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Making moves
Status: New idea

One of the annoyances of Thunderbird/Lightning is that the only snooze options for appointments are fixed numbers of minutes - 5, 10, 15, 30, etc - from the time the snooze button is pressed. There is no option to simply 'snooze until 5 minutes before the appointment' - putting the (admittedly small) calculation onus on the software. I regularly am ready and waiting well before my meeting starts, and a '5 min before' option would allow me to fill my extra time with dealing with e-mail, etc. without either a) choosing 'snooze for 10 min', which warns me 9 minutes in advance, or b) calculating the precise number of minutes and entering that in the snooze dialogue. I'd love to be able to just click 'snooze until 5 minutes before' without having so much fuss.

Status changed to: New idea
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I also want something like this, but what about instead, just making the default snooze times a bit less? My alarm goes off for my daily team meeting at 10 for a 10:15 start. I usually have to type in a 12-minute snooze, but I do this for every meeting. I would just prefer my default snooze to be 12 minutes.