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03:33 PM
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03:33 PM
I would love to see more swipe gestures available, and the tabs menu is a great place to add them.
I constantly swipe left and right to access "Tabs" and "Private tabs" thinking that they will swipe, but they don't, and that makes me sad. That's okay if it doesn't get added, I'll find another way to stop myself from doing that.
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Hi dears!
I'm new to the community and forgive me if I post this idea and someone has already suggested it.
I've abandoned Safari and I'm loving Firefox again 🙂 Sometimes when I accidentally closed a tab in Safari on my computer, I would just press Cmd + z on Mac (the same idea of Control + Z) to "undo" things and the tab would reappear.
I don't know if this type of "undo" behavior is protected by any intellectual property or royalties from Apple or Microsoft.
I would like to suggest this feature to the dev team, which I believe is easy to implement using the following strategy to solve this:
When the person closes the tab, Firefox will temporarily hide tab for a few seconds (the same flow as close tab, but using a time counter...) If the user type Control + Z or Cmd + Z (for Macs), the tab would simply be reappear. This way is simple to implement, because the resource (tab and objects) not completely "deallocated" from memory, giving the user a chance to quickly think: Wow, I closed the wrong tab, and he would have a few seconds to give the command and restore the tab to its original state. So, When user close tab, the firefox hide this tab for a few seconds before "destroy" the objects.
However, if this short time passes and the user does not use the shortcut, the tab is completely discarded from memory.
Thanks for the space and hugs from Brazil to the entire community!
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Having lot of TABs open, i frequently use " Close Left Tabs " or " Close Right Tabs "
with the use of Context-Menue from TABs. ( right click mouse - select - klick )
IT WAS VERY USEFUL to have for each a SYMBOL to invoke that action in the TOOLBAR / ICONBAR.
( ONLY ONE CLICK was nessessary .. this or that .. )
On THIS it should either be done :: " Close Left " or " Close Right " in regards/ dependation of the ACTIVE TAB.
best reards juergen
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As mentioned here :
On my PC I'm used to open all bookmarks in folder with one click. A have several bookmark folders for items I want to check regularly (shopping lists, menus of nearby restaurants, web addresses of network devices at my home etc.) I would like to have this option on iPad. This feature is available in desktop version of Firefox and in Android version too. Please add it to iOS/iPadOS version.
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Unload is a great feature to save ram but sometime I don't want that some tabs are automatically unload.
I think that pinning them means that are important and the user doesn't want to lose any data in them.
Please stop the auto-unloading of the pinned tabs, or at least make it optional.
Thank you
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Please add a tab to scroll longer websites without having to constantly lift your finger. See Safari or Samsung Internet for reference.
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Context: I usually open pages by searching from a search widget on my home screen. I use Firefox Nightly on Android.
Problem: I do a lot of searches each day. I need an easy way to close/discard the current tab, otherwise my "Jump back in" fills up with pages I am already finished with.
1. Replace the rarely used + (new tab) on the toolbar with an x (close tab).
2. Also, pressing back should close the tab. If I back out of a page, I don't want Firefox to remember the page in "Jump back in".
(I know I can open the tabs screen and x or swipe the current tab to remove it, but this is two gestures, and one of them is not near the bottom of the screen. Making it easier to perform in one gesture would make it more likely that I keep my active tab list tidy.)
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At the beginning of the tabs on the tabs bar, you have a < icon to move the bar one tab towards the start. At the end of the tabs bar, you have a > icon to move the bar one tab towards the end.
Can you add a << icon at the beginning and a >> icon at the end for jumping directly to the first or last tab?
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Dear beloved Mozilla team, Thank you for being this meme: My suggestion is regarding a mega-search feature, similar to these (ugly) but very useful addons I used in the past: or I have recently fell in love with the Firefox view I use it to search in all my open tabs, BUT it only searches through tab TITLES Please consider adding functionality of performing CTRL+F function in ALL open tabs. I want an everything (by voidtools) indexer but for my tabs. Bonus points if you can add that bad boy to CTRL+SHIFT+F keybind (as the internet is read only, no need for this find and replace keybind) Thank you, Loop.
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Implement a similar feature to desktop Firefox's "Close tabs to the right" for Firefox mobile so the user can bulk-close tabs easily. Perhaps as an option when you long press the tab?
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Currently, when dragging a tab in Firefox to detach it from the main window, the new window is only created and shown once you release the mouse button. I think that having the option to make it work like in chromium browsers(this being, so as soon as you begin dragging a tab, a live floating window with that tab should immediately appear) would be pretty usefull. Comparison: Benefits: Improved Usability: A live preview would make it easier to move tabs between windows or to a different position, as you could see in real time where the new window will appear. Would allow users to drop the tab exactly where they want it, especially useful in multi-monitor or workspace setups. Better experience: With immediate visual feedback, organizing your workspace becomes smoother. Proposal: Basically an option somewhere like in about:settings where you could choose between the current behavior and the one proposed. PD: I've been looking but only thing i've found similar to this was this post from @Llanfair : And it seems like some people didn't get idea a other noted that maybe it was a bug?But I haven't found any bug reports about it either. I'm not completly sure so here is my post. Let me now if this a bug instead. Thank you.
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I am thankful for the (somewhat) recent implementation of the sidebar and vertical tabs in Firefox, particularly the ability to have the sidebar completely hidden for minimal disturbance. I have found three states of the sidebar: ¹ Expanded (with tab title text), ² Minimized (only tab favicons), ³ Hidden (no sidebar visible). Currently the [Hide/Show sidebar] button as well as the shortcut [Ctrl+Shift+Z] can only toggle between ¹ Expanded and either ² Minimized or ³ Hidden. To change between ² Minimized and ³ Hidden, the user must go through the 'customize sidebar' settings pane and toggle the 'Hide tabs and sidebar' checkbox. I propose that it can be a preferable feature if the [Hide/Show sidebar] button and the shortcut can be configured such that the user can cycle between all three states instead of two of the three.
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Firefox had the feature to explicitly search for tabs using a prepending `% ` in the search/address bar for a while. Additionally, when typing into the search/address bar, open tabs are indexed and presented as search entries. However, there is no functionality like using ctrl/cmd+shift+A in Chrome/Edge where the user may initiate an explicit tab search with one input event. It would currently take at least three inputs ([Ctrl+L], [%],[space]) to start an explicit tab search on keyboard, or two ([List all tabs] icon → [Search tabs]) on mouse. If someone uses tab search a lot, it makes sense to be able to replace the default web search engine with local tab search so an explicit tab search only takes [Ctrl+L] just like someone else may prefer to use that shortcut to do web search.
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I'm sorry if this doesn't enter the "Idea" category, I didn't know where else to submit it to. Thanks for reading, Lermano
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On MacOS, I can navigate to the adjacent left and right tab with cmd+shift+[ and cmd+shift+] respectively.
I would like a similar keyboard shortcut on Linux. The equivalent shortcut is ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab, but this is not as ergonomic and difficult to get used to.
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When opening a link in a new tab (e.g. through middle-clicking), the new tab generally opens next to the tab that contained the link, which is useful to keep it close to related tabs.
However, when the tab containing the link is a pinned tab, this is less useful, since the opener is usually a long-running app like email (so the opened link isn't necessarily related), and the pinned tabs are stuck to the start of the tab bar, so the new tab gets opened all the way at the start as well, far away from the tabs you're currently working with.
It also means that the Alt+<nr> keyboard shortcuts, to quickly switch to tabs at the start of the tab bar, will suddenly point to the newly-opened tabs, instead of the more static tabs-that-have-been-open-for-a-long-time.
This gets more noticeable when using vertical tabs, where you'll generally have more tabs open, and the rest of your tabs get scrolled out of view.
(The Pinned Tabs Fix extension is an attempt at implementing this, though it's limited in what it can do by virtue of being an extension.)
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When closing a tab through "X Close Tab" after long pressing the Tab switcher, it switches back to the first tab in order instead of next in order.
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I would like to propose a new native feature for Firefox that automatically groups open tabs based on their host (domain). This feature should add an option in Firefox’s settings so that when enabled, tabs sharing the same host are consolidated into a single tab element in the native tabs bar (positioned above the address bar as usual). Feature Requirements: Automatic Grouping by Host: When multiple tabs from the same website (i.e., same host) are open, they should automatically be grouped together in the native tabs bar. The grouping should be based strictly on the host portion of the URL (e.g., all tabs from “” are grouped together). Visual Indicator: Each grouped tab should display a small badge or symbol indicating the number of “subtabs” contained within the group. This visual cue must be clearly visible at all times, ensuring users are aware of how many individual tabs are combined in the group. Integrated Dropdown for Subtabs: When the grouped tab is clicked, a dropdown list (or similar UI element) should immediately open, displaying all the individual subtabs within that group. The dropdown should enable users to switch directly to the desired tab with minimal effort (ideally in just two clicks). Native UI Integration: The feature should integrate seamlessly into Firefox’s native tabs bar, preserving the standard tab placement and functionality. This implementation should enhance tab management without requiring any additional UI elements or separate toolbars. User Configurability: An option in Firefox’s settings (or preferences) should allow users to enable or disable this feature. Additional configuration options (if feasible) might include grouping based on additional criteria (e.g., subdomains) or customization of the visual indicators. Advantages Over Existing Extensions: Reduced Clicks and Streamlined Workflow: Unlike existing extensions where users often need to manually group tabs or open an additional overview via extra clicks, this native solution automates grouping and presents the subtabs with a simple two-click process. Optimized Screen Real Estate: Existing solutions sometimes rely on sidebars or additional panels that occupy valuable browser space. Integrating the feature directly into the native tabs bar ensures that maximum content area is maintained for the webpage itself. Seamless Native Integration: As a built-in feature, it benefits from full integration with Firefox’s performance and stability. Users will experience a consistent look and feel that aligns with other native UI elements, avoiding the overhead and potential inconsistencies introduced by third-party extensions. User-Friendly and Intuitive: The proposed design mimics familiar interfaces, providing a more intuitive and efficient navigation model. Improved Efficiency: With automatic grouping and a clear visual indicator of the number of subtabs, users can quickly identify and switch between related tabs, significantly enhancing tab management and reducing clutter. Benefits: Clutter Reduction: Reduces clutter on the native tabs bar when multiple tabs from the same site are open. Efficiency: Improves user experience by enabling quick and easy switching between related tabs with minimal clicks. Intuitive Navigation: Emulates the convenient behavior seen in application grouping on some operating systems, providing a familiar and efficient navigation model for users. E.g. in Linux Mint (XFCE) see the screenshot below: What do you think about this?
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We use our phones with thumbs mainly and to click anything on the higher end of the screen, we have to reach out our thumb to the top which is not convenient, especially the ones with large screen. We use tab switcher frequently in the day to navigate to different opened tabs.And to click on the first few tabs, thumb has to reach out to top of the screen, to prevent this, it would be amazing if we could scroll down the first tab to the bottom of the screen as well. We already scroll in tab switcher to navigate, but only for first few tabs, scrolling alone doesn't cut it, which is not consistent and is incomplete. Hope this gets implemented in both the list and grid view. Before: hand reaching out & tilting phone (a big disturbance in the flow & convenience), then click on the first tab. After: a swipe down, then click on the first tab. Reasoning behind this is kinda the same why people prefer bottom address bar on phones.
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Hi Firefox Team,
I've been using Firefox Nightly for the past week, and I absolutely love the vertical tabs and sidebar features. The ability to have an AI chatbot and some extensions at the bottom of the sidebar is super convenient.
However, one thing I really miss from my time using Edge is the ability to pin certain websites, like Instagram or Reddit, to the sidebar. It was great for quickly scrolling through social media while working on my main tabs. Right now, I don't see an option to do this in Firefox Nightly, and I think adding a simple "+" button to pin certain websites in the sidebar would be a fantastic addition.
It would make multitasking even better and enhance the overall browsing experience. I hope you consider adding this feature in a future update!
Thanks for all the great work. Looking forward to seeing how Firefox evolves!
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