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New member
Status: New idea

With the last update, message threads got introduced. 

I can turn them off per folder, but I would like to turn the option off in its entirety. No message threads.

There is no option for that right now. Could you please add one? More users are struggling with this. 

Kind regards!

New member

I totally agree with the above ... why the heck make it by default 😕

Making moves

I have looked at the Addons available in regards to Threads but they do not address the fundamental issue of being able to manipulate Threading.
By this I mean you should be able to:
1. Select an email and make it a 'Root' Thread so that subsequent emails in response (be it sent as a reply or received as a response) will treat that email as the beginning of the Thread.
2. Select an email and move it to be threaded to any email with an earlier time stamp.  This could be an email already part of a Thread but it would be a 'branch' of that Thread. Screenshot attached.
3. Unthread an email from a Thread, so that it is a stand alone email, unthreaded and not a Root email, meaning subsequent responses will not be threaded to it.
4, Any other Thread manipulation you can think of, provided 'Threading' is selected as being operational.
Hopefully this would be a functionality in the upcoming release of 'Supernova'
I am going to put this post in the 'Ideas' area. 

New member

100% agree, a global threads on/off switch would be great please

New member

Threading as a default if a nightmare.  And unthreading, even a single folder, doesn't work for me.  Somebody had a really bad idea.

New member

I agree - threads are a source of considerable frustration. Two comments

- why is the option to view emails as threaded not in the View > Threads section?

- Why is there no option to remove the 'ignore thread' or 'watch thread' tags in the message context menu - I wasted so much time trying to do that, eventually finding I need to press 'W' (should have been obvious I suppose, but not to me). Once it's marked, there should really be a corresponding option to remove the mark.

Having recently been forced to start using Outlook, I remember why I chose Thunderbird - it's delightful for its simplicity and clean presentation. Please keep it that way, and don't be tempted towards an Outlookalike.

New member

I agree - this change was a nightmare. It took me over an hour to get back to having my emails as in the previous version.

New member

Please give us a way to opt out of ALL threading in one stroke.

New member

It is now nine months since I started this "thread", no pun intended.  Does anyone care that we need a way to opt out of threading view default.  Thunderbird is less and less user friendly these days.


New member

Threads are driving me mad too. I can't find emails I receive or send because they are not shown in any sensible order such as prefereably, chronical. Instead they are attached to messages I may have sent weeks ago in a Thread. At first I thought they maybe organised by Subject, but even if I change the subject or recipient when sending a message it still disappears into a Thread somewhere. I can't operate an email system that works this way. Some may like it, but Mozilla should have made it an optional feature and defintely should not have rolled it out without notice.

I have written to Mozilla several times about this but don't even get an acknowledgement.

If it's going to stay this way I'm afraid I will have to start looking for another email system. Any suggestions?

Strollin' around

Each time I create a folder, I have to unthread it and reverse the date order to get it as I want. I wish that I could set that folder creation preference once for all. And as threads has been forced into every folder, we also need a tool to unthread all folders.

New member

Eliminate Threads

I find that threads are the most annoying feature I have ever encountered. I have tried to eliminate them without success.

I want to be able to click on Date and see the most recent emails. With "threads", I cannot do that. Most recent emails are embedded somewhere below in a complex pattern of threaded, interconnected emails. I don't want that. I want to go back to simply having my most recent emails sorted by date and readily visible.

Please allow users to use threads or not use them. It is ridiculous. I will have to move to another email provider if Thunderbird doesn't change this or to allow users to easily eliminate threads.

Making moves

is there really NOTHING that can be done to get rid of this appalling "threads" function..? IF I WANT EMAILS IN DATE ORDER, I EXPECT THEM IN DATE ORDER - NOT ALL MUSHED UP IN "THREADS"...

I this unreasonable..?


Bob Bunker

New member

I find threads confusing. Can they be switched off?

Making moves

I too hate threads and I would love to have a universal switch so I don't have to deal with threads on a case-by-case basis

New member

I finally figured it out.  Go to Settings-->General and scroll all the way down to the "Config Editor" button.  Put "threading" in the search bar and toggle all the settings to "false"


I think that should do it.