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New member
Status: New idea

This is just a small proposal for this very good calendar!

My first proposal starts from my difficulty to locate "today" visually in the week or month view. I have to click the "today" button, if I don't want first to remember the day to find it, because there is no difference between the visualization of a selected day and today. I didn't find adds on for fixing this. To be able to customize today's colors and style would be useful for a good overview of the week or month .

Other days. In an older version it was possible to customize clearly also all the weekends. Is it possible now?Furthermore, everyone has some special days, special parts of (some) days, etc. that it would be good to remember visually without the need to add special appointments/events that would interfere visually with the other events. It would be useful to have the capability to customize the highlighting of each day / part of the day for example through a background color.



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Status changed to: New idea
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