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New member
Status: New idea

I don't know why this is not something you can, at the very least, configure via about:config. Sometimes I want to answer a message while I'm watching my video and ,without disabling always on top, I would need to:

Exit PnP, go to my messenger and answer, go back to video tab, either search the icon (sometimes disappears) or press the hotkey, possibly fullscreen it again and NOW I've answered my mess- wait, they replied!

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Making moves


New member

PiP - option for always on top

I think there should be an option for Picture in Picture for always on top. At the moment it is always on top and at some points I need the workspace on desktop. It would be great if there is an option to enable/disable always on top.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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New member

This is something I am also looking for. When I have multiple PiP windows open, it quite often happens that I'll open another application or a minimized window, and it's hidden and requires moving or closing the video(s) to reach them.

I tend to use the PiP window more for providing a clean and stripped down window for a video to play in, rarely am I using it on top of another application where I need the functionality of an "always on top" window.

Strollin' around

To add to this, I think Windows and some Linux users have workarounds, e.g. this AutoHotKey script:

macOS, however, doesn't seem to have any way for users to control the "always-on-topness" of a window, which means the PiP window is always on top no matter what. A button / keyboard shortcut / menu item (or as mentioned, at least an about:config) to disable always-on-top would be nice, as right now I don't think there's any way to disable it for macOS users.

New member

I would also like this feature, i always use the PIP as a window next to my browser, not on top of it, and jumping into another application you don't want the PIP to be on top

Making moves

Hoping this gets added ๐Ÿ‘

New member

Pop up this. Strongly agree and need that feature. For example I'm watching a video and meanwhile I need take notes or look for the dictionary.

New member

Please make this happen!

New member


It's a little thing but it's definitely annoying at times, would love to be able to configure this.