Showing ideas with label Thunderbird.
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New idea
Submitted on
04:38 AM
Submitted by
04:38 AM
I just created a new list in Thunderbird 115.9.0 (32-bit). I happened to click on the Thunderbird window behind the dialogue and the dialogue disappeared and I lost the work I had put into creating the list. I suggest that you sort this out so that the dialogue persists even if the user clicks back into the main window. It doesn't need to be modal, but it needs to continue to exist until the user dismisses it using OK or Cancel. I would consider this a bug, but someone may have actually designed it this way.
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New idea
Submitted on
06:32 AM
Submitted by
06:32 AM
Could someone please look at extending the category colour on the right hand end of an event in the Calendar to cover the whole event. If there are multiple events on one day and the scroll-bar appears, it completely covers the category colour.
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In my account receiving newsletters & news feeds, I want to suppress a lot of messages based on the subject or the body.
I have several dozens entries in an "any" rule with (for instance) "Subject" "contains" "x", "Subject" "contains" "y", ...
Opening the dialog box for this rule is extremely slow because of the number of entries and it's not easy to manage.
I'd love to have only one rule "Subject" "contains" "@file d:\data\filter1.txt" (or @file /home/me/filter1) and manage all keywords in a file (one per line) that I can easily sort, maybe automatically generated, etc. The rule itself would be much clearer as well.
The "@file" keyword is only an example obviously, but such a keyword would allow using all existing operators (so I could have one file for subject and one for body in the same rule).
Thanks for you support
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When i have more folders in a imap server or local i would like find the specific folder in a search bar in the view of all folders
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I can't see a way to easily add an email to a Calander event in the future.
So it would be great if I could Right Click on an email and create a follow-up Calander event in the future so I can action emails that may not need to be actioned for 2 or 3 weeks.
I can do it in google (personal) and Outlook (other job), but I keep Thunderbird for our family business and I can't find a way of doing it.
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Hello I think that the "Settings", "Reduce", "Lower level" and especially "Close" buttons should be on the same level (same line) as the menus (File, Edit, View...) and this level should be at the very top of the application. This is the standard for all Window applications. If I change the order of the zones, the "Close" button is no longer in its normal place. You can take Firefox as an example. Regards
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Thunderbird used to have an option to ask me before I send it in what format I want to send my message. Now, I have to remember to go into a multi-level menu to switch to or from text-only or text-and-html. Please bring back this UI option!
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I accidentally delete too many email messages. I would like to set a DO NOT DELETE flag for an email. Of course there needs to be a way of turning the setting off as well.
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since new update of thunderbird mail box it appears that searching mode is really unfriendly, could you please improve it or go back to previous concept for this part of the box?
It is really easier to find an email when searching mode is dedicated to one email address or a file and allows to find a name in senders list or a word in emails directly with a filter of concerned emails (a little bit like outlook).
Best regards
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On Linux, the UX for retrieving attachments has been degrading as PDFs became more handled directly in Thunderbird. An easy step to ease the transition from Thunderbird to our OS's apps would be to add a pop-up notification to open the file. Example in Mattermost chat (you can't see the "open" tooltip on hover):
What's more, there is only one way to save a PDF that is displayed as a Thunderbird tab, through a click on the top-right save button:
Ctrl+S does not work. No "Save..." action in the right-click menu. This is a hastle for power usage!
Anyway thanks for a great software. Cheers!
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Plain and simple pst import or alternatively msg import including multiple files in folders and subfolders 🙂
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Some Appointments are more important than others.
I would find it helpful, if there would be - for example - 3 or 5 importance levels to choose for appointments to set while typing in a new appointment. These levels should be shown in the popup alarm window as well, so that the most important appointments can be seen immediately.
Maybe the levels could be shown in colors from green over yellow to red (when 3 levels are active - or e.g. grey - green - yellow - orange - red if 5 levels are given). The standard level should always be the lowest (3 levels) or second lowest level (5 levels) to let new appointments been down- or upgraded.
Despite the fact that different calendars can have different colors themselves, the importence levels could be displayed in colors in a little box or as a colored line on the left side of the appointment in the calender overview.
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In the Thunderbird toolbar there is an option "Move to folder" (maybe it is called something else, but I don't have the English version of the app). Moving to recently used folders is tedious and requires more user attention when using the mouse. It would be nice if a few folders were listed in the main section directly under the submenu (see picture). This would save the user from clicking and unnecessary zig-zag mouse movements.
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Please implement an invisible tables option, because when I print an email with tables... it comes out visibly red and highlighted in the printout.
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Please return to the old procedure for emails to those sent. I can't tell when i am receiving reply, and it is causing me all kinds of grief.
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This week the spacing of message headers was reduced in Thunderbird. Header-window now very tiring and nervous for readers with some form of dislexia. Please reset to the old spacing or make the spacing adjustable.
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New idea
Submitted on
08:39 AM
Submitted by
08:39 AM
Current state:
If one adds a filter (eg: to delete a certain person's posts from appearing in Tbird usenet display), one currently has to "run" it on each usenet group to affect those posts.
Desired state:
Have a button that runs the filter on all usenet groups that the user is subscribed to.
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Sarebbe utile avere un pulsante simile a "vai a oggi" che mi porti ad una data precisa nel calendario di TB. Lo immagino come un pulsante che apra una tendina dove inserire una qualsiasi data (passata o futura) e che vada direttamente al giorno indicato. Idea semplice, ma molto utile (almeno per me). Grazie a chi vorrà sviluppare l'idea.
It would be helpful to have a button similar to "go to today" that takes me to a specific date in the TB calendar. I imagine it as a button that opens a drop-down menu where you can enter any date (past or future) and that goes directly to the indicated day. Simple idea, but very useful (at least for me). Thanks to those who want to develop the idea.
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