Showing ideas with label Thunderbird.
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IMAP is awesome, but has some rough edges around things like IDLE being only able to monitor one folder per connection. This means users may get an inconsistent experience depending on the number of folders they have, with emails arriving in some showing up immediately, while others have to wait until the regular "check for new messages" check.
JMAP (for example) removes these problems, and for mobile applications, provide a better experience.
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In development
Submitted on
06:59 AM
Submitted by
06:59 AM
I'd like to be able to keep the thunderbird settings, layouts, etc in sync across multiple systems (and ideally, mobile).
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In the older client I could specify from the drop down list which email account to choose when downloading messages. In the new betas and simplified menus, you have to highlight the email account, then choose the "get messages" button up top next to "new messages". I propose to add to the right click menu (right click on account) the option to "get messages". I realize the announcement said that betas at this stage do not have all the features in place, so this request may all ready be part of the plan. However, if it is not, I'd ask it be considered for user convenience.
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New idea
Submitted on
11:31 AM
Submitted by
11:31 AM
I have replied to similar emails hundreds of times. It would be nice to auto-generate an initial draft reply using AI.
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New idea
Submitted on
11:29 AM
Submitted by
11:29 AM
The summary could be shown when hovering.
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En effet, malgré le choix de la langue dans le menu paramètre, les boutons B, I et U ne sont pas traduits :
B devrait être G comme GRAS
Rien à faire pour I, c’est identique en francais
U devrait être S, comme SOULIGNÉ
Indeed, despite the choice of language in the parameter menu, the B, I and U buttons are not translated: B should be G like BOLD Nothing to do for I, it's the same in French U should be S, like UNDERLINED Thank you
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Hi. I have in excess of 100 rules. I am required to visit my "Deleted Folder" regularly which means all 100+ rules kick in and replace the deleted emails to their originating folders. To get around that I have to manually deselect all rules one by one, do my thing, then select all 100+ rules one by one to re-instate. I would like to request a rules feature that could deselect all rules with a button and select all with a button. Buttons could be eg below the "Move to Bottom". Would happily do this myself except don't know your coding language.
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It would take a version of TB (or integrate it into the standard version) capable of reading previous versions of archives. Having cataloged the emails by "year" by opening the old archives I find myself unable to use them. At least that TB indicates with which version the archive was created in order to quickly download the suitable version and retrieve emails.
Thank you.
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I think it would be nice to include in the filter rules the opportunity to check the links within the text. I receive spams with a link(domain) I don't want to visit, (kind ""). The filter rules i have in Thunderbird allow me to check text but not the URL of the links. It would be so useful to be able to choose: delete inbox mails with internal links to the domain !!
As anyone can use any mail address to send a mail, it's a problem. If we can filter the internal links, we don't need to filter senders that are changing every time.
I hope i have been clear, my mothertongue is not english 🙂
Thanks in advance.
best regards
Ps: I didn't find how to add a screenshot here... I had one...
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OK, I get a lot of email from friends that are not 'hot linked' links. In other words, you can't just click on them and have them open up in your default browser. It seems that as a group that also designs both an email program and a browser that you would figured out a way to make it as easy as possible to have done this.
Why is it, that when you highlight a 'non hot linked' URL and right click on it, does not the drop down menu that pops up, not have a choice to open link in your default bowser? It seems to me that that would have been a 'no brainer' for a group that makes both email and browser products.
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Olá, uma ótima sugestão e colocar a opção de ASSINATURA ELETRÔNICA nos emails. Outros sistemas já conta com esta facilidade e o Thunderbird ainda não consta. Esta é uma sugestão, importante, necessária e muito urgente.
Hello, a great suggestion is to put the option of ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE in emails. Other systems already have this facility and Thunderbird is not yet included. This is an important, necessary and very urgent suggestion.
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Something I've found to make life mildly difficult is in the to-do tab in Thunderbird. I have multiple calendars and task lists, and Thunderbird colour-codes the events in the calendar to indicate which calendar they are from. However, this is not present in the task list. Could this be implemented?
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On the calendar, you can choose a category with a color. That color does not show up on the calendar or on the right side when displaying events. So why have the color-coated categories? I would like to see the text in the color of the category color on both the calendar and the event box on the right side of the screen. Makes it easier to tell what is coming up. Thanks
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I use the latest Thunderbird beta version (112.0b4). I like the new look, but I really miss the highlighting of messages in colour (the colour they are labelled in).
I attached an example of what I had in mind.
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I have looked at the Addons available in regards to Threads but they do not address the fundamental issue of being able to manipulate Threading. By this I mean you should be able to: 1. Select an email and make it a 'Root' Thread so that subsequent emails in response (be it sent as a reply or received as a response) will treat that email as the beginning of the Thread. 2. Select an email and move it to be threaded to any email with an earlier time stamp. This could be an email already part of a Thread but it would be a 'branch' of that Thread. See screenshot attached which is from the Virtual Access email software. 3. Unthread an email from a Thread, so that it became a stand alone email, unthreaded and not a Root email, meaning subsequent responses will not be threaded to it unless the user chose to physically thread an email as in 1 & 2 above. 4, Any other Thread manipulation you can think of, provided 'Threading' is selected as being operational. 5. After 'Moving' or 'Copying' an email from one Folder to another, be able to manipulate the threading in any way mentioned above. Hopefully this could be a functionality in the upcoming release of 'Supernova' I feel so passionately about this that I would be willing to donate a couple of thousand or more $s if it fully came about as part of the app and not some addon which might fail with new releases. Most of the above is a copy of a reply I made in the 'Discussion' forum regarding Threads.
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I can ask thunderbird to cancel messages in Junk folder after a number of day I want to on my IMAP accounts. Why it is not possible for the Trash folder? I don't what to cancel them immediately, but I wait to have a option that cancel them after some number of days.
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There are various indicators of email progress that show at different times...sometimes nothing shows.
There may be a blue progress bar on the bottom-right of the screen. It is just blue..does not increment in segments or show the state of an email 'get' process. Sometimes NOTHING shows, but a click on 'get messages' will show a window saying, 'The account xxx@xxx is being processed. Please wait until processing is complete to get messages.' Sometimes the blue bar will disappear with a 'null' displayed at the bottom-left of the screen.
None of that is useful
The suggestion part: Please make this work better. There should be clear and visible (and meaningful) evidence of the current status of an email check. After clicking 'get messages', a user should plainly see the entire process...getting, retrieving, progress by %, and number of messages. Yes, some of those parameters 'report' to the bottom tray...but only sometimes.
I do not recall this being anything new. Indeed, I do NOT recall that any 'check mail' sequence has ever been consistently and meaningfully visible. That 'not working' part has been true on multiple devices, multiple TB versions, and for years.
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Please make the menu on the Address Book customizable, as are the Mail, Calendar, Task windows, etc. You can alt-click to popup a contexual menu with an option to "Customize..." main functions with the exception of the Address Book. Thanks for reading.
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I use filters to auto tag mails, but many times I need to add more tags manually to be more accurate. When a new email arrives to the conversation, I have to complete automatic tagging, adding tags manually. It would be great that I can copy tags from an email already fully tagged (automatic and manually), and paste this tags to another mail new in the conversation. It would save so much time to the sorting mails task.
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In 102.9.0 there are 3 header views: All, Normal, Hide
I'd like an option to show all the addresses without all of the ancillary info after the Message ID.
Just From, Subject, To, CC, BCC and Date
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