01-22-2025 04:20 PM
Many users find this information not only useful, but necessary, because it doesn't make much sense to know what the changes will be after they have been applied.
I've been thinking for quite some time, years, that it is a necessary option and today I finally decided to look for information about it, and now I saw some other ideas pointing at this. This one idea, at the end of 2022 and with 63 kudos, is not attended and there is no explanation why, or I can´t see it anywhere.
Personally it bothers me that fiferox don't provide this information deliberately, since it's just a matter of adding a link to https://www.mozilla.org/xx-XX/firefox/releases/
Technically it shouldn't take much effort and all of us who want or need to, will be able to review the changes easily before updating, instead of how we do now, clicking the visible link that points to the installed version, manually changing the version https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/XXX.X.X/releasenotes/ and matching it with the new version, in order to access the changes of the new version that Firefox wants to install on our devices. Update notifications are becoming more intrusive, more insistent, persistent and annoying, something undesirable in any application.
Attached thumbnail shows firefox before restart to update to 134.0.2, but theres only a link to previous versión changelog.