Showing ideas with label Thunderbird.
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With a growing trend towards working from home, having a good separation of times that are reserved for work and planned free time becomes more and more important.
Thus I think it would be a great feature to set specific times where Mail from an account should be collected, and times where you want to be undisturbed by that information.
It's already possible to set intervals to check for new messages. In a similar manner, you could integrate a feature to set times where these intervals should be applied, and times where no checking altogether happens.
The usecase for me would be the following: I use Thunderbird for my personal, university and work related mail. At times later than 5 p.m., I don't want to receive work and uni related stuff, but still want to keep my personal mail adresses functional. There are currently two workarounds, which each have their own disadvantages:
1. Creating a own profile for uni/work: This works, but has you juggling with profiles. You aren't able to receive personal mail while being logged in with your work account, and vice versa. Same goes for just opening TB at the desired times.
2. Disable automatic checking for mail for work accounts: This works, but you have to remember to check manually. On a typical workday, this results in quite a bit of checking over and over. You could enable automatic checking for these times - just the same as the requested feature would do automatically!
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I am currently exploring and really enjoying the new Thunderbird Supernova and I like the new unified folders feature. However, there's one thing keeping me from using it. My email provider divides emails into INBOX and newsletters folders. However, Thunderbird doesn't recognize the newsletters folder as a regular folder for incoming messages and doesn't include it into the unified folders view.
It would be helpful if Thunderbird knew what the newsletters folder is for and would include it into the unified folders view.
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I often create calendar events from e-mails with multiple recipients in thunderbird. Although the "covert to" function will copy the e-mail text to the event description, I have to manually enter the invitees from the e-mail. It would be great if the "convert to" function would automatically copy the email recipient addresses to invitees in the event. Thanks!
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I would love to see an infinitely scrollable calendar view in Thunderbird. Two popular applications that already implement this is Apple's Calendar (on both iOS and macOS) and Fastmail's Month View. I especially like Apple's infinitely side-scrolling week view, and as ridiculous as it sounds, this is the primary reason why I haven't switched to Thunderbird yet for my daily use (I am already a passionate, daily Firefox user). It has a lot to do with my specific needs and how I interact with the calendar app, but I imagine this could be helpful for many others.
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Let's say a manual & auto-run filter on incoming email named Filter exists (in my case, known spam senders, which are sent to folder called Folder). After fetching pop3 mail so new/unknown/unfiltered spam senders are now listed in the incoming folder named Inbox (after automatic application of Filter on already known spammers sent to Folder), with some messages still in Inbox which are automatically flagged as fire-icon-labeled-junk messages, I will unflag the messages I deem valid which I wish to read later, and can select amongst the still-flagged messages those I deem spam (typically at this point, Sort by Junk Status and group select).
Now, I'd like a single procedure to bulk-add the senders of selected messages to my already existing Filter, from the currently selected Inbox messages, after which I'd manually run Filter and see those messages dissapear into Folder. (Way faster than select one message at a time and ctrl-Create-new-filter on dozens of investor opportunity spams. Not sure why I even bother keeping that repetitious garbage in Folder..)
Ideally, I'd have an option to smart-add the new rule set : rather than have each spam message add in my match-any ruleset a rule labeled necessarily as "Spammer@Subdomain.domain.root", software would offer the following choice to generalise the source (and avoid simple harrasment loophole of swapping Spammer with Spammer2, or swapping Subdomain with Subdomain2). Either add rules as "@subdomain.domain.root" or even "domain.root". Unfortunately the practicality of this choice is case dependent, and I'd probably have to revisit the rule set to fine tune rule label choices on about 5% of the spam, but I hope you understand the usefulness of generalisation.
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The filter term "contains" can catch irrelevant emails because it matches substrings, not just entire words. The user may not expect this behavior. It can create a significant number of unwanted matches, especially when applied to message bodies.
I suggest adding a new filter term "contains word(s)" which only matches entire word(s).
Examples: My filter term "contains" "tyc" caught emails containing terms like "" (look for it), and in random strings like generated links.
(For the curious - "tyc" is the abbreviation for Tiburon Yacht Club.)
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Operating systems allow users to log into email accounts. These can then be used by applications to sync with online accounts: Evolution on Ubuntu MacOs Mail and Calendar on Mac Can Thunderbird integrate with OS accounts to make it easier to switch to Thunderbird if a user already has acounts set up?
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It would be very useful to open links in Thunderbird in a different multi-account container depending on the email account open. For example, work emails could be set to open links in work container. This is useful for when there is a Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other restricted cloud link sent in a work/school email that only a specific account from Firefox can access. Thunderbird
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See attached. This highlight should be dynamic; as I move the mouse and hover for a small, configurable time, the entries for that calendar should highlight.
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I have several email accounts (who hasn't). In the accounts toolbar they seem to be forever stuck in the order I added them to thunderbird. Correct me if I just haven't found any existing way to rearrange them. Anyhow, it should be possible to drag and rearrange them on the spot, so that I can easily put my actual most used accounts on top.
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New idea
Submitted on
01:01 AM
Submitted by
01:01 AM
Text highlighting is an essential function for composing emails. Thunderbird should incorporate this feature into its email client. Although add-ons like Textmarker can also do this, it is not very convenient to use and this feature should have been built-in into the email client.
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New idea
Submitted on
05:37 PM
Submitted by
05:37 PM
One of the annoyances of Thunderbird/Lightning is that the only snooze options for appointments are fixed numbers of minutes - 5, 10, 15, 30, etc - from the time the snooze button is pressed. There is no option to simply 'snooze until 5 minutes before the appointment' - putting the (admittedly small) calculation onus on the software. I regularly am ready and waiting well before my meeting starts, and a '5 min before' option would allow me to fill my extra time with dealing with e-mail, etc. without either a) choosing 'snooze for 10 min', which warns me 9 minutes in advance, or b) calculating the precise number of minutes and entering that in the snooze dialogue. I'd love to be able to just click 'snooze until 5 minutes before' without having so much fuss.
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I regularly send emails to one or more groups. A typical group has a dozen or so contacts.
A least once a month I mistakenly put the group in the "to" box, or the "cc" box, instead of the "bcc" box.
When this happens, I am deluged with criticism that their information should remain private.
It would be great to have a check box on the group which reinforces "BCC" only.
Thank you, TB user for over 10 years on Windows and Linux.
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There is a setting in Thunderbird for the startup page. This is wonderful because I can basically use my favorite Firefox New Tab extension, like you see in the attached screenshots below. The problem is that, I cannot close the message panel to get back to my favorite home page, and even worse, even if I did, the home page doesn't load back up. Instead, a blank black screen will be loaded. I think adding this feature, from a software development perspective, is relatively cheap, but from a feature perspective, it is very eye catching!!
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Often when I'm typing in someone's name or email Thunderbird will autosuggest several similar names and, if the contact has emails at multiple domains, all those domains will be suggested. The problem is, for many of my contacts, I don't remember which domain(s) they're currently using. If Thunderbird kept track of the last time we received an email from each contact address, it could display an autocomplete list like:
Input: John D
Suggestions: (last used 2023-5-25) (last used 2017-2-3) (last used 2023-1-3)
If I was looking for John Doe, this would let me easily pick the address as the current one.
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I once read that less than 2% of Thunderbird users donate to Thunderbird project.
The best solution is make Tbird a subscription service, free to try for a month, then $1-2/mo thereafter.
I love using thunderbird & have donated before 🙂
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The ability to search for and manage duplicate messages, contacts and appointments in multiple - at least two - folders is a missing function that severely limits the usability of thunderbird as a fully capable communication system. This need has occurred multiple times particularly when importing data from mobile devices and/or desktop systems.
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New idea
Submitted on
10:47 AM
Submitted by
10:47 AM
In Micro$oft Outlook when you click on the "attach" or "join" button, you can easily access to the recents files. And in the fork "Betterbird", it's seems there is a "recent" button from the version 91 :
Could you add this function ? First on Window$, and why not on Linux and macOS.
Thank you.
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Not very easy to label a spam mail as safe. You have to drag it into inbox and again next time the sender's mail is found in spam.
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When receiving an invitation I normally import it as ics file into the calendar. But it is not possible to add a category, for example "Journey", "Holiday" and so on. My suggestion is the possibility to add a category in the Import window (see attached picture) or in the context menu, if the event is already imported. The best solution would be to make received events editable 😀. (I know how to workaround this by editing the ics file, but it's tedious). Best regards
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