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Status: In development

Help! My tab manager in Firefox for Android is in a giant mess and the basic ability to rearrange the order of the tabs would help greatly in dealing with this issue! Please re-enable the ability to rearrange tabs in the tab manager that was once do-able in previous versions of Firefox for Android!

Strollin' around

I think this has now been delivered, at least in beta.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the heads up @DynaZor -- the ideas have been merged together and votes combined.

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with some exciting news...

This feature is currently "In development" and should be delivered in the upcoming Firefox 108. Stay tuned for more updates ๐Ÿ˜€

-The Community Team

Making moves

Now we are on 110 where is it?

Making moves

Now we are on 110 where is the feature?

Making moves

@Mpoygiai think jon meant that it is available for firefox nightly mobile. Atleast i have it available in firefox nightly android. 

Strollin' around

Pleeeeeease bring back the option to reorder tabs.

Why ever was it removed as a function of Firefox at all? Was it a proprietary feature licensed to you by another organization???

Users really appreciate/d this feature.

Thank you very much in advance.


Making moves

And now we are on 116,where is the feature @Jon ๐Ÿ˜„

Making moves

@Jeppiewhich one, the manual rearrange? Because I have it too

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the tag @Mpoygia - let me check with the mobile team to see latest status.

Making moves

@Mpoygiaif you hold on the tab where you can see your open tabs you can move the tab wherever you want atleast in firefox nightly.

New member

 @Pamm Please try updating to the latest version in the Google Play store because I think they've fixed this issue in Firefox Android. To rearrange tabs, open the tab manager and long hold a tab and slide it to the new position. Hope this helps.

Now if only Firefox Android had a session manager like desktop browsers then it would become truly useful for mobile productivity!

Strollin' around

@auser Thx for your message! Had updated  yesterday before posting. Sadly, long press still shows "Open in private tab/Rename/Remove" as previous ๐Ÿ˜ž

New member

@PammOut of curiosity are you using Firefox for Android or another platform? Also what version operating system are you using? Those functions you described such as Renaming a tab doesn't even exist on my version of Firefox for Android!

Making moves

@auser I'm using   fennec fdroid