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Making moves
Status: Delivered

It would be helpful to have a built in one click button that can be used to automatically report a website that isn't compatible with Firefox to Mozilla and/or Webcompat

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Thanks for the suggestion, @ADGrimes. We already do have an option to report site issues from directly inside Firefox - but only for pre-release versions.

If you're using Firefox on Desktop, and you're using the Nightly, Developer Edition, or Beta version, you can find a "Report site issue..." item in the Three-Bar-Menu > Help. Likewise, the Firefox for Android Beta and Nightly editions have the same feature, in the three-dots menu, as "Report Site Issue..."

The Web Compatibility team is relatively small, and we want to be able to look at every single report filed. This wouldn't be possible if we get flooded with a lot of reports. Additionally, the team is a bit limited in what languages we can handle, and the entire report flow is currently only available in English. Those two factors result in us not being comfortable enabling this feature in the Release versions, as the audience there is much larger and much more diverse.

We're always re-evaluating our approach and our processes, and there might be a future where this is enabled for everyone. For now, we don't have concrete plans for that, though. You are, of course, always welcome to manually report issues directly on!

Making moves

Hi @denschub,

Thanks for the update. It's understandable, but it's at least good that it's in pre release versions. I wasn't aware of that.

Thanks again!

Not applicable
Strollin' around

Help needs an item for listing a broken website that no longer works.

Ask the user the last time they remember it working; if they remember.

Collect statistics. Then you can realize when you implement a security policy change how many sites you are breaking besides doing many possible actions to handle such situations rather than simply ignore the problems you may not even realize you created!  At least it appears like you care even if you do nothing with the information. You must have the information before you can invent ways to use it.

I know people who left Firefox because you broke sites important to them which still worked in Chrome. I've had it happen to me but I keep coming back for some reason despite the many things to irritate power users who influence a large number of users. I single-handedly keep Firefox in the computer labs of a university and encourage students but some days I question why I bother...

New member

for the record, some websites i've visited recently that don't work as expected with firefox: (mostly blank screen) (only displays first picture of item in a list of pictures)


@yyplease report your issues with additional details via

Strollin' around

Add a quick way to report sites that does not work or have major performance issue

In Brave Browser, clicking on the "shield" on the right side of the location bar allows you to report a site that is not working well in the browser.

I think this is a simple yet useful function that Firefox needs. There are plenty of sites having issues in Firefox. Having a very quick way to report will increase the likelihood for frustrated users to report such sites/pages. The function can also send some basic background technical issues to help analysis.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@pmgying there's a similar idea here: Add a button to report websites that are not compatible with Firefox 

If this aligns with what you're asking for, we can merge the two threads (and total votes) together so the conversation stays focused in one space.

Just let me know ๐Ÿ™Œ

Strollin' around

Thanks Jon. Please go ahead and merge the 2 threads.

Familiar face

It is great

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

I'd recommend you subscribe to, but since it's closed and because of, I don't know whether this has been abandoned.


The tracking issue you linked to was from an old project back in 2021 - where we moved the existing reporter to a different place in the user interface. That reporter is still there; it's placed in the hamburger menu under "Help" -> "Report site issue...". Note that this functionality is currently only available to pre-release versions (Firefox Nightly and Beta).

However, in the context of this issue, I have some exciting news to share!

We're currently actively working on an entirely new reporting and report-handling mechanism, and the new reporter will be available to anyone, even Firefox Release users!

I can't share a precise timeline yet, but we're planning to roll out an experiment soon. I'll share an update here as soon as we've rolled this out to a broader audience.

Thanks for your patience and interest over time here. I appreciate y'all's willingness to report broken websites to us - and to us, knowing about broken websites is very important. So if we ship something to all Firefox users, we want to get this right, and it's taking quite a bit of effort to make sure a reporting feature matches our and your expectations.

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Great news...

This is being worked on โ€” check out @denschub's recent post in this thread for more details and stay tuned for more updates.

Thanks for sharing your feedback and ideas here on Mozilla Connect ๐Ÿ™Œ