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Familiar face
Status: New idea

The principle of this feature is to make the websites I visit think I'm a proxy. Sometimes websites get spoofed by the IP address I set. In my country, it's a bit difficult to use a VPN, so I recommend adding this feature. This feature is really achievable, and Adguard for Windows has implemented this one feature.

Status changed to: New idea
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Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Making moves

This idea nearly ties to where my team wants to help users provide their own legal INTRAnets. For instance, phone and internet hosting companies would not own other's services, but we could legally host each others upon agreement. If we each had the hardware and programming available to do so, would it not be worth it? Right, Mozilla? Unix? Windows XP3? MacOS9? BB-OS2? AMD? ASUS? HP? IBM (Lenovo)? Linksys?

Making moves

That's a good idea, it's being implemented in Chrome as well

Familiar face

@finanpb Does Chrome have this one feature?

New member


Est ce que Firefox pourrait masquer notre adresse I P par sécurité......? j'utilise Firefox et Thunderbird depuis plusieurs années et je ne ne connais pas beaucoup Internet mais suffisamment pour m'être aperçu que je suis piraté depuis a peu près huit ans..... sans pouvoir faire grand chose a part tombé sur des techniciens malhonnêtes merci pour votre réponse


Good morning

Could Firefox hide our IP address for security......? I have been using Firefox and Thunderbird for several years and I don't know much about the Internet but enough to have noticed that I have been hacked for about eight years..... without being able to do much except running into technicians dishonest thank you for your response


Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)