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New member
Status: New idea

Possibilité de créer un filtre qui valide les messages des expéditeurs figurants dans le carnet d'adresse.

Remerciements et sincères salutations.


Ability to create a filter that validates messages from senders listed in the address book. Thanks and sincere greetings. Paul DUCRET

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Familiar face

There is a filter that allows you to filter on the presence of an email address in your address books


On the converse,  there is also a not in my address book option.

Is there something more to this request I am missing?


New member

Merci de votre réponse, l'idée est de formaliser dans l'application cette fonction complète sans autre artifice. A la réception de message : "tu n'est pas dans mes contacts alors je jette". Aucune autre application ne le propose, soyez les premiers.

Remerciements et sincères salutations.

Paul Ducret

Thank you for your answer, the idea is to formalize in the application this complete function without any other artifice. On receiving a message: "you are not in my contacts so I throw it away". No other application offers it, be the first. Thanks and sincere greetings. Paul Ducret