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I wonder how Page Translator is missing on Firefox Android. Please Introduce a Page Translator.

(Here's a screenshot of auto detected page Translator from the Brave Browser.)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

I added a correction to my status update - this feature is being rolled out now and will be officially shipped in Firefox 128. 

Thanks again and please feel free to keep the conversation going.

New member

Add translate web page options

Dear Firefox Development Team,

As a long-time Firefox user, I appreciate its performance, privacy features, and user-friendly interface. However, I suggest adding a web page translation feature to the mobile app. This addition would:

  1. Enhance Accessibility: Allow users to understand content from around the world.
  2. Improve Convenience: Enable translation without relying on third-party apps.
  3. Increase Competitiveness: Match features offered by other leading browsers.
  4. Support Learning: Aid users learning new languages by translating content on the fly.

This feature would be a valuable addition, greatly benefiting the global user base. Thank you for considering this suggestion.

Mirza Jaun

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Community Manager
Community Manager

@mirza_jaun good news, this feature is being rolled out now and will be officially shipped in Firefox 128.

If your request is for Firefox iOS, here is a link to that idea thread:

Translate in iOS