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New member
Status: Delivered

Please bring back the ability to disable pull up refresh. So many times I have lost form data due to scrolling too fast or pinching to zoom. Itโ€™s so frustrating. Pull to refresh is great, but please give me the option. 

New member

I like how I can pull the page down on my phone to refresh it, but it's driving me insane when it refreshes as I'm zooming out.

A couple of use cases where this is a real annoyance:

1. My bank. When I'm logging in, I tap on the username box and the view zooms in. After I'm logged in, I want to zoom out to see the whole page (the desktop view is much better than the mobile view). 9 out of 10 times, the page then refreshes and I get logged out.

2. Making posts on a forum. When I tap on the new message textarea, it zooms in a little. After I've written my post, I want to read all of it, so I zoom out so I don't have to scroll sideways. 9 times out of 10 the page then refreshes and I lose everything I've written.

So there. Thanks for listening, possibly.

New member

Yes please! Don't know if it's a feature or a bug but it's very annoying. If u want to refresh I'll press the refresh page button.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Strollin' around

Wait, where do you have this functionality? I am waiting for this on Firefox Android ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Making moves

Please please please please please add an option on ios to disable pull-to-refresh

Making moves

any chance to fix Truncated!

New member

More settings is always better. Making a setting and then getting rid of it is not cool. 

New member

The pull down to refresh feature doesnโ€™t work very well. Sometimes I end up refreshing the page unintentionally which can be very unproductive. Iโ€™d like the option to disable this โ€˜featureโ€™. More settings is always better. Making a setting and then getting rid of it is not cool. The mobile app should have an about:config with a whole bunch of settings like the desktop version.

New member

Pull to refresh feature added on the new uodate but i don't like it. There should be a option to disable that.


Hi all,

Thanks so much for the request & the comments. We promoted the "Pull to Refresh" behavior to be enabled by default in v112. If you'd like to disable the feature, there's an option in Settings - please check out the "Reload an Open Tab" section of this article for instructions on how to disable the feature.

Additionally, we understand there are some known issues with the sensitivity of the 'pull' gesture, and we're hoping to continuously improve on that. There are a number of bugs related to that attached to our "Pull to Refresh issues" metabug, in case you'd like to subscribe to updates for any of those.

Hope this helps!

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

This has been delivered โ€” check out @jmahon's post to learn more.

As always, looking forward to continuing to collaborate with you all here on Mozilla Connect!

Share your next great idea.

New member

this is, as far as I can tell, still not resolved for iOS users.

New member

Why is there not an option to disable pull to refresh on iOS like there is on Android? Its broken behavior while pinching to zoom has caused me constant irritation. 

New member

Same here. I followed the steps in @jmahon โ€™s post but it seems it only applies to the Android version.

I never intentionally use pull to refresh personally. However it happens VERY often accidentally when zooming out, which makes no sense to me. Zooming out and refreshing should be completely separate actions in my opinion. 

In any case, and especially since the Android version has it, please also provider a way to disable this feature on iOS.

New member

Itโ€™s really bad ux. I lost posts on Xwitter and forums because of this