New idea
Submitted on
06:06 AM
Submitted by
06:06 AM
I would like to see more pinned tabs in the collapsed (icons only) vertical tab sidebar.
Currently the pinned tabs get truncated and you have to scroll through them if there are more than 4.
Thank you.
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The toolbar button size is too small.
Please consider user-adjustable small, medium, and large button sizes for future version builds.
My eyes can take the text how it is, but cannot make out the buttons.
Al K.
NE Ohio
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The Ai Chat window position is currently bound to the sidebar. This is not much of an issue for short period usage but, for longer term use, it would be preferable to be able to separate sidebar and chat window so that the web page presentation can be centralized. Separate positioning options for the AI Chat window would enable suitable flexibility for most users.
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The new vertical tabs arrangement is an excellent step forward but with the current presentation based on a simple "flat" list of tabs the available display space runs out pretty quickly. I'd love to see a management / presentation approach similar to that used in "Tree Style Tabs" extension.
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Copy or search context menu will be good to have, instead of right clicking and copying or searching.
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New idea
Submitted on
04:25 PM
Submitted by
04:25 PM
Supercookie explanation and demo: https[:]//
Separate Caching Based on User Intent:
Local Storage (Persistent): Store favicons on disk only if the user explicitly navigates or interacts with the page.
In-Memory Cache (Ephemeral): For favicons loaded via redirects, use an in-memory cache or assign a short expiration time. (Note: The feasibility depends on detecting redirects reliably.)
Default Favicon Fallback: Serve a generic favicon when none is cached, which would prevent the site from inferring a fingerprint from unique cache states. (Note: This hand-wave-y solution may overpopulate the f-cache and cause issues with legitimate favicon rendering.)
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Just a matter of convenience... I believe on a large screen it makes more sense to have fresher tabs closer to the top, the most active area of the browser (all the controls are there), as less eye movement between them is required.
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Is it possible to see the attachments at the top of the e-mail (instead of the end) for a better overview especially when having very long messages?
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Release version 136.0 of Firefox added the sidebar along with vertical tabs to the release build, which is great. However, there is a less than ideal interaction that occurs when the New Tab page is opened. Since the bookmarks toolbar is always visible on this page and pinned to the top of the screen, it causes the content at the top of the sidebar to move down to accomodate it, which is visually distracting and can hinder clicking at tabs via muscle memory. The following images show an example of the difference between the sidebar normally and in the New Tab page: Notice how all of the tabs are moved down when the bookmarks toolbar is visible. One way to fix this might be to have the bookmarks toolbar start further to the right when the sidebar is enabled, so that it doesn't interfere with the vertical position of the elements on it. This would reduce the total width of the bookmarks toolbar in such cases.
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I would love to use firefox and kill my relationship with google chrome but this is by far my biggest issue with firefox - legibility at a glance. For whatever reason, in Firefox only the active tab is coloured/marked and the inactive tab are transparent on the top bar. That is extremely problematic for me when I'm doing research for a project or simply have a lot of tabs open - I cannot read them at a glance, I can't see how many tabs are open because its just a sea of text. And the fact that I like my top bar to have a little pattern on it to brighten up my day is not helping. I've tried extensions that would allow me to colour the tabs/create custom themes but they always only colour the active tab and never the inactive ones. And the fact that google does this by default and I don't have to bend over backwards for it is pretty good, ngl. For reference, chrome: clear, legible, I instantly know what's going on Firefox: uhhhh. yeah. Whatever theme I use there is no option to make the inactive tabs a separate colour, they always blend into the bar.
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Not many people know, that addons with "many" users are actually manually reviewed - same as those "Recommended".
I know this only because my speed dial is one of those addons:
Please be aware of a recent change to AMO’s review process: All extension submissions with a significantly large number of users are now subject to human review by the add-ons review team before approval. This may, occasionally, result in minor delays publishing new versions of your extension on AMO. We’ve made this change to provide Firefox users with even greater security assurances for some of AMO’s most popular extensions. As always, we greatly appreciate your contributions to the Firefox extension ecosystem. Cheers!
This is great for users security! But why is it not communicated to users?
My addon listing page still shows the warning: "This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing."
Also other addons with much more users shows the warning:
Addons security is complex, and users can't tell whether addon is safe or not. (even I wouldn't dare to install addon with "Access your data for all websites" permission, unless it has "Recommended" badge, or unless I've build it myself!)
Giving users extra info about addons security would be a great help!
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Autoscrolling is where you click or hold the middle button then move the mouse up or down to start the page scrolling. The farther up or down you move your mouse from the initial point the faster the page autoscrolls. Unfortunately, Firefox autoscrolling is incredibly sensitive. Even when you move the mouse up or down a moderate distance the autoscrolling quickly accelerates to very high speeds. You have be incredibly precise in small mouse movements to keep it under control--something that most users can't easily do. Having a configuration option that allows the user to decrease this sensitivity/acceleration would make autoscrolling a much more useful feature. (Note: "Autoscrolling" and "smooth scrolling" are different things. None of the config options related to smooth scrolling affect autoscrolling sensitivity.) Apparently the issue is the autoscrolling values are currently coded in a way that causes super-quick acceleration. For details see: "According to this code, to activate autoscroll animation you need to move the mouse pointer at least 13 pixels up or down. After that, each pixel move gives you a specific acceleration. It starts at 0.06, then goes to 0.12, then 0.18, and so on... The problem is that this formula is too sensitive to mouse movements in the first few pixels. It almost doubles in the first step..."
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New idea
Submitted on
12:54 PM
Submitted by
12:54 PM
"Table bar" -> "Search for tabs" -> Shortcut for tab search e.g. CTRL + G
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Can we please have some icons for the context/long tap menu? The other menus all have icons. Cheers
Exhibit B: a nice menu with icons
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I don't know why, but K9 is missing some basic features like being able to search the content of the messages. Why is this missing in the year 2025?
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Filtering out a single email address with "Match all of the following" in combination with "Age in days" "is greater than" works fine, if you are wanting to move certain emails after so many days to the Bin for instance.
There is a bit of an issue if you have a list of email addresses in your filter with some logic operations.
The problem is that with multiple email addresses, in the one filter, you need to use "Match any of the following", which in combination with "Age in days" "is greater than", does the filter operation on EVERYTHING in your email account, not just the email addresses listed in the filter. Therefore you can accidentally delete all of your email rather easily!!!!!!
Obviously this problem isn't an issue if you separate each email address into its own rule. Unfortunately this creates an huge number of filters to be created.
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New idea
Submitted on
06:32 PM
Submitted by
06:32 PM
It would be great if we had the option to sort Bookmarks, either alphabetically or custom. I'm used to having my bookmarks sorted alphabetically automatically, and unfortunately at the moment, after migrating over to Firefox, bookmarks move after you've interacted with them. It's frustrating.
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