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New member
Status: New idea

I'm an Android user so I'm not sure what the situation is for IOS but, on Android at least, you can't change download location. This is really annoying as I have to constantly move files after downloading. Please fix this.

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New member

add choosing download path before downloading a file in firefox android

Making moves

Screenshot_20220728-023647.jpgA sorely missing basic browser function that is still absent from the mobile browser.

Making moves

PS: An inconvenient workaround would be to use an external download manager, sync or automatic move/transfer app.

New member

I want it too!

Strollin' around

Choose download directory (Firefox Android)

On Android, there is no option in the settings to change the download directory. I tried changing the about:config like mentioned for example here, but it does not work for me (I want to save the downloads to my SD-card). I also think it should be intuitive and implemented in the UI because it should be a common and important feature.

Moreover, I think it would be great to be able to change a setting so you are asked where you want your file to be stored to.

New member

Yes please!

New member

Why is this still not a feature? Its something so basic + important that it is strange that its not implemented ๐Ÿ˜ž


Strollin' around

It is must-have feature. Please, Mozilla, implement it...

Strollin' around

This is must-have feature. Mozilla, please implement this.

Strollin' around

Absolutely a must have feature

New member

It's 11th October 2023, and this is still an issue. Sad.

This seems to be a place where your suggesttions go to die.

New member

Came here just because of this, will have to revert back to Chrome on mobile which is really sad.
Changing the location in about:config does nothing, and my phone can't manage the main Downloads folder, rendering it useless as firefox won't allow me to change the location.

This has been an issue since 2014...almost 10 years. No wonder firefox sees less and less users

New member

I also don't understand why this isn't implemented yet. I can't work on my tablet like this...


New member

For anyone still working around this issue:

I've partially "solved" it by using Tasker to watch the Downloads-Folder

  • Profiles->Add->Event->File->File Modified->Point to Downloads Folder

And then copying/moving said files (in this case jpg)

  • Tasks->Add->"somename"->Add->Run Shell->"mv /storage/self/primary/Download/*.jpg /storage/self/primary/Actual\ Downloads/

Adjust the file/path to whatever you need