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Making moves
Status: In development

Thunderbird can move folders to different hierarchies using drag and drop. However, it is not possible to move them within the same hierarchy, i.e. reorder them.

The "Manually sort folders" add-on had helped to sort folders, but with Thunderbird 115 (Supernova), it is no longer available. It is time to make it a proper feature.

I was involved in the development of the add-on to make it Thunderbird 78 compatible and later as a collaborator. So, as an option, I have considered developing another add-on for Thunderbird 115. This may not be impossible. (John is providing a POC.) But I would like to consider implementing the ability to sort folders properly in Thunderbird.

My current thinking and the work required has been described here.

1846550 - add ability to manually sort (order) folders in folder pane (

New member

I'm still on Thundebird 1.02.15 waiting for this to be fixed.
Thanks for working on it.

New member

When version 128 was finally released today, I was very pleased at first, the wait was finally over.

But now the bitter disappointment: you still can't sort the folders the way you want to.

No reference to the function in the release notes, nothing.

It would improve everyday work so much, but Mozilla can't or won't implement the function.

Making moves

After the blockers against my patch were fixed, I resubmitted the patch. But it was too late; Mozilla held off on to larger changes as they focus on releasing ESR 128, so my patch will not be reviewed until later this month at the earliest.

New member

It seems that Mozilla isn't particularly interested in this feature despite quite a few folks asking for it.  Hopefully after they review your new submission they'll start work on adding this needed feature.  Just hope I'm still alive when it happens!  😁

New member

the big problem of Mozilla (or any other development house) is not taking case user requests.

New member

Thank you Georg_G for saving me the time to try to update to version 128 and back. I remain in version 102.15.1 with automatic updates disabled and still using the old Manually Sort Folders addon by J. Protzenko.

Making moves

I know we are coming up on a year of trying to get a full folder-sort addon into Thunderbird.  As many, I am frustrated and waiting until they pay attention to us and the developer.

Not applicable

Dear community, I have been waiting for the implementation in Thunderbird for a very long time. Since Mozilla has not responded and is not interested in implementing the requests in Thunderbird, I am now deleting Thunderbird and installing another email client. I am also deleting my Mozilla account.

Making moves

I have not taken this step yet, but am getting close.  slightly off-topic, I have recently moved off Firefox because it is slow on my system and has a high memory demand.

New member

Yes - it really helps manage multiple email account management

New member


New member

So, I just installed Thunderbird, which is the first problem I encountered. I am not exactly happy to see the lack of support over so long, as it shows a lack of care and attention. Maybe Thunderbird isn't for me, but I will try Vivaldi mail now.

New member

I think that if you rearrange the accounts (from Account Settings), it will rearrange the folder sorting


Making moves

@Domus71 No, we use the term ‘folder’ here to include sub-folders.

New member

This is a must!  Let's get 'er done!