Showing ideas with label Mobile-Android.
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I listen to lots of podcasts and the radio whilst browsing and whilst working in Firefox. It would be pretty cool to have a built in podcast/radio player that I could interact with, all in the same tab that I am working in. It could also be something that makes Firefox unique to other browsers. Not sure if it could work on mobile, but that would interest me too if it was possible.
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On Desktop, many extensions have optional permissions that are not enabled by default but provide additional functionality. For example, SponsorBlock by default can only access data for YouTube and SponsorBlock domains, which is the minimal amount required to work on YouTube. However, an optional permission to access all web data allows functionality on third party frontends like Invidious.
On Android, it is impossible to enable such optional permissions, at least through the browser"s GUI (if there's an about:config hack, please tell me. I'm all ears). Thus, extensions like SponsorBlock are soft-locked into default configurations that only work on the official YouTube domain.
The option to enable optional permissions would be most welcome in a future update.
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This would be a good idea to reach new users. There are already a few other browsers on there such as Vivaldi and Opera, and I think Firefox should be an option for users too.
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Common Voice is a Mozilla project that builds datasets for speech recognition systems, in it's collection it has low resource, vulnerable and endangered languages, that have little representation in the digital world.
Adding a search by voice to Firefox, would provide a simple voice service for these languages.
Beside the good cause, with this blue ocean strategy, Firefox might have a comeback. The browser's red market already has tons of players, where as the voice search for disadvantaged languages is a blue market that ideally Mozilla would be the only player or there would be few players with no giant players. This is a new market waiting to be captured that giants would not bother to enter.
Please, Let me know what you think? What are the possible benefits if any? Do you use search by voice more often on your smart phone, tablet, notebook, PC?
Best Regards, Nart
Here is a screenshot of this feature in Chrome:
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Search led me to the wrong place, and my query there for a better place did not produce an answer, but only an unending stream of irrelevant notifications. Just spent a long time trying to turn off the subscription for the topic, but can't find out how. Please make it stop. So far all of my attempts to use this system have similarly led nowhere. I'd like to see Mozilla survive, even thrive and flourish, but this seems to be a funny way to run a business model. Perhaps the root of the problem is that my own motivations are funny? On the negative and dark side? I mostly just want the freedom not to use a browser controlled by an evil corporate cancer such as Microsoft or the google. The overlap between my motivations and Mozilla's seems to be shrinking pretty steadily.
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New idea
Submitted on
09:08 AM
Submitted by
09:08 AM
Hello, Idea: Add Firefox to F-Droid. Because, i don't want to be depend on Play Store to use Firefox.
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New idea
Submitted on
06:29 AM
Submitted by
06:29 AM
Hello, Idea: Add the "For sites you add" feature (included in Firefox Focus) to FF Android.
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We need an option in Firefox for android to print! Its literally missing. Fix this easy situation.
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New idea
Submitted on
02:54 AM
Submitted by
02:54 AM
Hello, I have a suggestion for Pocket (Android app). Icons in "Lists" and "Content Type" sections above the label list in the menu we access from the bottom left of the screen are descriptive enough. I suggest to use icons alone. I can’t wait to hear your ideas. Good Days... Example:
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In development
Submitted on
09:19 AM
Submitted by
09:19 AM
Firefox Fennec had a great tabbed interface on tablets. When Fenix came, we regressed to a stretched out phone UI. After years of stagnation, Android tablets are rising again, thanks to foldables and new initiatives from Google. Firefox is missing out by not including a tabbed interface for Android tablet users, particularly because FF has best in class syncing abilities. Android power users are enthusiastic recommenders of their favorite browsers, so it would be huge advantage over Chromium based competitors!
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It would be great to be able to match the built in PDF editing tools that Microsoft Edge has, specifically the highlighting and drawing tools. This is one of the reasons I can't use Firefox for working with PDFs.
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Unlike some other users, I'm a fan of the "Daylight" update to Firefox for Android in 2020. I think the new UI is slicker and easier than the competition, but from the beginning there was always room for improvement. For me, my biggest concern with Daylight has always been the Add-On Compatibility, or lack-therof. I appreciate how Nightly allows me to curate my own Add-On Collection to try add-ons and use ones I like, but after a year and a half since Daylight launched I feel like expanded Add-On support shouldn't be limited to Nightly, especially since Nightly is, by nature, an unstable build. I propose two solutions to improve Add-On support on Android. 1. Port over the current Custom Add-On Collection feature as-is to either Beta or Stable (this would include hiding it as a "secret setting" behind the Firefox Logo on the About Page). 2. Curate a larger collection of Add-Ons tested for compatibility on Android that could be given their own unique badging on the Add-Ons site, and in turn installable on any Android build of Firefox. The former-most option would be the easiest to apply for the sake of those willing to use Nightly's fix, but the latter-most option would be more user friendly, improve user participation in the Android Browser's development (by allowing users to submit recommended extensions for Android similar to how the general Recommended badging works), and free up Nightly builds for testing Extension features that have yet to be perfected on Android. Mobile-Android
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