Showing ideas with label Desktop.
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There should be a way in Firefox for when making a bookmark to later not show it in the search/address bar suggestions. Currently, there is only a way to disable bookmarks entirely from being shown as suggestions. But I think it would be more helpful to leave the suggestions on while only hiding specific private bookmarks.
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Firefox should ask for primary password/system password only when you want to view the passwords in about:logins, not every time when you open the browser . This thing it's already in chromium browsers, when i click to view the password.
Let's be honest. For example my pc is opened and someone wants to look for something online, they don't know my system password (pc password) and asking for the primary password when they open firefox is unacceptable, they can view my passwords afterwards. Primary password should be asked only when you want to autocomplete a field or to view passwords.
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If in pip mode there is a option to control volume (increase or decrease) then it will awesome.
Like in Opera Gx.
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Abstract: Provide a compatibility button in Firefox to enable pre-defined compatibility profiles for the most widely used web applications. Additionally, allow to create per-site profiles along with that functionality. Some webservices discriminate users by their user agent string: "A fix would be for Firefox to spoof its own user-agent string, so it represents itself as whatever the latest version of Edge is.", c.f. Other services require hardware acceleration without any technical reason. In both cases, these services are online collaboration tools, but many more services are imaginable that behave this way. Each day we can see people fighting against discrimination by culture, religion etc. But here we see how users are not presented the full functionality, just because they like to run specific software, even if that software is technically capable to provide the full experience. This is a form of discrimination as well. I suggest to give these services their "Edge" string if this is what they want, and to give them their hardware acceleration, while still using Firefox and software decode, instead of being forced to other browsers. You can pre-deliver profiles for the most important web services. It is up to the users which browser they prefer, or if their software decode performance is satisfying for them. This functionality makes even more sense in the context of having customizable profiles for a website. E.g. For 99% of websites you might not want to have third party cookies enabled, but for one website you might believe you need them. Or you might not like to have WebRTC enabled in general, but for some websites. Firefox is lacking the feature to enable this privacy relevant setting automatically by the URL to make this particular, trusted website work easily for a user. For this reason, we need a compatibility mode/button. Keep fostering inclusion and make people collaborate together in a safe World Wide Web!
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Currently if a url appears in a response value, it looks like it's clickable. The mouse cursor changes to a hand when hovering it, and the url becomes underlined. However, clicking it either doesn't do anything or puts the value into editing mode (depends on the kind of value - irrelevant). Same for ctrl+click, shift+click and alt+click.
In many applications where regular click is supposed to already do something, it requires the user to ctrl+click to follow the link, so it doesn't interfere with normal clicks. Please implement that. Having a link behave *as if* it's clickable and then be not cickable, feels like someone did a very good but unfinished job.
To reproduce:
Open the devtools on the Network tab
Do an XHR request
Have it return some kind of JSON
Have it return in that JSON any string that contains a URL
Select said XHR request on the Network tab
Select the Response tab
Open the JSON up to find the vaue that contains a URL
Try clicking it
Expected result:
Ctrl+clicking it should follow the URL and open it. Probably best to do so in a new tab.
Actual result:
Nothing happens.
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Many popular apps on macOS put commands under the Window menu of the form "Move to (monitor name)", e.g. "Move to Built-In Retina Display". These commands make it easy for you to move the application window from one monitor to another in a multi-monitor configuration. It is especially helpful when you work with the window maximized, or if you have difficulty using a pointer device.
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In the "Add-ons Manager" list, you can see an icon for Add-ons you've allowed in Private Mode.
But there's no such indicator to know which Add-ons allow Keyboard shortcuts from this list.
Of course I can click the Gear icon for the "Manage Extension Shortcuts" menu list. But in actual practice, finding this list is never intuitive.
In the snippet example below, three of them are clearly allowed in Private mode. But not seen is that two of them (Duplicate Tab and find+), allow Keyboard shortcuts. The same is also seen in the Add-on Details page.
Request: Could a similar icon be added in these locations to indicate that the given Add-on has support for Extension Shortcuts?
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In desktop Firefox, go to and select a different page style (View → Page Style). Cool, right? Now, close the tab and open again. Your page style preference has been lost. Not cool, right? Firefox should store the chosen page style for each website, so that when the user returns to a website later, it renders in the preferred page style.
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I've had trouble before noticing where the found text is on my screen. I realized a feature Windows had to visually indicate where the mouse was could work here too. They have an accessibility feature that you can have a key press trigger a visual reminder of where the mouse pointer is. No need to wiggle it (if that's hard to do). I'm picturing a temporary animation of some sort to happen at the found location. It might invert the colors, or add a wavy halo around the entry. Even circles appearing and either expanding or concentrating on the find result. The movement should help shift people's eyes to it. And I don't know how it'd be best to trigger it. Should it happen for all results? Or a new button that'll ping the currently found element? Today I kept trying to move up/down the list to see if the colors would become apparent for the hidden elements (saw 3-4 out of 6 copies, and they were really obvious in titles). Or I turned on the Highlight All feature. It didn't help for new elements... I swear there were some hidden copies of the text, and the find feature wouldn't expand them. In that case I'd want the element the find stopped at to be highlighted. Either the button or text that likely is related to the find result. I assume they're held inside some other element that can be seen.
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On some web browsers (such as Maxthon, Cent-browser ), if you've copied some text, you can easily paste&go it by right-clicking the new-tab button.
If it's a URL , it just goes to the website. If not, it performs a search of it.
As it's on the new-tab button, it will do it on a new tab instead of current one.
Please offer such a functionality. Attached a sample of how it looks on Maxthon.
Optionally, also offer an API for addons to handle this operation.
Currently I couldn't find any addon that does it, and even one that does it via a toolbar button of the addon itself. Only similar thing is this one: But it works only on current tab, and can only handle URLs, meaning it doesn't do search&go.
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It would be great if we could use the Pocket premium fonts (especially Ideal Sans) in the reader view of Firefox. This integration between Firefox and Pocket would be fascinating, and it could be a plus for premium pocket subscribers.
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When click Homepage button or press Alt+Home to open homepage, it always loads homepage in current page, this very inconvenient that it covered original page.
I hope Firefox could provide an option that allow user to open homepage in a new tab page.
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New idea
Submitted on
03:56 PM
Submitted by
03:56 PM
Firefox already has built-in a way to select multiple tabs and select all tabs. Literally you can right-click on a tab > "Select all tabs". You could just add to that same menu the option: "copy" to copy into the clipboard a list of URLs that of the selected tabs.
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My organization is looking into implementing FF, but would like to have it so that users can't delete browsing history or download history. The organization wants an audit trail in case an incident happens. Since we've been able to get all the other policies set up with GPO, it would be nice to have disable history deletion there as well. And as far as I'm aware, this isn't possible from about:config either, which would be a fine alternative.
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I have seen a rather clever prompt by a large software publisher to change my search engine and start page and almost clicked "Yes". For most of non technical users, it may be really troubling and they may even blame Firefox (updates) for the change. Story/comments are there: I wonder if it is possible to display a non obtrusive prompt like "Know your rights" when first launched to inform user that their search engine and/or start page has been changed since last launch. Perhaps an option to revert them to their original ones? The idea is to warn and offer "fix" option but not to break the workflow. E.g. no popups etc.
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New idea
Submitted on
09:39 AM
Submitted by
09:39 AM
It would be handy to add an option here to move tab to new private window.
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New idea
Submitted on
05:45 PM
Submitted by
05:45 PM
Add a feature to print a entire page as pdf and save option.
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Since we can now view images in AVIF format with Firefox, and together with other mainstream web browsers AVIF become a portable image format, it would be great to make a screenshot directly in this format. What's more, AVIF (and the proprietary HEIC) supports big tiled images like TIFF but this format is more flexible and allows both good compression ratio and fast decoding. I'd love to make a (lossless) full page screenshot and save it as one single image file of a much smaller file size than it is using PNG images. I'm also an extension developer (of Screenshot2HTML) and I hope this new format is also added to the API `browser.tabs.captureTab()`. 😁
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I'm sure any developer reading this is familiar with Chrome's feature to allow local Source overrides while the devtools window is open. I'm not sure if Firefox's 'source map' feature can accomplish this same task with local files.
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I have an Idea that would be nice to add to the tabs section what if we could color code the tabs that can be distinguish from other open tabs just from glance. It would be nice if I had different tabs open but have the one tab color (or multiple colors) so I know that i can jump to it as soon as I found I'm looking for. For example writing an important paper with X number of tabs open but being able to find the tab that has all my notes. maybe it can be a right click or two touch click and have that option available. Just a thought 🙂
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