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Making moves
Status: New idea

Can we update Firefox search engine options to include Startpage? Other browsers already have this & would make it a lot easier to use on my phone.

New member

+1 to the Startpage, the most private search engine

New member

Yes please!

New member

I use Startpage every day

New member

made an account just to voice support - I primarily use Startpage

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New member

+1 add Startpage as a default search option. I've actually got a bit of a story:

Used Startpage as my default search on Windows for around a year before switching to Linux

Chromium based browsers (at least Vivaldi) doesn't support holding middle click to scroll pages, so I had to use an extension to make that work

The extension for some reason didn't work on Startpage so gave up and switched to Google

Made the switch to Firefox and now I have native middle click scrolling that works on Startpage

I think "finally, I can reunite with Startpage 😍" but then I see you can't use it as a default on FF!!

Please add, and support another long time hero of the fight for internet privacy by supporting Startpage as default search!

New member

yes, please do it, i think it is only fair as the userbase of startpage keeps expanding

New member

As a Firefox and Startpage user, that would be a great addition.

New member

Startpage is my preferred search engine. Please add it as a default!!

New member

I strongly support this idea. Searching for years with #Startpage in all my devices. Firefox is my trusted browser for a long time. The two: #Firefox & #Startpage are buddys in private use of the internet. #Startpage should be neative integrated in to Firefox Search engines list. Out of my fiew, it have to be the default.

New member

+ 1

New member

I'd really like to have Startpage included, been using them for years!

New member

Upvote! 🏁

New member

I've used Startpage continually since like '08. It's the cleanest and best for my uses. Please add it instead of making us download some extension.

New member

Although people committed to privacy can do this "by hand", it would certainly be an upgrade for those not willing to invest a little extra work. And also for those who are challenged a lot with setting IT things up.