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New member
Status: New idea

Hi dears!

I'm new to the community and forgive me if I post this idea and someone has already suggested it.

I've abandoned Safari and I'm loving Firefox again ๐Ÿ™‚

Sometimes when I accidentally closed a tab in Safari on my computer, I would just press Cmd + z on Mac (the same idea of Control + Z) to "undo" things and the tab would reappear.

I don't know if this type of "undo" behavior is protected by any intellectual property or royalties from Apple or Microsoft.

I would like to suggest this feature to the dev team, which I believe is easy to implement using the following strategy to solve this:

When the person closes the tab, Firefox will temporarily hide tab for a few seconds (the same flow as close tab, but using a time counter...) If the user type Control + Z or Cmd + Z (for Macs), the tab would simply be reappear. This way is simple to implement, because the resource (tab and objects) not completely "deallocated" from memory, giving the user a chance to quickly think: Wow, I closed the wrong tab, and he would have a few seconds to give the command and restore the tab to its original state. So, When user close tab, the firefox hide this tab for a few seconds before "destroy" the objects.

However, if this short time passes and the user does not use the shortcut, the tab is completely discarded from memory.

Thanks for the space and hugs from Brazil to the entire community!

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

Would ctrl+shift+T work for what you're looking for? Lets you essentially reopen tabs you've closed. Doesn't even have a time limit on it, either - Think as long as it's the same browser session.