I, as a Firefox User in a company using Ldap, want to have the ability to link several credentials together,
so that I can respect the "Update Password every 30 days"-Policy of my company without having to change 20 unique domain-entries in Firefox every 30 Days.
User Acceptance Criteria (suggestion of ...):
A label shall be used (and restricted to be unique to avoid confusion?) and displayed as a tag aside the credentials when suggesting credentials on a domain (on_right_click on a password field of a page)
(Technical suggestion, but you know better: the credentials are saved for the label and the domain entries are linked to this Label)
The MAIN criteria of this feature: Changing one of the domain will update all the domains linked to the label
Of course, a single domain might still have several entries some of them clustered, some others not
In the list of passwords (link part of about:logins), the clusters are shown grouped
No more "Password duplicate warnings" if this analysis still exist (I do not see it anymore, but I guess I saw a kind-of-hash-analysis to suggest the user to use different passwords per website) (note: I might be confused with the nextcloud password feature)
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I installed the new Beta Thunderbird, and realized it had to be set up from scratch. I imported my many email accounts from the old version, and to my horror found that the account passwords were not brought over. This is vital, as it takes for ever to enter the passwords with 2FA for each account. Please add this to the new version.
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Hi, I am developing a Website with mostly JavaScript. But recently I had issues with CACHE management. I tried replacing JS file extensions with .css extensions and the CACHE issues were gone. The only issue is when debugging, those files won't show up on the DEBUGGER/SOURCE window because most probably those files were recognized as "CSS" but in truth they are JS with .css extensions. Chromium based browsers, however detects them fine, I think they scan the files then determine from the scan what type of FILES they are instead of only basing on the extensions. It's the only thing that's keeping me from going full time on FIREFOX. I hope you guys can find a way to fix this. Thanks very much!
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I always permanently have a few tabs open, always the same and in the same order. For me it woud be nice to be able to change the tab's appearence to a certain extent. E.g. changing the title or even the the font or the color.
Being able to change the text would tidy up the tabs bar I think. More advanced would be if the settings for the tabs would be saved and automatically be applied for reoccurig links.
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Many people use bookmarks as their "tab manager" tool. It would be good to be able to right click on a bookmark folder in the bookmark toolbar and "open bookmarks in new window". Currently the only option is to open all the bookmarks in a folder into the current window, making one big mess. Other browsers like chrome already have this useful feature. Thanks
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It should be possible to mark a password to be more protected so that someone must reenter master password again for this. While other passwords should remain "unlocked" in the browser session.
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When creating a new tab using "right-click: New Tab", Firefox creates (and switches to) the new tab at a position immediately to the right of the cursor position (or if the cursor is over a pinned tab, as the leftmost unpinned tab). However, when subsequently closing the new tab, Firefox returns focus not to the tab previously displayed before the new tab was created, but instead to the tab to its right. This behaviour is inconsistent. It is also different to the behaviour when creating a new tab using Ctrl-T. Please either alter it so that focus returns to the previously displayed tab or provide a configurable setting so a user can choose this more consistent behaviour.
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New idea
Submitted on
01:29 AM
Submitted by
01:29 AM
Original Thread: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1375011#answer-1500780
From a privacy perspective i simply don't want websites to know my system timezone. If i use a VPN which i do all the time these days, any website i visit will know that the timezone from the IP does not match the timezone of my operatingsystem, so they can basically guess that im using a VPN or even guess my real location based on the operatingsystem's timezone... This sucks badly. You might ask why i care and why im so possessed with privacy, i am not. I have nothing to hide and still i don't want bigtech and governments to have access to my personal information, it simply is none of their bussines period.
Being able to change the timezone in firefox SHOULD be a basic setting.
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The hamburger menu has functions that are not needed but are unnecessary, so it is hard to use.
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Simple, I set an exception to a webpage to open pop_ups, firefox should respect my decision as an user. That should be valid for dom.popup_maximum and for any other parameter that I don't know which would conflict with my exception.
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In version 114 (the beta version), the message window always positions at the left side of the screen. This is an unwelcome change from version 102. The default should be the center of the screen. Thereafter, the message window should open whereever it was last positioned by the user, which is how version 102 works. Please fix this for version 115.
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PDF are not a native format that a web browser should handle ... and a browser should not expose any such addional attack surface through any pdf rendering engine, so i think it would be reasonable to move the existing PDF Viewer into an uninstallable addon. People who want it can still install it (as a recommended addon), and those who prefer their system PDF Viewer dont have to think about it being a vulnerable/wasted part of the browser. This will also (just like the removal of pocket hopefully) slim down the browser. Thanks for reading.
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Hello, I was just reading a really long web page (a list of smartphones compatible with LineageOs) and needed to go farer without knowing exactly where or when I'll need to stop — since I was looking for multiple devices my family has. I didn't want to use the mouse wheel because the distance to cover was too great, and also because of its jerky behavior. Without mentionning leaving my eyes of the list counterintuitive. I moved the mouse to the scroll bar without watching and luckily grabbed the bar. This is what I need: a scrollbar I don't need to look at to be able to reach it, no more hard to grab bar, and no more cursor ending on the top or bottom of the screen — the cursor stays where I clicked on the scroll bar. I made a mockup to be more understandable: https://i.imgur.com/yEMzmlQ.mp4 I wonder if I'm alone in this case!
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It would be great if there was a tab in the Calendar for showing today and the next 6 days (similar to Week, but starting in the current day).
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i'm using multiple PIP all at the same time could it be possible play the audio of the las selected PIP in front and automacally mute the audio of the PIP audio that are in back each time i'm selecting a new PIP the audio Follow the last active PIP
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The "Send an Outlook calendar in an email message" is available in the Window version of outlook but not the Mac version
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I found myself needing to uninstall firefox due to a loading error. Only thing is I'd have to manually re-enter my passwords. I need to be able to export passwords to a file then after reinstalling firefox import passwords from that file. Is there anyone out there that has had this problem?
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... please allow users who have customized FF userChrome to maintain those custom settings once we roll into FF 100 and onward (in my instance to make the fonts of all bookmarks bold and to increase their font size).
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I often have about 3 firefox windows open each with many tabs, and I get in the habbit of having the firefox windows always remain open. And if I go to shut down/restart my pc I'll synchronise via hamburger menu > my account, and it will automatically synchronise. But it doesn't give me confidence that just automatically with a simple 'tick' I can safely shut down my pc and all my pages will be remembered. And I'm pretty sure I'd have synchronised and restarted, but the changes to the browser from 5 minutes before synchronising wouldn't have been saved. So I would like if Firefox explained more-so that it did truly synchronise, and it would be cool to either make the synchronising more reliable or perhaps show me a tree list of the different windows and tabs that it's saved
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New idea
Submitted on
06:48 AM
Submitted by
06:48 AM
I'm a regular user of Firefox Focus on Android and enjoy it very much. I also tend to use swipe-style keyboard input on my phone and that automatically adds a space after each word that has been swiped. If I want to go to "reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful" then the easiest way for me to type this into the URL bar with swiping results in: Reddit. com /r/data is beautiful Due to the automatic space insertion at various places. If the browser could see that this string of characters/words without spaces produces a valid URL then it could suggest that as an entry to click on beneath the URL bar. I think this is small but useful feature. I recognise that there might be complexities that I haven't considered. As it is not specific to Firefox Focus, I'd be happy to see it in Firefox too. I realise also that it is providing special behaviour to cater to people that use swipe input and not everyone uses swipe input but at the same time it doesn't seem crazy to have for people that don't use swipe input but somehow find themselves with an accidental space in there. Thanks!
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