I would like to request to replace the hardcoded constant CONTROLS_FADE_TIMEOUT_MS in toolkit/components/pictureinpicture/content/player.js at line 34 with a variable that you can set via about:config.
I use the picture-in-picture feature regularly and it has become annoying that it always takes three whole seconds after cursor inactivity for the video controls to disappear.
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FF 131 started to support text fragments URLs (as an experimental feature it seems), what would be great for user awareness and usage is to be able to create link from the selected content (after a right click, or other interaction in mobile apps). Multiple text fragments are supported in the URL, but a user generally selects only one portion of text so I would only support one text fragment at first. And maybe later think about supporting multiple text fragments but I believe that could be the work of an extension to support multiple text fragments.
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Thunderbird Android has no method to create a new IMAP folder. Please add the ability to create folders.
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I've used K-9 Mail since the very first versions. The 1st, 2nd etc class structure for folders has always baffled me.
Consider dropping this feature in favour of using the standard IMAP folder subscription scheme - if it's subscribed, then it's visible.
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I'm using Pocket primarily to highlight important content from my daily browsing, with the goal of it eventually becoming a 'second brain' using generative AI technologies.
On the desktop browser, it's very easy to highlight content, but on mobile, Pocket acts as a standalone app, and I have to share each page to the Pocket app to highlight it. It would be great if Mozilla could seamlessly integrate Pocket with Firefox Mobile.
I believe that in the future, general knowledge will be easily accessible and retrievable using Gen AI, and personalized knowledge will be what makes people stand out
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Seria genia que en la siguiente update , se pueda agregar el boton de traslate page de firefox a la toolbar, , es algo en definitiva mas practico Muchas gracias por laopcion , esta genial
It would be great if in the next update, the Firefox page translation button could be added to the toolbar, it is definitely more practical.
Thank you very much for the option, it is great.
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Google's AI Overview in their search engine is filled with useless bloatware, and is very annoying. Google currently does not offer any way to turn off the AI Overview in Google searches. Mozilla needs a browser extension that allows Google searches to open in the 'WEB' view rather the 'ALL' view. This would allow users to just see actual web results without the AI Overview. It needs to apply to web both searches originated in the search bar, as well as those opened from within the Google search results.
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Right now, if I try to import a calendar file (.ics) that does not follow the file format perfectly, it cannot be imported. This is a problem when other calendar programs ARE able to import them. To the end user, it looks like Thunderbird is failing at a basic task.
The bug tracker has numerous issues that stem from this like 1868843 but since the problem was caused by Microsoft, once Microsoft fixed their bug, the issue was closed.
But there's no reason why Thunderbird can't try to fix these simple formatting problems itself. Like the 7'th comment said "We should make it more accepting; if it hits EOF and our calendar structure is valid but we're missing ENDs for the still-open components, we should just assume they've ended and move on."
Other simple errors that thunderbird could handle are file lines that end with the wrong End-of-Line delimiter. (A problem that I ran into and made me look into all of this). Outlook handled this calendar file just fine.
In summary, the end user doesn't care if the file they import is valid or not, if it works with other programs, it's a bug in Thunderbird.
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Needed for FF. Cookies and Site Data: Simpler for exception list like Import & Export on URL exception Allow or Block list.
I am so tired that our Cookies and Site Data are not stored on our Firefox Account.
This is true, if you refresh own device from beginning, then we do loose our preconfigured exceptions list for allow and block will be gone. This is also same, if we reset our regular Firefox browser.
This is so annoying, not to be able to just use after Firefox reset, or device reset it will automatically work as before, when you have preferred sites you want to be able to use. But then you manually have to add URL's back to the exception list, and here, if you have many preferred pages, it takes times to add them again on what to do for allow and blocking pages with.
WE NEED BETTER FIREFOX on our Cookies and Site Data Exceptions.
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This might be controversial. Would this be an option to build an UI that matches the Windows 11 Fluent Design principles. Like the tabs, contextmenu, textbox, checkboxes, using segoe fluent icons, etc... but as an opt-in option. So Windows 11 users could have a more or less WinUI experience with FireFox.
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New idea
Submitted on
07:06 AM
Submitted by
07:06 AM
For example, if I search "Mushrooms" in DuckDuckGo and then switch the search engine to Google in the Awesomebar, it should be prefilled with "Mushrooms", so I can quickly do the same search in Google. That said the current search query should be fully selected so that when users don't want to do the same search in a different search engine, they can just start typing and the query would get replaced with what they type.
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New idea
Submitted on
05:27 AM
Submitted by
05:27 AM
Good day ! My name is Calugar Horea Vasile and in these 20 years of use and searches on the Google search engine, and especially in the last two years, I have come to see the following: I attached 2 links with the same search term on both bing and google, namely Authoritarianism. The first fact to notice are the search addresses, then the results. Bing offers more freedom through various results, from all over the world, while Google has come to offer the results of one or two tricks, thus humiliating the rest, causing them suffering. I have the following request for the inventor of the internet browser: please set the default bing search engine for firefox. BING Search Result: https://www.bing.com/search?pc=MOZI&form=MOZLBR&q=Authoritarianism+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOGLE Search Result: https://www.google.com/search?q=Authoritarianism+&sca_esv=4997d9601951f80e&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ71P4lwgI5QeDfy-PfZ6UuaGeGOw%3A1727870537932&source=hp&ei=STb9ZoD8Na3Ci-gPyIbNiQw&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZv1EWdLzEOFCTlMzwx1rBgYFQnz6NqSt&ved=0ahUKEwjAxIOt0--IAxUt4QIHHUhDM8EQ4dUDCBY&uact=5&oq=Authoritarianism+&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhFBdXRob3JpdGFyaWFuaXNtIDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBBAAGB4yBBAAGB4yBBAAGB5IrRNQqAlYqAlwAXgAkAEAmAFooAFoqgEDMC4xuAEDyAEA-AEC-AEBmAICoAJwqAIKwgIHECMYJxjqApgDBZIHAzEuMaAHgwY&sclient=gws-wiz
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New idea
Submitted on
03:29 AM
Submitted by
03:29 AM
The buttons for "Reload" and "Settings" are only visible when "Show accounts" is enabled, which expands the sidebar on the very left. Maybe you can also put them somewhere else, so that they are more visible?
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New idea
Submitted on
03:27 AM
Submitted by
03:27 AM
Would it be possible that Thunderbird for Android checks for new mail every time the App is opened? I know this behavior from other Email Apps, but with Thunderbird, I have to swipe down to check for new mails, instead of Thunderbird doing it automatically.
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Can we update Firefox search engine options to include Startpage? Other browsers already have this & would make it a lot easier to use on my phone.
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When going through emails, I find it a little infuriating that when I open an email, desk with it, then delete it, Thunderbird opens the next email automatically.
It feels like a struggle to simply keep unread emails unread. Wish there was a setting so that deleting an email would just show an empty screen instead of selecting the next email and marking it unread automatically.
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Sending a tab to another device currently requires using the mouse or trackpad. To improve and simplify this workflow there should be a hotkey and a menu item.
It should also be possible to send bookmarks and history items directly to other devices from the contextual menu instead of requiring them to be loaded first.
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In short, every time I read an email through another email client (such as Gmail's Web client) while my computer is off, and then Thunderbird boots up and fetches new email, those emails I read (and got marked as read) get ignored by the filters.
What I would expect to happen is: new email is seen by Thunderbird (even if read), new email is run through the filters.
So, I would love an option to ensure that all my filters consider any and all new emails, regardless of their read status.
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Currently you can only share the page by right clicking on the tab. Coming from Edge or Chrome this is not clear. It would be nice to have a share option in the contextmenu when you right click on a page (next to the star). In the Application Menuin there it could also have to option to share or deeper in the More Tools section. Personally I would prefer the right click context menu since I used that countless of times.
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I am using Firefox for more than 20 years and over time I collected a huge bunge of bookmarks. They are well organized in thematic sub folders, but ... however ... it has become a bit messy with them. I wolld appreciate if ther was a little button [x] next to each one, just to delete it by clicking on it. This would help a lot keeping my bookmarks fresh and up to date. Right click an delete is a bit cumbersome. Thanx and good luck!
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