Showing ideas with label Tabs.
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It should be a must have to group tabs with a right klick on the tab (like it's possible in Google Chrome) and assign the group with a description and a color. Then you can easily open and close a whole group with multiple tabs in it with just one klick. It would be beautiful!
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New idea
Submitted on
01:58 AM
Submitted by
01:58 AM
I'm often viewing PDFs in Firefox and I use the tab icons to quickly find the right tab, but when a tab contains a PDF it has no icon. This makes it harder for me to find it quickly as I'm looking for the absence of something. Some icon for a tab containing a PDF or just an icon indicating a tab is viewing a local file would be really useful.
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When using Firefox desktop version, there is this glaring issue when private tabs are opened - if normal tabs window is closed before private tab window, you lose your entire browsing session!! I lost 200+ opened tabs so many times I can't count anymore, why isn't Mozilla fixing this, and who thought it was a good idea?
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about:preferences#containers My simple request is to make this list reorderable with drag-and-drop. For example, if I have 10 container tabs, and I add a new one, it goes to the bottom of the list. I would like to be able to drag them around to sort them so I don't have to delete them to change the list. When selecting a new container from the context menu in the tab bar, the order of this list is already respected. This would let users simply change the order without any hassle. Thanks.
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Themes are a major reason why I choose Firefox over other browsers and the addition of vertical tabs is great and very welcome! I get that vertical tabs provide more vertical screen real estate, but I really enjoy themes and was wondering if it would be possible to make the height of the theme area adjustable or taller, so more of the selected theme shows when vertical tabs is switches on?
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Once a tab group is made, its mobility is extremely limited. Groups themselves cannot be moved, and we can only move individual tabs from the group's left to the group's right, but not visa versa without adding the tab to the group.
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I had this idea a long time ago. Sometimes on some sites the sound on the site itself is quite loud and I would not like to reduce the volume in the operating system or the volume of the browser itself. I suggest adding a function to control the audio on separate tabs where the audio is currently playing.
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Hello Mozilla team. Since I'm using vertical tabs, there is problem with switching cards. The mute button is right on the icon so I often end up muting a tab instead of switching to it (for example YouTube). It would be great to have an option to disable the audio indicator completely for those of us who don’t really need it. I can mute it with right mouse click and mute.
Thanks for considering it
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The new vertical tabs arrangement is an excellent step forward but with the current presentation based on a simple "flat" list of tabs the available display space runs out pretty quickly. I'd love to see a management / presentation approach similar to that used in "Tree Style Tabs" extension.
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Hello Mozilla,
I would like to pitch the idea of a pop-up tab switcher window.
Now that vertical tab are supported in Desktop Firefox, I like to keep them as favicon buttons but managing a lot of them while on this mode gets difficult quickly so a pop-up window with a built-in fuzzy search (either matching web page title or URL) and a editable keyboard shortcut would be awesome, currently there are a few extensions matching this description and while I have tried them all, they lack Mozilla's quality (also they constantly lose focus on the text box for the fuzzy search).
So, what you say Moz?
Thanks for the attention and best regards.
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I would love to use firefox and kill my relationship with google chrome but this is by far my biggest issue with firefox - legibility at a glance. For whatever reason, in Firefox only the active tab is coloured/marked and the inactive tab are transparent on the top bar. That is extremely problematic for me when I'm doing research for a project or simply have a lot of tabs open - I cannot read them at a glance, I can't see how many tabs are open because its just a sea of text. And the fact that I like my top bar to have a little pattern on it to brighten up my day is not helping. I've tried extensions that would allow me to colour the tabs/create custom themes but they always only colour the active tab and never the inactive ones. And the fact that google does this by default and I don't have to bend over backwards for it is pretty good, ngl. For reference, chrome: clear, legible, I instantly know what's going on Firefox: uhhhh. yeah. Whatever theme I use there is no option to make the inactive tabs a separate colour, they always blend into the bar.
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I find the small size very inconvenient and habitually mute the pinned tab instead of clicking it. Please add sizing options. I would like it if sizing behaved like a regular tab's or was customizable. The option to rename pinned tabs would be great too.
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In development
Submitted on
06:57 AM
Submitted by
06:57 AM
I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.
I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.
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I just enabled the new Firefox 136’s vertical tabs and it’s already great to be able to use it natively. I was wondering though if it would be possible to have bigger icons in the future? I saw tab width and spacing being discussed but not really icon size in the "collapsed" view.
My motivation is that the websites’ favicons do not fill the whole rounded square and I find it a bit of a shame to have empty space instead of just filling it with the favicon.
Here is what is I currently see with the default "System theme", for a selected tab and a non-selected tab:
Thank you for implementing vertical tabs and thank you for your time!
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I haven't seen an idea quite like this, and I believe it has the advantage of using a lot Firefox functionality already in place, so may be easy to implement.
I've usually got maybe 200 or 300 tabs open --- all the time --- though there are of course occasional additions, deletions, etc. And I always have Firefox restore them when I reboot. But they tend to be very disorganized. Here's a suggestion for enabling the organizing of them more easily and quickly, using several features already available in Firefox.
1) use ctrl-shift-d to create a set of bookmarks with all of the tabs 2) export this set of bookmarks as HTML to a file 3) use your favorite text or HTML editor to organize the tabs 4) import this organized file into Bookmarks (with the same or a different name) 5) allow Firefox to open this new bookmark file as a new set of tabs (possibly replacing some tabs currently in use)
This seems to me a very simple and logical (and possibly not too difficult to implement) method of organizing a set of disorganized tabs, using a lot of Firefox infrastructure already in place. It would be a big help to me, and I suspect many others as well.
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As mentioned here :
On my PC I'm used to open all bookmarks in folder with one click. A have several bookmark folders for items I want to check regularly (shopping lists, menus of nearby restaurants, web addresses of network devices at my home etc.) I would like to have this option on iPad. This feature is available in desktop version of Firefox and in Android version too. Please add it to iOS/iPadOS version.
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Hi dears!
I'm new to the community and forgive me if I post this idea and someone has already suggested it.
I've abandoned Safari and I'm loving Firefox again 🙂 Sometimes when I accidentally closed a tab in Safari on my computer, I would just press Cmd + z on Mac (the same idea of Control + Z) to "undo" things and the tab would reappear.
I don't know if this type of "undo" behavior is protected by any intellectual property or royalties from Apple or Microsoft.
I would like to suggest this feature to the dev team, which I believe is easy to implement using the following strategy to solve this:
When the person closes the tab, Firefox will temporarily hide tab for a few seconds (the same flow as close tab, but using a time counter...) If the user type Control + Z or Cmd + Z (for Macs), the tab would simply be reappear. This way is simple to implement, because the resource (tab and objects) not completely "deallocated" from memory, giving the user a chance to quickly think: Wow, I closed the wrong tab, and he would have a few seconds to give the command and restore the tab to its original state. So, When user close tab, the firefox hide this tab for a few seconds before "destroy" the objects.
However, if this short time passes and the user does not use the shortcut, the tab is completely discarded from memory.
Thanks for the space and hugs from Brazil to the entire community!
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Dear beloved Mozilla team, Thank you for being this meme: My suggestion is regarding a mega-search feature, similar to these (ugly) but very useful addons I used in the past: or I have recently fell in love with the Firefox view I use it to search in all my open tabs, BUT it only searches through tab TITLES Please consider adding functionality of performing CTRL+F function in ALL open tabs. I want an everything (by voidtools) indexer but for my tabs. Bonus points if you can add that bad boy to CTRL+SHIFT+F keybind (as the internet is read only, no need for this find and replace keybind) Thank you, Loop.
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From the previous post on Crowdicity:
I would like to see vertical tabs baked in. MS Edge now has it out of the box!
I currently use addons for this - but there's no way to disable the top tab bar, which duplicates the tabs and takes up space.
Vertical tabs (with top bar disabled) would free up more space for web content, which is (usually) vertical. Most screens are widescreen (RIP ThinkPad 4:3 ratios), so the less browser UI at the top/bottom, the more content we can view.
The original post received 154 votes and as such was the 3rd highest voted post in the "General" category.
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