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New member
Status: New idea

With the last update, message threads got introduced. 

I can turn them off per folder, but I would like to turn the option off in its entirety. No message threads.

There is no option for that right now. Could you please add one? More users are struggling with this. 

Kind regards!

New member

Absolutely marvellous, well done and thanks!

New member


Thank you!

New member

You're welcome, dm62.  Happy to help.

Making moves

Threading is a useful way of displaying your message list in Thunderbird

Is what it says... What a curious statement:  NOT IT IS NOT! It is an opinion! And at least you should not be the person determining that! Let me determine that myself please!

Making moves

I thought I had turned it of but just as with MS Windows, it seems every time there is an update Mozilla thinks we have been stupid or naughty and it is turned back on again!

Developers: No you are and should not be the people in charge of the UI! Actually quite a few people choose Thunderbird because they themselves want to be in charge, and not be a slave to software from a big corporation, so stop behaving like you are one, please! It may be extremely difficult for you to comprehend that this statement:

Threading is a useful way of displaying your message list in Thunderbird

Is NOT TRUE, at least not for many people, just as MS's 'focused inbox' is an abomination to people who are perfectly capable of themselves determining what is useful to them and what not, so stop pushing your own agenda onto people who do not necessarily want it.


New member

To disable email threads in your email client (e.g., Gmail, Outlook), you typically need to go to your email settings and turn off the conversation or thread view option. The specific steps may vary depending on the email service you're using, but it's usually a user-configurable setting. Disabling threads will display emails as separate messages rather than grouped in conversations. Remember, email providers offer thread view as an option to help organize and streamline email conversations, but you can usually turn it off if it's not your preference.

New member

I tried EZ-rider's post of "Go to Settings-->General and scroll all the way down to the "Config Editor" button.  Put "threading" in the search bar and toggle all the settings to "false". It did not get rid of threading. I closed and re-opened TB, but still no help. I checked the Config Editor again, and the threading items still show FALSE.

Any other suggestions?

New member

You are right.  EZ-rider's solution did not work for me, either.


New member

Global turning on and off of threading

While I have no specific knowledge of the details of how the Thunderbird software is configured, it seems to me that it might be easy to have a checkbox option for Threaded or Not Threaded? That would probably save a lot of users considerable time trying to figure this out!

Making moves

Turning threads off in folders is tedious but works; however SEARCH function still shows all threading - please FIX this!!  Makes search almost useless - more like a 'where's waldo'.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Hi, I found a working setting

Set to 0 the setting:  mailnews.default_view_flags

0: New folders will default to Unthreaded.

0: New folders will default to Threaded.




New member

Every time I get a new email that COULD thread it does. I turn it off with VIEW--->Unthreaded for Inbox and it does it again next time anyway and I have to do it again. HATE it.

New member

avasant:  You need to follow the procedure described by irm on November 18 and in greater details by me on October 6.  That should solve the problem permanently.  I has for me and others who tried it.

New member

Found it, thank you!!