Problem: When the "Find in page" bar is visible, the user is unable to scroll to reveal the URL bar. User expectations are that the URL bar will show after a hard swipe. If the user has the URL bar at top, the user is focused on the expected URL bar, but isn't paying any attention to the Find bar. Workarounds? User doesn't remember the Find bar, so doesn't use the X to close it. This is the equivalent to "well, remember to use the feature!" Leaving the URL bar open doesn't work, because Find hides it. Ideas for modification of the "find" bar: Flash Find bar when user attempts to show the URL bar (when a swipe occurs which meets the threshold of a swipe, but the Find bar is visible). Slide Find bar out of view when user scrolls, perhaps leaving behind a small tab to indicate Find is active. Style Find bar so that it doesn't blend into the bottom, operating system bar.
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