@Andre_Natal i think it's a great idea to add firefox-translations add-on to firefox android soon because of the inbuilt translation feature that is in development. July -> android nightly, August -> android beta, September -> android release. To give taste of firefox-translations before it becomes inbuilt. For nightly and beta people who don't use collection and for release people who don't have collection. More people will use it and they will be ready to use it when it becomes inbuilt. I don't know if it is ready to do this but if it can then do it to make firefox-translations great among mobile users.
Hello everyone. It was amazing to be the leader of this project for many years, but I'm stepping down from my role and will hand over to @Jon the questions about the future of this project from now. All the best to all of you!
This plugin is the must have for the Firefox especially when Firefox doesn't bave inbuilt translation. Don't bother to create your own just integrate Google translate plugin so that we can use see other langauge site.
@akhildabral firefox is getting in-built translation. On pc is it already available if you use nightly and on android it's sadly still in development and i don't know anything about ios but probably it will get it too. Firefox haves there own translation so why should they integrate a none firefox translation especially google translate is a bad idea. You know that firefox is for private and secure Internet and that's why they created firefox-translations because firefox-translations is a local translater and not with a cloud like google translate.
yes and no my employer blocks google translate for security and privacy reasons (sending the page data to google services for example can contravene confidentiality) but... i use firefox offline translation which works ok. it just needs to be on the phone too. these days its a basic function and firefox is way behind on the basics
For people who wanna know i tried some stuff and the only ones that worked for me are browser.translations.enable and browser.translations.autoTranslate when on true. I don't get any popup or message if i wanna translate or to which language. The only way to translate is to enable autotranslate that translates to your language that is set in firefox settings and english websites doesn't translate which some weird reason. and also text translation isn't available.
Wanna say that text translation is available if you type about:translations just like on desktop. Luckily you can shortcut the page so you don't need to type everytime about:translations or keep the the page open.