Showing ideas with label Thunderbird.
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Can a birthday field be added to the contact address book and it can be shown in the calendar please?
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Szeretném, ha az üzeneteket értesítési hang szerint el lehetne szelektálni egymástól. Androidon a Bluema nagy ügyesen csinálja, ezért is szeretem annyira. Jó lenne, ha itt is bevezetnék, vagy ha már meg va, oldva elárulná valaki, hogy hogyn is működik itt a Thunderbid-ön belül. Leírom pontosan. Van 4 postaikom, és mindegyikhez más-más értesítési hangot szeretnék hallani, amikor levél megy az adott fiókba. Tehát más hangot szeretnék hallani, ha a gmail-es postafiókomba jön valami más hangot, akkor, ha a céges mail-embe kapok valamit, és megint más hangot szeretnék ha a privát fiókomba jön levél. Érthető nem? 🙂 Az alap az, hogy bárhova kapok levelet , egyetlen hang van mindegyikhez. Így pedig már a hangból lehetne tudni, hogy milyen témájú a levé, amit kaptam. Köszönöm!!
I would like it if the messages could be sorted by notification sound. Bluema does it very well on Android, which is why I like it so much. It would be nice if it were introduced here as well, or if it is already done, someone could tell us how it works here within Thunderbid. I will describe exactly. I have 4 mailboxes and for each one I want to hear a different notification sound when mail goes to that account. So, I want to hear a different sound when my gmail mailbox receives a different sound, when I receive something in my company mail, and I want a different sound when a letter comes to my private account. It's understandable, isn't it? 🙂 The basis is that wherever I receive a letter, there is only one sound for each one. That way, you could tell from the sound what the theme of the juice I received was. Thanks!!
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If Thunderbird has the function "delete the trash when the program quits" enabled, this will only happen if you quit Thunderbird using the program's own function "Quit". However, if you run the computer via the Windows function "Shut down", Thunderbird will not empty the trash.
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Hi, so... I loath HTML emails and by default use plain-text view (with AllowTempHTML plugin to get html view if someone sends html-only email). But it struck me that it would be awesome if there were a plugin that converts all emails view from HTML to markdown so it would give plain-text-like view by default with minimal formatting.
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Change location of button to choose all reminders so that user does NOT have to pass by 'delete' button after setting time interval and going to 'checkmark'. The problem is that a person with parkinsons can easily hit delete all button by mistake.
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New idea
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06:00 AM
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06:00 AM
Exiting TB a message warns if the Outbox folder is not empty. It could ask: "Send-Ignore-Cancel".
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It would be very helpful if I could generate a report listing past events and tasks by category. If that's not possible, even just a simple report showing a line for each event with columns for the various data, (start time, end time, name, category, etc.) would really help. I could export that report into Excel and sort as needed.
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If an email is addressed to an identity, Thunderbird automatically replies using that identity email address.
It would be useful if Thunderbird used that same identity when forwarding that email.
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I want to make simple notes in my Calendar about what just happened or need to do without setting up an event. I am not Elon Musk running corporations. Why can't i just simply write something where I need to?
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Now we're using `-` button to minilize Thunderbird to the panel, and `x` button would actually exit the app! Which I might trigger by accident several times a day.
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If the `mail.biff.show_tray_icon_always` option is enabled, it would be nice if the tray icon would support three cases: - TB is minimized => show TB - TB is not minimized but not focused => TB is brought to front - TB is focused => TB is minimized Currently, the first two options are already done like that, but in the last case clicking the tray icon just does nothing. It would be awesome if in that case TB is minimized to the tray. This way you can for example click on the tray icon, have a quick look on the situation, and right away hide TB again by just clicking again where your mouse already is, if nothing further is to be done right now.
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Very simple really.
Just let me be able to send messages from my account.
I would be very happy.
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A really small point but would be (for me anyway) really user friendly. I don't want to enable filter logging for all filters.
When using the "Run Now" button in the Message Filters Dialogue I get instant feedback on the bottom of the main Thunderbird window - saying for example "6 moved to Admin folder"
It shows for less than a second and instantly disappears.
It would be great if it showed for say 10 seconds so that it could be read or if a right click showed the last 5 or so messages
Thank you for reading - fingers crossed you like this... Paul
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I have several mail accounts added in Thunderbird. All of them have a lot of folders. I need several of them everyday, and which folder is relevant changes frequently.
To manage, I bookmarked the principal folder of all inboxes. It would become very laborious to set all needed folders as bookmarks, and this would be outdated quickly. Furthermore, I sometimes need folder another than one of the favorites.
Therefore, I currently scroll the entire list of folders all the times. I would love to have the possibility to jump to a folder in the navigation pane, e.g., by right-clicking a bookmarked folder (see screenshot two). This should scroll the folder list towards the original folder.
As a plus, a further great improvement would to stick the section of bookmarked folders at the top of the navigation pane.
Maybe this is doable easily? It would improve a lot my handling of mails in Thunderbird, and I suppose, of all other users with several inboxes.
Thank you!
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Possibilité de créer un filtre qui valide les messages des expéditeurs figurants dans le carnet d'adresse.
Remerciements et sincères salutations.
Ability to create a filter that validates messages from senders listed in the address book. Thanks and sincere greetings. Paul DUCRET
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Allow making custom columns. This could either be done in a new menu or by allowing extensions to create/edit existing columns through the api.
* Lots of organisations work with tickets, this would allow for making a new column with the ticketnumber for easy sorting.
* Column with the name of the alias used to send an email.
* Cut off a part of the subject that is always the same, this could be something that is used to filter the mail into a seperate folder and is of no value afterwards. It's important that this does not edit the actual subject but only its appearance in the message display list.
* Custom mail status from an external api: an example of this would be the status of a gitlab/github/... issue. As this one is more advanced I would implement this through the extension api.
To allow for sorting it should be possible to decide how new columns should be sorted, this could be alphabetically but could also be different for things like timestams.
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In Thunderbird it warns you if you have more than one recipient on an email you're replying to, I would like it to warn me if the email I'm replying to has more than one recipient and I'm only replying to one of them - I clicked Reply rather than Reply All, often I don't even notice there are more people on the email. The existing warning is fine but this is the case where I need that warning far more often.
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Hi there, this is something that my Outlook-using coworkers brought up. We need to submit our timesheets within 2 workdays of the beginning of the month. Outlook has the ability to set a reoccurring event on the "first weekday" - which is super useful, in my opinion. In comparison, Thunderbird can also do "the first" options for monthly reoccurring events, but they're limited to just days of the week, and the first day of the month (regardless of whether it's a weekend or weekday). I'd like to humbly request that Thunderbird Calendar add the ability to select "weekday" from "the first" (or the second, third, etc, whatever - but "the first" is key) dropdown menu. Thank you for your consideration!
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