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Why is the source code of JavaScript apps transmitted to the browser?

Making moves

Why is the source code of JavaScript apps transmitted to the browser where:

  1. It is much larger than an equivalent executable p-code, which increases the delivery time, and requires the browser to compile the code before interpreting it.
  2. It exposes proprietary information of the authors
  3. It is useless to anyone except the developers.  End users cannot use it for debugging.

The industry has standardized on many capabilities.  Why could it not standardize on a common virtual machine representation which could be either interpreted or run through a JIT compiler. We do not transmit Java, or C#, or WASM source to the browser, so why is JavaScript different?  What is the advantage to the Industry of continuing to transmit source as if it was still 1995?  Note that I wrote my first web site in 1992, including server code using the CGI interface on the original NCSC HTTPD.