzelne Registerkarten angezeigt werden. M
Markieren und beliebig viele emails einfach weiterleiten.
Forwarding in thunderbird: it should be possible to forward multiple mails without individual tabs being displayed.
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Hello everyone:
I don't know if this feature has already been proposed, I searched for information about it but found nothing.
A few days ago I was configuring Thunderbird to be used with an email account from a server at the company where I work. When these accounts are configured in Outlook, Outlook connects to the IMAP/POP server as part of the connection test and reads the mailbox. input, but also sends a test email via SMTP, if both actions occur the email account is configured correctly.
This does not happen in Thunderbird because it does not send any test email, it only tests if it can connect to the SMTP server but it does not send anything, the problem was that that email account had a problem with the SMTP server (it was blocked by the provider) and Thunderbird never noticed the problem (something it did in Outlook) until I tried to send an email and it was not possible.
Would it be possible to implement something like this in Thunderbird? Send a test email via SMTP when configuring the email account, perhaps as something optional but I see that it is very practical. Thank you.
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Hello, Would it be possible to display the attached files of e-mails directly in their card view ? This would spare one window opening to enter the e-mail ! Thank you !
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In development
Submitted on
12:01 PM
Submitted by
12:01 PM
Hello, I was very surprised that Thunderbird does not offer an option to show the e-mail-adress of the sender in a column in the table (like the columns "From" and "Correspondents"). This new column would be very useful to quickly identify spam/junk e-mails. This feature can be added with add-ons: "Show Address Only" by R.I.P. "Full Address Column" by lkosson This feature seems very basic and simple and like it should not require an add-on. If you do a Google search for this feature, then you find many people, who have asked for this feature for many years.
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I like the current folder views "Unified Folders", "All Folders", "Favorite Folders", etc. But it would be preferable if we could have a view where we can organize all of it ourselves. I personally have a lot of emails connected to thunderbird, and it works really well, but it leads to even the unified folder view looking really, really ugly. As I have a full list of all of my emails there, it feels very disjointed and clunky.
It would be nice if I could make my own groupings and folders for structuring my folder pane, similar to how we already can in so many other parts of the interface.
I want thunderbird to be my one-stop shop for all things email and chat, and it currently is, I currently love the look of the client, it was the one thing holding me back from using it before. But I really think the client could go one step beyond and allow for more grouping, sorting, organizing, and customizing of that left folder pane. This same problem persists with the calendars too, too many calendars leads to a really clunky and mess list of calendars.
So maybe we could get some sort of custom view system, or the favorites system could be revamped.
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Love the application.
I would suggest programming in a opening or splash screen.
When I select Thunderbird from my Windows desktop, there is a long delay before anything happens and I'm left wondering if the application is running or whether I need to select it again.
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New idea
Submitted on
11:35 AM
Submitted by
11:35 AM
The event editing dialog in Thunderbird has a useful feature whereby the duration of an event in days can be kept when changing the start or end date of an event, or changeable, depending on a chain icon next to the start and end date fields. It would be helpful if this also applied to event times, i.e. when the duration should be kept, changing the start time of an event will not change the end time, and vice-versa.
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