I'd really like the idea to forget multiple sites. At the moment you can just forget one at a time, it's usable but slower than forgeting multiple at once.
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As browsers with alternative engines are now allowed on iPhones & iPads due to the DMA in the European Union, I would like to request that a Firefox version with the Gecko engine be developed or released as soon as possible.
See also this feature request (not posted by me) on GitHub: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios/issues/19063
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Please integrate AI Chatbot functionality on Android like you do for the desktop.
Firefox Mobile
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This is just a small proposal for this very good calendar!
My first proposal starts from my difficulty to locate "today" visually in the week or month view. I have to click the "today" button, if I don't want first to remember the day to find it, because there is no difference between the visualization of a selected day and today. I didn't find adds on for fixing this. To be able to customize today's colors and style would be useful for a good overview of the week or month .
Other days. In an older version it was possible to customize clearly also all the weekends. Is it possible now?Furthermore, everyone has some special days, special parts of (some) days, etc. that it would be good to remember visually without the need to add special appointments/events that would interfere visually with the other events. It would be useful to have the capability to customize the highlighting of each day / part of the day for example through a background color.
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Trending idea
Submitted on
10:37 PM
Submitted by
10:37 PM
It would be great if there was a way to customize hotkeys. Here's how I see it: * Have a about:hotkeys panel, with all actions listed, and already mapped shortcuts shown. * Whether these should be modifiable or not is up to the dev community, ideally they'd be. * When clicking on a hotkey field, ideally, there would be a capturing hotkey feature, or, before this, an AHK like syntax to define hotkeys (not as complex, something like: CTRL+H means this and MAJ+ALT+END means that...)
* a restore to default button. * Done. It can't be done with an extension because some function can't be accessed by extensions (I'm actually looking for a way to send tab to other device while browsing with TST.). Anyway, I believe this should boost productivity in a number of ways. You guys are devs, you know keyboards are faster than mice. 😛
edit: Corrected the typos, it's been bugging me for months now😅
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Enable the ability to select multiple emails at once and move them to another folder. This essential feature improves organization and saves time, especially for users managing large inboxes. Currently, moving emails to a different folder is the only action missing from the multi-select options.
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Is it possible to have in my thunderbird for android phone an address book as in thunderbird for PC ? It would be nice to quit Google !
Thank you
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Submitted on
08:55 PM
Submitted by
08:55 PM
It would be great to be able to close vertical tabs when the side bar is collapsed. Currently, the only way to do that is to right click the tab icon and click close. If there could be an X on the tab after hovering for a moment to close the tab, that would be great!
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A recent Firefox Android update made it so that bookmarks and bookmark folders are now automatically sorted by date created (or used, perhaps?), most recent first. From what I can gather from this bugzilla report (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1928574), this was a deliberate design change. This change is extremely detrimental to the way I use bookmarks. I have hundreds of them, all neatly organized into folders and subfolders and ordered precisely how I want them. I absolutely do not want Firefox to arbitrarily override this ordering. Previously, when syncing bookmarks from the Desktop browser, Firefox Android preserved the ordering of bookmarks. It was possible to sort bookmarks as you liked in the Desktop browser, and this would carry over to mobile. The only way to restore this behavior at the moment is to access the Secret Settings menu and toggle off the Enable Compose Bookmarks flag. Please add an easily accessible (not buried in developer settings) option to disable this automatic sorting and restore the previous behavior. Instructions for disabling automatic sorting currently: Open settings. Tap on About Firefox Tap on the Firefox logo 5 times to enable developer settings. Back out to the main settings menu, scroll down to Secret Settings, and tap on that. Find the 'Enable Compose Bookmarks' toggle and turn it off.
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I would like to comment on a one-click installation, because it will make firefox easier to use plus it is a very good function which other browser have such as edge and chrome
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In development
Submitted on
06:59 AM
Submitted by
06:59 AM
I'd like to be able to keep the thunderbird settings, layouts, etc in sync across multiple systems (and ideally, mobile).
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As a user of an open-source email client receiving marketing emails, I want to be able to identify messages with expiration dates, especially those that have already expired, in order to effectively declutter my inbox and actively contribute to reducing the ecological impact associated with storing these expired messages. Problem and Context The “Email Expiration Date” project aims to reduce the environmental impact of commercial emails by facilitating the deletion of outdated messages. Currently, email clients lack integrated tools to effectively manage the deletion of emails sent by advertisers who have set an expiration date. Implementing this feature in email clients would provide users with effective cleanup tools based on email expiration dates. For more information about the project and the proposed standard, please refer to: “Email Expiration Date” project site: https://www.zerocarbon.email/ Internet standard draft published at the IETF: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mailmaint-expires/ User Benefits Integrating this feature would allow users to more easily clean up their inboxes by automatically deleting expired messages they are unlikely to read. With just one or two clicks, they could remove hundreds of unnecessary messages, improving email management efficiency and contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint associated with email storage (see Ressources section). Implementation Proposal We are considering several options for implementing this feature: Search Option: Add a search option to find all expired messages in an email inbox. Users can then simply delete the messages if they wish. Virtual Folder/Tab: Create a virtual folder (or tab) listing all expired emails, offering the user the option to delete them with a single click. Expired Message Alert: Display an alert whenever more than xx expired messages are present in the email inbox, offering the user the option to delete them with a single click. Automatic Deletion: Allow the email client to automatically delete expired emails from a given sender from a displayed email. In this case, it is essential to obtain the user’s explicit consent so that no emails are deleted without their authorization. Preference Center : Show the complete list of bulk email senders to the user. In this list, they can enable or disable automatic email deletion according to their preferences (and unsubscribe via List-Unsubscribe). What we propose not to do: Individual expiration notifications: It is not recommended to create individual alert messages for each expired message. In addition to generating too many alerts, some spammers (and marketers) could take advantage of this to generate notifications using expiration dates. Options and Settings To ensure this feature is flexible and respectful of user preferences, the following options should be available: The ability to prevent the email client from deleting emails from certain senders via a list of senders not to be deleted. An option to add a sender to this list from the email reading screen. The ability to disable cleanup tools based on expiration dates, although the feature should ideally be enabled by default for any new installation of the email client or after the update adding this feature. Challenges and Considerations It is crucial that this feature be discussed within the community to anticipate and address potential challenges. For example, measures must be taken to prevent the malicious use of expiration dates, such as dates set before the email is sent or just a few hours after sending. The user must always remain in control of deleting emails in their inbox. Priority Given the climate emergency and the importance of reducing the environmental impact of technology, we request that this feature be considered a high priority. Every technology must adapt to minimize its environmental impact. Usage and Adoption Currently, only a small number of mass emails have an expiration date. According to a study by Orange in France, as of May 2024, about 5% of emails have an expiration date (source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jonathanloriaux_orange-email-expiration-date-activity-7211730790152306689-AscM). This is mainly due to the difficulty of enforcing an evolution of an internet standard. Although mass senders are very interested in deploying expiration dates in their emails, few sending platforms allow the addition of SMTP “Expires:” headers, and no major Mailbox Provider has implemented the technology. Therefore, it is essential that the entire ecosystem (mass senders, mass email sending solutions, and email clients) advances to make this project a reality. Wireframes These wireframes are examples of what the functionality could look like in existing email clients. We will progressively add more examples. Search Field Virtual Folder/Tab Additional Comments Expiration dates in emails are mainly intended for mass emails. At this stage, it does not seem relevant to allow an email client user to set an expiration date for emails they send. Ressources The IETF Standard Draft : https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mailmaint-expires/ List of companies (Brands, ESPs, MBPs) supporting the project : https://www.zerocarbon.email/ Study on the carbon footprint of obsolete emails: https://splio.tech/carbon-footprint-of-decaying-emails-26b253aad4a7 List of email service providers implementations : https://www.zerocarbon.email/documentation/list-esps/
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Suggest that each user's browser create a file (for example, "Firefox Error.Log" ). And, then let user have option to automatically send this file to Mozilla Firefox website, for analysis and possibly fix errors.
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New idea
Submitted on
09:40 AM
Submitted by
09:40 AM
I have an email account and two possible email addreses (in the same account). Both addresses are addressed to this one account. Downloading the emails make all emails be stored up in the inbox folder. I used filters and subfolders to devide emails from the one address and the other one. Now, emails are devided correctly.
But I face another problem. Why isn't it possible to make the folder sending emails with another address than the normal inbox? We don't forget, I have two addresses, one inbox and one subfolder. I could imagine a check box in the server preferences to allow entering another from-email address for answering a mail being within this subfolder.
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Just as we all have been very useful for the function of editing the PDF files in Mozilla Firefox, it would be very useful to be able to have the ability to edit images. This can be useful when for example, when downloading an image and wanting to highlight an element of this, we can add lines, geometric shapes such as circles, squares, etc. (which can be chosen the thickness of these lines); We can select a part of the image both rectangular and circulate to be able to copy or delete it. Add texts to which they can freely choose typography, size or color. To be able to change aspects of the image, such as being able to rotate or cut it. Something similar to the PDF editor that we already have in Firefox or the options we have in Macos Preview but available in the browser, where we usually usually do a wide variety of tasks and take into account the following example: We have the image open, and on the other hand, in the sidebar a search. That image has fields where we must fill with words (such as some exercise of some school subject, for example). Then the part of filling these fields becomes a much simpler and more efficient task, since there would be no need to open an external image editor, but that that function was held in the browser. (Some of these functions could also be added to the section of the browser's captures, to have these functions of being able to make brands and edit text at the time of capturing a section of a web page). #images #png #jpg #jpeg #edit As an example of the aforementioned above, I attach an image in which the browser PDF editor toolbar is seen both.
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Firefox supports WebAuthn, but as far as I could tell only with hardware tokens. I could not find a word about Firefoxs support of Passkeys (like Apple announced recently) anywhere Personally I don't know why passkeys werent adopted much sooner, it seems such a long hanging fruit to just store the key in the FF password manager. I use FF to support a web where there is not only one option, like Chrome, but FF keeps falling behind and behind instead of being at the forefront. This should be a top priority.
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A less complex product will have less bugs. The core of Firefox should only be the needed functionality to browse the web. Additions that are built in like Pocket add additional code. I my idea is that Firefox should split Pocket out from the Firefox executable and have it as an pre-installed extension which can be disabled by users or even removed if they do not want to have have it in their installation.
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Please consider adding the Bitmoji extension for Firefox. I don't trust the third party extensions I've been able to find. I guess this requires coordinating with the Bitmoji folks. Thanks!
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